On the way back, Mouri Kogoro read the newspaper seriously.

  "Really, there are so many cases. If this goes on, even if I have the famous detective Mouri Kogoro, I can't save the world."

  Li Mu Conan's mouth twitched, such narcissism is really rare.

  As far as the IQ of Maori Kogoro is, he still wants to save the world, and it is not bad if he does not hold back the world.

  "By the way, I remembered one thing. I heard from the police officer Mumu. It seems that someone is going to threaten Governor Asakura and take his life."

  "Governor Asakura?" Conan seemed to have thought of something, and said quickly, "Is that the one who built the Kitazawa Hydroelectric Power Station during his tenure as Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism?"

  "Yes, it is said that someone had a grudge against him and then wanted to take his life. I don't know if it is true or not."

  Mouri Kogoro said while reading the newspaper.

  Li Mu didn't speak, just drove the car.

  When passing through the tunnel, Li Mu suddenly saw a figure with something similar to a remote control in his hand.

  Li Mu hurriedly drove and turned around to look at the tunnel behind.

  I saw black plastic explosives installed on it, and at a glance, there were a lot of them.

  If these bombs explode, they will surely cause the tunnel to collapse. 210 Li Mu thought of what Mouri Kogoro said just now, and immediately figured it out.

  Someone is going to blow up this tunnel and kill that Governor Asakura by the way.

  After a closer look, there is not only the breath of the police officer Mumu, but also the breath of Miwako.

  Li Mu hurriedly picked up the phone and called Officer Mu Mu above.

  In the train above, Officer Miki and a group of police officers were protecting Governor Asakura when they heard the ringing of the mobile phone and quickly connected.

  "What? You said there was a bomb in the tunnel."

  bomb, bomb.

  The police also panicked.

  Miwako and Officer Takagi responded quickly and ran to the captain's room, knocked on the door hard, and took out their police ID.

  "There's a bomb, hurry up and stop."

  When the captain heard the bomb, he panicked and quickly pressed the emergency brake button.

  Although the speed of the tram was slow, it finally came to an emergency stop.

  The murderer in the tunnel didn't know that the tram had stopped, so he waited for a while, and after confirming that the time was almost there, he pressed the button.


  A huge explosion sounded, and the entire tunnel cracked directly, and then completely collapsed.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1411 Gratitude of Miwako (three more)

  rumbling rumbling...

  The explosion resounded through the sky, and no matter how strong the tunnel was built, the tunnel was still unbearable.

  Outside the tunnel, Li Mu stopped and looked at the flames behind him.

  "It looks like a lot of people died this time."

  "Damn, who is it, who is so crazy and blows up the entire tunnel, is this still a human-?"

  Mouri Kogoro's face was very ugly. If he hadn't just been lucky, he might have been buried alive in the middle.

  Xiaolan Conan also didn't look very good. The two of them were basically angels, so they were naturally very dissatisfied.

  Li Mu didn't say anything, just watched silently.

  After waiting like this for a long time, Li Mucai said, "Okay, let's go. The police will be here soon, so let's not get in the way."

  The others didn't say anything, just looked behind them and left.


  The next day, Maori Detective Agency, Officer Miki and Miwako arrived together.

  After all, Li Mu called him yesterday to tell him that there was a bomb. Naturally, they had to investigate clearly, such as whether they saw the murderer's appearance.

  Officer Mu Mu waited for Li Mu to arrive, and then quickly asked: "Mr. Li, you are here, can you tell me how you found out yesterday, and did you see the murderer's appearance."

  The others also looked at Li Mu, while Miwako was sitting on the sofa, holding a notebook in her hand to memorize things.

  "Yesterday's murderer?" Li Mu thought about it, it seemed that he didn't care too much yesterday.

  "Sorry, Officer Mumu, he was wearing a coat yesterday, I didn't see it."

  This is also because Li Mu didn't pay attention. Otherwise, Li Mu could sense his breath, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to catch the culprit?

  "Really? What a pity."

  Officer Mu Mu also had some headaches. Yesterday's big explosion attracted the attention of countless people.

  With so many dead, prominent figures from all walks of life are following the police.

  The pressure on the police officer Mumu is also very high.

  "Since you don't know, then I'll leave first. I still haven't investigated a lot about the explosion yesterday."

  Officer Megure and Miwako left together.

  However, Li Mu suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly followed behind Miwako and sat directly in Miwako's car.

  Miwako was also stunned for a moment and asked in confusion, "Li Mu, is there something wrong with you sitting in my car?"

  "Mikako, I just remembered, did the murderer seek revenge for Governor Asakura? So he installed explosives?"

  Although I don't know why Li Mu asked this, Miwako said with a serious expression: "Yes, we think so too, so we are investigating this matter, but there are no clues yet."

  "Is that so, but I have a little clue, but I don't know what reward you have for me?"

  Li Mu turned his head and turned his face to Miwako.

  Miwako's face was slightly red, and she still didn't know what Li Mu meant.

  However, thinking about the importance of this matter to him, Miwako secretly glanced around, and then tapped Li Mu's cheek.

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose and he waved.

  "Okay, Miwako, let's drive, we are discussing this on the road."

  Miwako didn't ask any further questions and drove away.

  The car was driving on the street, and Miwako asked, "Can you talk now? Do you have any ideas?"

  Li Mu put one hand on Miwako's professional skirt and leaned against the window on one side.

  "I remember that Governor Asakura was most famous for building the Kitazawa Hydroelectric Power Station, and I also heard that they were strongly opposed to it.

  You can investigate these people, and by the way, look at the past of these people, maybe you can find out something. "

  "This is indeed possible and should be the direction of an investigation."

  Miwako rubbed her chin while thinking.

  Li Mu's words can indeed be used as the basis for the police's investigation.

  "Cough, cough, Miwako, I think you should look at the road, otherwise you and I don't need to investigate at all, and we just go to the street."

  "Ah, sorry."

  Miwako also reacted and hurriedly controlled the steering wheel to leave here.

  At a corner, Miwako stopped the driveway: "Okay, Li Mu, your house is nearby, you go down first, I still have a lot of things to investigate today."

· · 0 flowers · ·

  "okay, I get it."

  Li Mu nodded, but did not leave Miwako. Instead, he leaned on Miwako and put his arms around Miwako.

  "Miwako, I not only helped you today, but also saved you yesterday, should you thank me well?"

  With an invisible blush on Miwako's cheeks, she glanced around, looking extremely shy.

  "Li... Li Mu, didn't I just pay you? Why do you still need it?"

  "Of course, it's different." Li Mu put a hand on Miwako's body and put it into the clothes.

  "Miwako, this is different. I saved you yesterday. Is that what you are? Shouldn't you thank me properly?"


  "This..." Miwako blushed, feeling the faint sound of Li Mu's breathing, her body was a little nervous and hot.

  "Then... Can you not be here? I... This is the main road. It would be bad if someone else found out."

  After finishing speaking, Miwako secretly glanced around, for fear that she would be in close contact with Li Mu and then be secretly photographed.

  Li Mu also let go of Miwako. After all, it was not a remote place in the middle of the day, and it was easy to be discovered.

  "Well then, I owe it today, when are you going to repay me?"

  Miwako glanced around, then lowered her head, and said delicately, "Then I will thank you for solving this case. At that time, you can do whatever you want."

  Li Mu's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly leaned on Miwako's side.

  "So, what posture and where, I can decide?"

  Miwako's face turned red, and her cheeks were flushed, like a budding flower, waiting for Li Mu to pick.

  Although she was shy, Miwako nodded and agreed: "Well, that's it, but I will refuse the excessive request."

  "Okay, then I'll go first."

  Li Mu tapped Miwako's cheek, then got out of the car and ran away.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!Ding.

Chapter 1412 The trip to the snow in Bei Ze (one more)

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