The old man was in trouble.

Lin Qi turned around and looked at Cha Tun with a little more impatience.

"This time, I'll just knock your head off. You can get up again if you have the guts."

Lin Qi raised his fist, and the Overlord Color quietly wrapped around it, and then covered it with a layer of Armed Color, and cherry blossoms floated in the air.

At the same time, Cha Tun raised his long sword ferociously like a dying beast.

This is probably his last chance to swing the long sword.

So he must exert all his strength and kill Lin Qi!

"Thinking Rabbit Breathing Method•Ninth Style•Thoughts Like a Spring!"

Injecting all the energy and spirit of the whole body into the long sword, Cha Tun seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant, and his muscles shrank like shrinking water. But the long sword erupted with terrifying power.

The scenes of his past experiences with Taotu flashed through Chatun's crazy mind.

In order to kill Lin Qi, he would not hesitate to spend all his life!

With the determination to die, Chatun swung the last sword of his life.


The fist and sword intersected, and the two figures collided and staggered.

Lin Qi stood there in good condition, and scarlet blood dripped from his fist.

On the ground, the light in Chatun's eyes was rapidly dissipating.

His skull was blown off and part of his brain was shattered. Especially the frontal lobe, which was completely shattered.

At the last moment of his life, Chatun wished to see Taotu once and hear from her: "Resurrection, my love!"

Chatun died.

Although his brain was still beating slightly, he was completely dead.

The first licker in the navy, Feiyangyang, died on Cake Island.


Akainu, who was climbing up from the abyss, just saw this scene and was furious.

The West Sea King, a mere admiral who was kicked out of the navy, dared to kill the admiral candidate! ?

At this moment, Akainu looked a bit miserable, as if he had been beaten by Whitebeard in the war at the top, with blood all over his head.

Akainu stared at Lynch with his eyes soaked in blood, without blinking, and his murderous gaze could not be stopped.

"Brother Akainu, long time no see, I knew you were not dead." Lynch squatted on the edge of the cliff with a bright smile, looking down at Akainu from above.

"It seems that your wife and daughter do not need me to raise them for the time being."

As soon as the voice fell, Lynch raised his foot like a demon and stomped hard on the edge of the cliff.

The earth was torn apart, and Akainu, who was climbing up the cliff, fell down again.

"Lynch!!!" Akainu's roar echoed in the abyss for a long time.

Suddenly, a lump of magma was thrown up by Akainu, and with the help of the connection of magma, Akainu returned to the ground.

Half of his body turned into magma, and fierce malice was brewing in Akainu's chest, "Hell Dog!"

The terrifying magma dog head reappeared, and Akainu seemed to have not suffered such a big loss for a long time.

Akainu, stained with blood, was a little hideous, and fought with Lynch again.

On the other side.

Garp was seriously injured in the battle with Big Mom. If he continued to fight, he might be dragged down by Big Mom. He had to leave the core of the battlefield to recover his strength.

The opponent's life-and-death fighting style was not something that ordinary people could bear.

Big Mom also suffered serious injuries. Several serious blunt blows caused irreparable injuries on her body.

The purple and black wounds and the sunken body made people wonder if the internal organs in the body were broken?

With disheveled hair, she looked more like a crazy woman than before.

Big Mom's body was stained with blood, and it was unclear whether it was her own or the enemy's.

Without Garp, Kizaru was not going to continue to fight with Big Mom. He wanted to give others a big gift!

"Kizaru! What are you doing?! Why don't you kill her for me!" Noticing Kizaru's actions, Satan Saint roared angrily.

He wanted to make sure Big Mom died here. What was Kizaru doing? He actually led Big Mom away? ? ?

From the beginning of the war to now, Satan Saint's body was covered with wounds, and the recovery speed of the mythical beast species was not as fast as before. The four spider legs that looked like spiders and crabs were still broken.

As opponents, the four dessert generals were even worse.

They all lowered their heads, judging the enemy's movements with their legs, and not looking at Satan Saint's eyes. It seems that they suffered a lot in this regard.

Katakuri can expel toxins because of the fruit, but there was a wound on his chest that was almost impossible to heal.

Snag lost one eye and one eye.

The arm was almost torn off the body, with only one-third of the flesh still attached to it.

Green-purple blood flowed from the corner of Smoothie's mouth. She had not had time to squeeze the latest venom out of her body.

The clothes were almost torn to pieces, but fortunately the three points and important parts were not broken. She looked like a bikini lady on the beach.

It seems that Satan Saint is also an LSP.

Cracker is the only one who does not seem to have suffered any injuries on the surface.

As a summoner, all you need to do is stand in the distance and summon a large number of indestructible biscuit soldiers.

His face was pale, as if he had encountered something bad.

Kizaru just glanced at Satan Saint and ignored him.

In his opinion, Satan Saint had been sitting in the holy land of Mary Jo for too long and had lost control of the battlefield situation.

Letting Satan Saint command the battlefield is simply a nightmare.

Lynch once said that there is an old saying in his hometown.

Kizaru muttered in broken Chinese: "He who knows the current situation is a hero."

Under the current situation, the best solution is obviously not to fight with Big Mom.

Even if Big Mom is killed, he and Garp are likely to be killed.

Kizaru said that he could not accept the death of any high-ranking navy officer except Akainu.

The most cost-effective method at present is to attract Big Mom to attack other pirates and let them fight each other!

"Good you Kizaru, I even proposed to give you a salary increase!"

"You yellow electric rat, wretched Pikachu, I will definitely deduct all your salary when I become the admiral!"

Looking at Kizaru using himself as bait to attract the crazy Big Mom to run towards him, Lin Qi's eyebrows jumped.

Not to mention him, the crazy Big Mom, even his own mother, will be beaten.

No one wants to face a desperate Four Emperors, and he has Akainu in front of him, and Kizaru is also coming for him.

Facing one of the Four Emperors and two generals at the same time, let alone Lynch, even if Lord Im came, it would be difficult.

"Hahahaha, Lynch, Lynch, you have come to this day!"

Lynch wanted to leave, but was entangled by Akainu.

"Yo~ Sorry Lynch, we can only guarantee our victory by defeating you first."

Kizaru's wretched face seemed to be condemned by his conscience, "Don't worry, I will burn you every year after you die."

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