The hot vision disappeared, and two wisps of white smoke floated out of Tom's eyes.

Looking at Satan Saint in the depths of the earth, only half of the body of the dozens of meters tall bull ghost was left.

The invincible fantasy beast species met its opponent for the first time today.

Satan Saint was seriously injured and fainted, and his body size was also shrinking rapidly.

From the original height of dozens of meters, it recovered to the size of a normal person.

Although the originally serious injuries were recovered due to the reduction in body size.

But one hand and one foot of Satan Saint, as well as half of his chest, disappeared permanently.

"Satan Saint!"

"Lord Satan Saint!"

Seeing that Satan Saint couldn't even resist Tom Cat's attack, everyone present was in a bad mood.

Yellow Monkey, Akainu, Garp, and a group of vice admirals, their pupils shrank.

Saint Satan, the toughest among them, was defeated by Tom Cat in one move, so what about them who are not as good as Saint Satan?


"Retreat quickly!"

"Remember to bring Saint Satan with you, I think we can still save him!"

"And Chaton! We have to bury his body in the Navy Headquarters anyway."

Without any hesitation, the people of the World Government and the Navy all retreated.

With Tom Cat, it is a pipe dream for them to capture Cake Island.

This cat is so terrifying!

Even if Tom Cat is not there, Saint Satan has already fainted.

When Big Mom wakes up and joins forces with Kaido, they may all die here.

In a very short time, all the enemies on Cake Island disappeared, leaving only a large number of CP corpses.

Katakuri and others couldn't catch up, and after chasing for two steps without catching up, they decided to stay to protect their mother.

Rather than retreating, it would be better to say that they were running for their lives.

They were afraid that if they were one step late, Tom Cat would stay behind forever.

Tom Cat wanted to chase, but unfortunately the three Superman Tom experience cards had been used up. He could only rely on the steel body that had not yet dissipated to defend, but could not attack.

Lynch glanced at Kaido who was having a great time fighting with Big Mom, and resolutely gave up the idea of ​​being the first bird.

The external chaos was resolved, and there seemed to be a big threat waiting for Lynch to solve.

"Ololo~ Lingling, why don't you wake up for me!"

Kaido was like playing whack-a-mole, hitting Big Mom's head with a mace again and again. Looking at the smile on his mouth, he seemed to like doing this?

Big Mom was suffering from bulimia. Except for Lynch, Kaido was the only one who could control her.

"Kaido, you just need to hold Mom back, hit her gently!" Seeing Kaido's violent means, Katakuri's heart twitched.

If he hadn't known that Kaido was helping Big Mom, Katakuri couldn't help but want to take his brothers and sisters to attack Kaido.

"After Mom's bulimia attacks, she can only recover by eating the food she wants."

Smoothie's pretty face showed a trace of bitterness, "But you have also seen the current situation of Cake Island, how can you make the food that Mom likes."

The food used for the tea party was destroyed in the battle just now.

Katakuri was also worried, but when he noticed the superman Tom next to him, he seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Katakuri came to Tom and lit a cigar for Tom himself, "Brother Cat, do you have a way?"

Tom Cat's strength left a deep impression on everyone present, as if it could do everything.

After looking at Katakuri for a few times, Tom Cat took the cigar from him, as if to say: You have good vision, and Master Cat is very satisfied.

Taking a deep puff of the cigar, he exhaled the smoke, and a line of big words formed in the air: [I can give it a try. ]

"Can it be done this way?" As an old smoker, Owen was stunned.

From that day on, Owen has been committed to blowing out words with cigars like Tom, but unfortunately he did not succeed once.

I saw Tom Cat floating in the air, taking out bottles and jars from his tail hair.

Seeing the number of jars taken out increase from one to one hundred, everyone present was stunned.

"No, is there a warehouse in your tail hair? How can you take out so many things!"

Brulee and Cracker were still in shock, but Garrett had already gotten used to it.

It seems that any scene is not a surprise for Tom Cat.

Have you ever seen a cat that can step on its right foot with its left foot to go to the sky?

Have you ever seen a cat that can play the piano?

Have you ever seen a cat that can turn into six

A cat that cleans with only one hand?

Coincidentally, Garrett has seen all of these.

Tom first took out a large jar and added milk, honey, and oats into it.

From this point of view, the things taken out were normal.

But the things taken out next made Katakuri's face more and more strange.

A mysterious potion that would explode if it was dropped, a bunch of black balls, white particles like gravel...

I don't know how many small ingredients Tom added to this jar of "milk".

After Tom stirred it with a half-meter-long metal spoon, the spoon had been corroded when he took it out.

Looking at a jar of green and bubbling mysterious drink, Katakuri frowned, "This... can really cure my mother's food addiction?"

Even though Tom patted his chest to guarantee it, Katakuri still didn't believe it.

What if this pot of green "milk" poisoned my mother again?

A big hand suddenly stretched out from the side, and Lynch patted Katakuri on the shoulder, "Try it, how do you know if you don't try?"

"With your mother's strong physique, are you afraid of poisoning her?"

Katakuri thought about it, and it seemed to be the case. He picked up a jar of "milk" and walked towards the aunt.

Just approaching the aunt within 50 meters, the aunt's nose twitched as if she smelled something, and the desire to kill in her heart disappeared completely.

Regardless of Kaido, the aunt ran to Katakuri, pushed away Katakuri who was in the way, and lay down beside the jar, greedily drinking the liquid in big gulps.


The last time Lynch saw such a scene was in the pigpen of his grandmother's house.

I vaguely remember that it was a pink piglet...

When the aunt drank half of it, she had regained consciousness, but she still didn't raise her head, and greedily drank the "milk" inside.

After drinking it all, she still didn't want to let go of the milk in the corners, and licked it clean with her tongue.

"Ha! It tastes good! This is the best thing I have ever tasted in my life!"

Pulling her head out of the jar and tasting the unprecedented food, the aunt was in a good mood.

"Who made it? Stand up and you will be rewarded!"

"Mom, it was Mr. Tom who made... soup." Katakuri's big eyes were even more puzzled.

That thing that could barely be called soup really saved my mother from her bulimia and got her praise?

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