The sword was slashed across the scabbard, and the Heart Crossing Demon Sword soared into the sky.


Whitebeard's Congyunqi and Lin Qi's Heart Crossing Demon Sword were still some distance apart, but they collided through the air, and black and red light flowed between the two swords.

This is the power of Tyrant.

At this time, Whitebeard was not as weak as he was four years later, with bottles hanging all over his body.

Therefore, even if the two tacitly avoided the Moby Dick under their feet, Marco and others were still hurt by the air waves generated by the Tyrant's confrontation.

Fortunately, the unconscious crew had a fence to help resist, otherwise they would have been blown into the sea.

"Oh my~ Captain Thatch, help me!"

Teach accidentally tripped over Tom's cat legs and was almost blown into the sea by the strong wind. Thatch quickly caught him.

"You, you are lazy all day and have no ambition, but how dare you be careless in the confrontation between two Four Emperors?"

Faced with Thatch's accusation, Teach smiled honestly, "It's not because of you, it's not because of you."

Whitebeard at his peak was the first among the Four Emperors.

Since the year on Rocks' ship, Kaido and Big Mom have always been in a state of being suppressed by him, even today.

"What a terrifying young man." Whitebeard rarely met a man who could fight with him, and his crescent-shaped beard was more curled than before.

"I am a remnant of the old times, and I cannot let the young devils of the later times look down on me."

"Don't! Dad, don't!"

Whitebeard ignored his sons' dissuasion, and his arms suddenly grew bigger, and the black lightning flashed wildly on the clouds.

"Hahahaha, come on and try it!" Lynch's second arm also pressed on the knife.

The Moby Dick under his feet made a creaking sound, and people were afraid that it would not hold on and would break in the next moment.

Fortunately, the Moby Dick was still strong and held on under the destruction of the two.

The sky, which was still cloudy a moment ago, suddenly had sunlight shining down, and everyone subconsciously raised their heads and exclaimed.


"The sky is cracked!"

"So strong, is this a fight between the Four Emperors!"

"It turns out that humans can be so strong!"

The sky, which was originally covered with dark clouds, was divided into two halves by the domineering aura that soared into the sky, with the fight between Lynch and Whitebeard as the dividing line.

A huge abyss spanning more than ten kilometers was formed in the middle, and a large number of dark clouds rolled and flew towards the inside.

Marco, Joz and others were still shocked by the strange phenomenon in the sky and could not calm down for a long time, and they were shocked and couldn't close their mouths.

Teach secretly glanced at the direction of Whitebeard and Lynch, and a trace of envy and ambition flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up and he returned to his previous simplicity.

"A real man should be like this!"

"He, Blackbeard Teach, will definitely get the status of these two in the future! He must achieve more than them!"

Whitebeard and Lynch suddenly stopped, and the two looked at each other and laughed.

"Ah la la la ~ The legendary King of the West Sea is worthy of his reputation. No wonder you defeated the bastards of the World Government."

Whitebeard stood Kurogiri on the deck with a "bang" and laughed in appreciation.

"The strongest man in the world is worthy of the title of the strongest." Lynch laughed.

As we all know, before every meeting between the Four Emperors, a test will be made, which is considered a "greeting gift".

Those who can accept the greeting gift mean that they are of the same level and can sit down and talk properly.

Those who cannot accept the greeting gift are miserable, like King Luffy.

Not only did Kaido knock out several teeth with a stick and fainted, but he also had to go to prison to move stones.

How can one word of misery describe it.

The scene after that was within Lynch's expectations.

Before he could say a few words to Whitebeard, a banquet suddenly started.

This is also an old tradition of pirates. When they are undecided, they will hold a banquet first.

When the stunned pirates got up, they found that there was a banquet and didn't ask how they fainted. They held a glass of wine in one hand and a chicken leg in the other, and sang loudly in a circle.

Pirates are sometimes quite magical.

Some fell asleep halfway through drinking, and ate while sleeping.

Some stood upside down with two chopsticks in their mouths.

Some played the piano, sang, and told dirty jokes.

If you know this is the Whitebeard Pirates, you might think this is some kind of circus.

"Hahahaha, Lin Qi, don't be polite. Take this as a circus.

You can just go home by yourself." Whitebeard picked up a can of fine wine, drank it and patted Lynch's shoulders.

"Brother Lynch, I'll give you a sea king chicken leg." Marco lifted a chicken leg bigger than a human and gave it to Lynch enthusiastically.

Lynch was not polite either, he opened his mouth and sucked, and a three-meter-long chicken leg instantly went into his stomach.

Marco was stunned, finally met someone who could eat more than Pizzachi.

"Come and taste the unique fine wine of my West Sea." Lynch grabbed the barrel he brought, poured himself a bowl, and then threw the rest of the barrel to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard grabbed it, and the barrel in Lynch's hand instantly became a wine glass in Whitebeard's hand.

"Gulululuha! Good wine! "Whitebeard drank in big gulps, and the fragrant wine slid down the corners of his mouth.

Drinking a barrel in one breath, it was as refreshing as drinking iced soda in the hot summer.

"Actually, since the time on Fishman Island, I have always wanted to have a drink with you, and today I finally found the opportunity."

"The last time we met, we were enemies."

"This time, I finally got rid of the running dogs of the World Government. If I meet you, I will invite you to have a drink no matter what. We will not leave until we are drunk." Whitebeard put down the barrel and recalled.

"That's right." Marco said indignantly: "Didn't we just rob a little bit of their heavenly gold? Why are you chasing us like a mad dog?"

"Giving them the money is nothing more than a luxury enjoyment. It's better to do something good to help us disaster victims."

Lin Qi knew that the disaster victims Marco was talking about were probably Whitebeard's hometown. Pirates are not philanthropists who will help people who have nothing to do with them.

"Haha, heroes think alike. "Lin Qi laughed.

Suddenly, he noticed Teach, who looked honest but actually had sly eyes, the future Blackbeard, and his eyes lit up.

[Ding! Trigger a new life choice.]

[Life choice 1: Accumulate 100 negative emotions from Blackbeard Teach. Reward: Life Fruit x 10.]

[Life choice 2: Kill Blackbeard in the cradle in advance. Reward: Supreme Sword•Golden Sharo.]

[Life choice 3: Shave Blackbeard bald. Reward: Let Blackbeard accidentally eat poison, and let Blackbeard's penis become 1CM.]

"Damn, is Blackbeard so valuable?"

Whitebeard failed to trigger the system's choice, but Blackbeard did. Awesome.

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