The two of them were in a mess.

"Stop talking nonsense, Dov." Lynch said in a bad tone: "You'd better explain to me what's going on with that woman named Monet?"

"Monet? Fffffffffff~ So this woman is still alive?"

"To be honest with you, I sent her to infiltrate your side to perform a spy mission a few years ago."

"You can't blame me for this. Your hands are too long in the black market. Sooner or later, I will confront you one day."

Doflamingo, known as the "clown" in the underground world, is a real underground emperor who is good at both black and white.

Not only did he open the human auction house on the Sabaody Archipelago, he also engaged in arms business in the black market around the world.

It can be said bluntly that before Lynch appeared, if the pie of arms was divided into 100%, Doflamingo would have taken at least 70% by himself.

Even Kaido asked him to help sell the weapons he made, and the amount of Bailey he earned every year can only be described as huge.

But after the weapons of the West Sea flowed into the black market, Doflamingo's arms business was getting worse year by year.

There was no way, even the weapons that had been eliminated by the West Sea for several generations were enough to crush the weapons provided by Doflamingo.

Especially after unlocking steam technology and brass technology, many backward and useless equipment were thrown into the black market, but they were still in short supply.

How could Doflamingo not be angry when such a big business of arms was about to be snatched away by Lynch.

This was just arms. The materials of the West Sea were much stronger than Doflamingo's foundation.

Except for slaves, which the West Sea did not sell, there was nothing else that the West Sea did not have, which dealt a serious blow to Doflamingo's business.

There are only so many benefits in this world. If someone wants to get a piece of the pie, they have to cut a piece of meat from others.

Since ancient times, the market is like a battlefield.

Therefore, for a while, Dover dreamed of killing Lynch.

"Later, when I heard that you defeated the World Government, I changed my mind."

"I wanted to inform Monet to interrupt the plan, but unfortunately I couldn't contact her Den Den Mushi."

"We all have a common enemy. If we separate, we will both lose. If we unite, we will both benefit. Let's cooperate, Lynch!" Dover on the other end of the Den Den Mushi sounded a little excited.

His biggest dream is to kill Marijoa one day and trample those stupid Celestial Dragons under his feet, so that they can understand how stupid it was to abandon their family!

There is more hope to cooperate with the King of the West Sea and destroy the world ruled by the World Government.

"Haha, Dover, some things are done."

"There is a famous saying in our hometown. If explanations are useful, why do we need police?"

Doflamingo explained sincerely, but this could not make up for the mistakes he made.

This kind of explanation after sending out spies and being caught, what is the difference between this and delayed justice?

He didn't believe that if Monet really got some secrets, Doflamingo would not want it.

This is just being caught.

Moreover, he didn't believe Doflamingo, and he didn't lack Dover, a Shichibukai who couldn't even beat Luffy in fourth gear.

Luffy in fourth gear is now in front of him, and it's just a matter of one sword.

"Fufufu, don't rush to refuse, I don't think the great King of the West Sea is so magnanimous."

"Don't you want to hear what benefits you can get from cooperating with me?"

"Speak." Lynch was frugal with words.

Doflamingo lowered his voice and asked mysteriously: "Have you heard of artificial devil fruits?"

"As long as you cooperate with me and provide me with materials for making devil fruits, I can provide you with a steady supply of animal-type devil fruits!"

"Correspondingly, you only need to help me collect some supplies and provide me with protection at critical moments."

"It's a good deal, right?"

After Doflamingo finished speaking, he crossed his hands with a confident victory, crossed his legs and leaned back in the chair.

He didn't believe that anyone could refuse the temptation of artificial devil fruits, which was a treasure that even Kaido couldn't refuse.

"Dover, do you really think I don't know the shortcomings of artificial devil fruits? You should keep that rubbish and sell it to Kaido."

"Also, as the price for your offense this time, quickly send me five real devil fruits as compensation, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel."

"If you want to redeem Monet, add three more."


The Den Den Mushi hung up, and Doflamingo's smile on the other end froze on his face, and veins bulged on his temples


"Lin Qi!!!"

Damn it, the other party actually dared to reject his invitation from Tian Yasha, and he looked familiar with artificial devil fruits.

What's going on? Did Monet betray him? !

Impossible, Monet would never betray him.

"Master, are you okay?" Pica walked in after hearing the noise.

"Nothing." The moment Pica walked in, Doflamingo had calmed down his anger and said calmly: "Go prepare eight devil fruits and give them to the King of the West Sea, Lin Qi."

Doflamingo is worthy of being a generation of heroes. Although he wanted to kill Lin Qi, he chose to bleed and reconcile when he thought of the fierce record of many parties.

"Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west. Lin Qi, let's wait and see!"

Lin Qi over there was fearless against Doflamingo.

How dare someone who dares not to fart in front of Kaido to negotiate with him?

The only ones who can move him are Dressrosa and Dover himself.

It is a bit difficult to subdue him, not only because of his arrogance, but also because of Kaido's support behind him.

The plan to seize Dover can be put on the agenda.

As for artificial devil fruits, even dogs won't eat them.

Not only are they afraid of water, but they are only animal-type.

The effect is far worse than the original one, and sometimes they can't control their abilities, and the human-beast state also has serious defects.

Except for Kaido, a heavy fan of animal-type, only those who are blind will buy it.

Artificial devil fruits were first created by Vegapunk, but the other party soon discovered that they contained irreparable defects, and never made a second one.

It was six years later when the other party further improved the artificial devil fruit.

After returning, Lynch called the memory fruit ability user.

"Delete all of Monet's memories related to Doflamingo, is that okay?"

"It's a bit difficult. The other party has too many memories about Doflamingo. If all are deleted, it may damage her brain."

"Just do your best." Lynch patted the ability user on the shoulder.

"No! No! No! You can't do this! I don't want to forget the young master!!!" Hearing what Lynch was going to do to him, Mo Mai struggled violently in fear.

Lynch knocked Monet unconscious and signaled the ability user to do it.

The ability user stretched out his hand and pulled, and a string of memories was pulled out of Monet's head like a movie film.

After a while.

"My lord, I have fulfilled my mission!" The ability user collapsed to the ground with sweat all over his head.

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