The girl was so angry that she was lying on the ground.

Lin Qi and Tom looked at each other, and Tom understood immediately.

He took out a makeup box from his tail hair and transformed into six arms to touch up Lin Qi's makeup.

Three seconds later, the shipwreck version of Lin Qi and the beggar version of Tom were officially launched.

"Ahem..." Lin Qi deliberately coughed a few times to attract the girl's attention.

Hearing the sound, the girl stopped crying, and then saw a man who looked even worse than herself.

He was pale and thin, and he staggered when he walked, as if he would fall at any time.

In comparison, the kitten next to him looked a little miserable, but the bulging belly showed that he usually ate well.

"Human? Cat!" Seeing a man and a cat, the girl wiped her tears, a bright smile on her face, curiosity in her big eyes.

It seemed as if the unpleasantness just now had never happened.

She had never been out of Elbaf, but she had heard of the human race.

It was said that it was a race that was not as strong as the giants in terms of height and strength.

Their height was the same as hers, short, like the man in front of her.

Facing the girl's shining eyes, Lynch swayed a few times and fell down as if he was exhausted.

Tom saw his master's movements and imitated them. He kicked his legs and fell to the ground, and his tongue naturally drooped down.

"Ah! Human! Cat!"

The girl trotted over, carefully checked, and helped Lynch sit down next to the cabin.

"I've heard from the villagers that people who have suffered shipwrecks often drift to Elbaf. This is the first time I've seen one."

"You must be starving. Wait a minute. I have something delicious."

"Hehe. I almost forgot. You are unconscious and can't hear me."

The girl seemed a little stupid, and seemed very excited to have someone to talk to.

Although Lynch pretended to be unconscious, the girl kept talking to herself, chattering like a happy little squirrel.

After a while, the temperature around her rose, and the girl lit a fire. I don't know what she put on the fire to roast.

"Oh! I forgot about the cat!"

The girl suddenly remembered something and ran over. She was relieved to find that Tom was not taken away by the beast.

"Cat, your fur is so smooth~" The girl squatted down and stroked the cat carefully, "I wish I had a kitten of my own."

"Cat, let me tell you a secret." The girl suddenly whispered in Tom's ear, who was pretending to be unconscious,

"You really should lose weight. Look at your little belly. The big tigers in the jungle like kittens like you the most."

Tom: "..."

'You're polite to say that someone is fat right away? I'm asking you if you're polite? ! '

Lin Qi's eyelids twitched as the boiling hot soup was poured into his mouth.

Fortunately, he was not afraid of heat. If it were an ordinary person, he would be scalded to death.

The girl put pieces of food that looked like potatoes into Lin Qi's mouth.

Lin Qi used his observation Haki to feel it. Okay, it was boiled potatoes.

The girl really had never taken care of anyone. Lin Qi couldn't hold it anymore. He stuffed pieces of potatoes into his mouth, fearing that he would choke to death if he put more in.

"Ah, human, you're awake."

"Did you save me? Thank you. My name is Lynch."

"My name is Hill. These are potatoes. They're delicious. Eat them quickly." Hill stuffed the tin box of potatoes into Lynch's hands.

"I eat potatoes. What about you?"

Lynch glanced around. The three potatoes in the tin box were the only food for the girl.

"I'm not hungry." Hill had just finished speaking when she smelled the aroma of potatoes and her stomach rumbled.

She went out early in the morning, rushed to the Giant Village and was knocked unconscious. When she came back, she hadn't eaten for a day.

"I, I'm not hungry, really."

"Let's eat together." Lynch put the box of potatoes between the two of them.

"Then I won't be polite. Ah~"

Pick up a steaming potato, take a bite, the mellow aroma spreads in the mouth, Hill squinted happily.

'This girl, a potato tastes so delicious. ’

‘If I take out the charcoal grilled lobster, cheese shrimp balls, and bamboo rice from the storage space, wouldn’t you be so greedy? ’

The three potatoes were quickly eaten up by the two of them.

Surrounding the warm fire, Lin Qi took the initiative to start a conversation, "You live here, so are you a giant? Why are you different from other giants?"

The girl said "hmm" and used a branch to poke the fire, "Have you heard of Ebola?"


Abbott disease?"

"It is a disease unique to the giants. It was rare a few hundred years ago, but it has become more and more common in recent years. Almost one in every 50 children born will suffer from Abbott disease."

"Children with Abbott disease hardly live for more than a week, and even when they grow up, their body size will be significantly different from that of the giants."

"I am the only one in the village who survived Abbott disease. People don't seem to like me."

"But I am going to die too. People with Abbott disease can only live to 18 years old at most. My 18th birthday is in another week."

When Hill spoke, his face was always filled with a happy and bright smile, as if the person who was dying was not her.

Lin Qi couldn't understand this girl, "You are obviously going to die and being driven out of the village by the giants, why are you still so happy?"

"Because my life is short, of course I have to live well."

"My mother once said that everyone likes my smile. "

The cold wind blew from the seaside, and Hill suddenly shivered. He felt that the fire was not that warm, and leaned towards Lynch, "Can I lean on you?"

With Lynch's permission, Hill leaned on Lynch's shoulder, picked up Tom Cat and put it on his legs, and closed his eyes contentedly.

'Mom, Xiaoxi has a friend too.'

"You are going to die, do you have any wishes? I think I can satisfy you." Lynch said.

"Wishes? I want to pay homage to my parents' graves."

"If possible, I want to leave Elbaf at the last moment of my life. I haven't seen the outside world yet. I think it must be wonderful~"

"I will help you. The outside world is very wonderful."

Halfway through his words, Lynch found that the tired girl had fallen asleep leaning on his shoulder.

"Tom. "

Tom took out a blanket from his tail hair and covered the girl.

In order to let the girl sleep well, Lynch was willing to let the giants have one more peaceful night.

If people who knew Lynch saw this scene, they would be shocked.

Especially those from the World Government.

The World Government has labeled Lynch as a devil, a villain, a cruel enemy, and an unforgivable tyrant.

Such a person would be willing to keep vigil for a girl who was about to die when he just met her.

"Go to sleep, I'm here, no one can bully you."

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