There is nothing to do with Xizi. After all, Li Mu really has something to do, and she can't force it.

  Li Mu tapped Yukiko's face again, and then left alone.

  When Li Mu came to the Metropolitan Police Department, Maori Kogoro had already made a note and left.

  However, the members of the juvenile detective team have not left yet, and they are talking to an old man.

  When Li Mu came over, the old man left.

  Li Mu didn't even look at the three little ghosts, and walked directly into the Metropolitan Police Department.

  Conan also came at this time, and then chatted with the juvenile detective team for a while, and also entered the Metropolitan Police Department.

  "Li Mu, you are here."

  Miwako saw Li Mu and hurried over.

  "Li Mu, it's great that you are here, then I'll make a note for you."

  "Officer Sato 047."

  Behind, the boy detective team stopped Miwako, and then handed a box to Miwako.

  "Officer Sato, this was handed over to us by one person, and let us pass it on to you."

  "Yes, they also said that this is fresh food. If you don't eat it earlier, it will be useless tomorrow or the day after."

  "Food? Let me see."

  Miwako took the email, opened it, and unexpectedly it wasn't food, but a tablet.

  Although curious, Miwako turned on the power.

  When the tablet computer turned on, Miwako's face froze instantly when she saw the picture inside.

  Li Mu also leaned over to take a look, and was stunned for a moment.

  The picture is not a movie, but a picture of Officer Takagi being tied up.

  "Li Mu, wait a minute, I'll notify Officer Mumu right away."

  Miwako didn't even care about taking notes, and ran away.

  Li Mu's head was full of black lines, and he said speechlessly: "It seems that I'm busy again today, and I'm going to have a good time."

  Conan glanced at Li Mu (caea), then followed Miwako without looking back.

  In the Metropolitan Police Department, in the office of Search Section [-], Officer Mumu and others all gathered here.

  Officer Mumu looked at Officer Takagi in the tablet computer, and said with an ugly face: "What is going on here, who is it, who dares to provoke our Metropolitan Police Department, and how is Officer Takagi now?"

  Li Mu stepped forward, looked at the tablet, touched his chin, and said, "Obviously, he was kidnapped. If he doesn't eat or drink, he will die if he is not found within three days. The kidnapper probably did it on purpose.

  What's the matter, such an obvious thing, can't you see it, Officer Mumu? "

  "Ah, this..." Officer Mumu smiled awkwardly, and then quickly said: "Okay, this kind of thing is not important, what should we do, how to find Officer Takagi."

  "Officer Mumu, we can disassemble this tablet computer and investigate the transmitter of this tablet computer by the way." Officer Shiratori said.

  Officer Shiratori is still very smart, but only compared to Officer Mumu.

  "It's impossible." Li Mu directly vetoed: "Since the murderer did this, what if he did something, once the tablet was disassembled, what if the video could not be released.

  As for the transmitter of the investigation tablet, in case the foreign broiler is used, you should at least ask the foreign police to conduct a thorough investigation, but after this, Officer Takagi is probably useless. "

  After all, this is not the same country, and it takes time to get another country to help.

  Maybe it's still a hostile country of the Neon Kingdom, and it will definitely give you a delay at that time, and then it's over.

  Officer Mu Mu had a dark face and looked unhappy.

  Although what Li Mu said was right, he was still very upset when he heard it.

  "Then, Mr. Li, what do you think, how should we investigate this matter, and where is Officer Takagi?"

  "Is this?" Li Mu thought for a while, then said, "First of all, we need to investigate the purpose of Officer Takagi, and what strange things have been done recently, and then we can find Officer Takagi."

  Outside, Manager Matsumoto walked in and directly instructed: "Everyone, immediately think about what happened to Officer Takagi recently, and you must investigate it carefully."


  Everyone immediately touched their chins and racked their brains to think.

  Li Mu walked over to Miwako, looked at the serious Miwako, and said softly, "Miwako, if I find Officer Takagi, should you promise me something."

  Miwako's face instantly turned red, and Meimu glanced at Li Mu.

  She still didn't know what Li Mu meant. As for Li Mu's request, it was estimated that she and Li Mu would do something shameful.

  But after a while, Miwako thought of what she should do now, and said quickly: "Then you can find it quickly, and then you will have whatever you want."

  Li Mu hurriedly stood beside the tablet computer, thinking seriously.

  "Right, I remembered."

  A policeman suddenly thought of something and said quickly, "I remember a few days ago, Officer Takagi came out of the file room and cried."

  "Crying?" Inspector Matsumoto didn't ask much, and directly ordered: "Immediately, immediately, send all the files that Takagi looked at."

  Perhaps because of Officer Takagi, the police were very fast, and they sent the three files over quickly.

  Li Mu and Conan took the lead, snatched the file, and watched it seriously.

  The other policemen didn't say much. After all, this time, Li Mu was the main force, and the others were the assistants.

  After Li Mu finished reading it, the others stepped up one after another and looked at the file seriously.

  After a while, Miwako suddenly looked at Li Mu and said, "Li Mu, how is it, do you have any clues?"

  Others also set their sights on Li Mu.

  If anyone can catch the murderer, then Li Mu is the most sure one.

  Li Mu racked his brains to think, and always felt that he seemed to have thought of something.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1421 Looking for Officer Takagi (one more)

  In the Metropolitan Police Department, everyone was thinking in the office of Search Section [-], wanting to know where Officer Takagi was being held.

  Suddenly, Li Mu thought of something and said quickly, "By the way, that one just now..."

  Li Mu hurriedly brought the information over, took a careful look at it, and immediately figured it out.

  "Officer Mumu, who is this Officer Ida?"

  "Officer Yida?" Although Officer Mumu didn't understand this, he still said: "Officer Yida was the former leader of Officer Takagi, but passed away today one year ago."

  "What's the matter, Li Mu, did you think of anything?" Miwako asked quickly.

  "Of course, you said, is that person looking for Officer Ida, it's just that Officer Takagi and Officer Ida have the same pronunciation.

  And this woman named Natalie, on her calendar, this is actually not a date, but Officer Ida. "

  As soon as Li Mu's words fell, the other policemen started to think.

  Although Li Mu's words seemed reasonable, Officer Mu Mu still said, "But, if that's the case, you shouldn't be mistaken."

  "Of course, what if Natalie told her family that her boyfriend was Constable Ida from the Metropolitan Police Department? Wouldn't it be easy-wrong."

  Li Mu is very confident. Although he has not found the murderer, he still believes in himself.

  Chief Matsumoto thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "I see, then, immediately investigate Natalie's family and friends."

  "Chief Matsumoto, the investigation has been completed. Natalie's parents have passed away. When Natalie died, they rushed over and accidentally got into a car accident." Police Officer Shiratori said.

  "Then who was the one who collected Natalie's body? Where is he now?"

  "Captain Matsumoto is said to be a teacher of Natalie's painting training class, but he left his post two months ago."

  Officer Shiratori is indeed a smarter person, and he has already investigated almost.

  Inspector Matsumoto also gave Officer Shiratori one more look, and then said, "If that's the case, then investigate that person immediately and arrest him immediately."

  Miwako immediately led the team and led others to look for the suspect.

  Li Muze, Conan and others were watching the tablet at the Metropolitan Police Department.

  I don't know how long it took, Miwako's phone was opened, but unfortunately it was bad news.

  The suspect actually committed suicide by taking poison, and Miwako did not ask police officer Takagi any news.

  Officer Mu Mu and the others helplessly touched their foreheads, and then set their eyes on Li Mu again.

  "Mr. Li, do you have any clues now? Where is Officer Takagi?"

  Now, Officer Mumu can only put his hope on Li Mu. As for the others, he doesn't really believe it.

  "This one……"

  "Officer Mumu, the camera is shaking, shouldn't it be an earthquake?"

  Officer Chiba suddenly shouted, and the others rushed over and stared at the screen carefully.

  Others hurried over and stared nervously at the screen of the tablet.

  If it weren't for the small amplitude of the vibration, it is estimated that Officer Takagi would fall directly and be strangled by the rope.

  While everyone was watching, suddenly, a crow appeared on the screen.

  Li Mu looked at the crow, his eyes lit up.

  "Officer Mumu, this should be Jackdaw, then Officer Takagi should be in Hokkaido, because in the entire Neon Country, Jackdaw only appeared there twice."

  "Really? Mr. Li?" Officer Mumu asked excitedly.

  "Indeed, it is."

  After receiving the exact news from Li Mu, Inspector Matsumoto nodded, then looked at the crowd and said, "Go ahead and focus on investigating buildings above four floors in Hokkaido. Of course, other places will also be investigated."

  Li Mu suddenly saw something again, pointed at the screen and said, "Enlarge this place for me."

  Officer Chiba didn't say a word, and immediately zoomed in on a part of the screen.

  Everyone leaned over and watched carefully.

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