The ground was covered with dirt, and the trees were covered with dirt.

"Let's go, take us to the mass grave."


The environment of the mass grave is completely different from that of the Valley of Heroes. It has been shrouded in shadows for many years, and is filled with the stench of decay. Crows are constantly circling in the air.

"Tell me, where did you throw the grave?"

"No, if I remember correctly, it should be here." The giant said tremblingly.

Lin Qi and Hill looked at each other, "Let's look for it."

After peeling away the weeds on the ground, two wooden signs that were almost corroded came into view, and the names on them could be vaguely seen. Under the wooden signs was a small mound of half a meter high.

Compared with the luxurious graves in the Valley of Heroes, they are simply two extremes.

"Dad! Mom! Xiaoxi is here to see you!"

Even after so many years, Hill still recognized his parents' graves and lay on them crying loudly.

With a sigh, without disturbing the other party, Lynch pulled the giant to the side silently, leaving the moment of reuniting with his family to the little girl.

After a while, Hill came out with red and swollen eyes, and his shoulders twitched from time to time, which made people feel distressed.

"Have you finished reading?" Lynch turned back.

"Yes, I have finished reading, thank you." Hill grabbed Lynch's hand, put it on his forehead, and smiled: "Even if I die now, I have no regrets."

"Ouch~ It hurts." Hill cried out while covering his forehead.

It turned out that Lynch stretched out his finger and flicked it.

"You are so young, don't talk about death all the time."

"Didn't you say you wanted to go out and see the outside world? I'll take you to see it when I'm done with my business."

"Also, I'll help you move your parents' graves and find a good place to rebury them."

The gentle words rang in his ears. Hill looked at Lynch's profile and was stunned unconsciously.

No wonder he was so unlucky before.

Meeting Lynch before he died, probably used up all his luck...

"I like you the most." Hill suddenly hugged Lynch and leaned his head on him, "Thank you, thank you."

Back in the Giant Village, a giant dressed as a scholar was waiting here early and stopped Lynch and others.

He was obviously a giant, but he wore a long robe and a pair of glasses, and he looked nearsighted?

"Humans from afar, our king invites you." The giant looked down at Lynch, and the arrogance was almost written on his face.

"Doesn't he know who I am?" Lynch sneered, "Tell him to come and see me."

"That's not up to you." Dorna looked at a dead man, "If you don't accept my toast, you'll have to drink a forfeit."

"Come on, catch him and send him to the king for punishment."

Dornna, who was proud of his status as a "cultured man", was unwilling to fight Lynch, and retreated with his scepter. Several giants armed to the teeth came out of the house where they were hiding and surrounded Lynch.

"Human, surrender, you can still live a little longer."

"Little bug, dare to provoke our great giants, today is your death!"

Five giants wearing fine iron armor and holding big swords surrounded Lynch in the middle, murderous.

They are both elders of the giants and members of the king's guard.

The five giants in front of them are the strongest of the giants except the giant king.

Everyone has the real strength of a lieutenant general of the headquarters, which is not comparable to those fake giants.

This is the foundation of the giants' claim to be the "strongest country" and "strongest tribe".

"Those who are not afraid of death, just come together."

Lin Qi's body suddenly swelled to nine meters tall, almost as tall as the giants, and dragon scales emerged from his body.

He opened his big hand with spikes, and electric particles danced on his fingertips. Iron sand was absorbed from the depths of the earth and formed a mace in his hand.

The giants looked at Lin Qi in surprise.

'Is the giant in front of me really a human? '

'How can someone grow bigger or smaller? Is this also the ability of the devil fruit? '

"Thunderous gossip!"

While they were still immersed in shock, Lin Qi took the lead. The mace was wrapped in lightning and turned into a flash of lightning in the air, accurately hitting the giant's head.


Thunder exploded, teeth flew, and a giant elder flew out in an instant and fell to the ground motionless.

Teacher Kai's Thunder Bagua is always useful no matter how many times he uses it.

When I have the chance, I must learn the remaining moves of Kaido's stick technique.

"Despicable human, you actually sneak attack!"

Seeing his disabled companion,

The remaining four giants secretly raised their guard.

In any case, a guy who could make a giant elder lose his resistance with one blow was worthy of their serious treatment.

The giants of Elbaf had the blood of warriors flowing in their veins.



The four giant elders cooperated in pairs and released the combined version of Baguo. The powerful shock wave almost covered the nearby thousands of meters.

The power was terrifying, ten times that of the last giant who used "Baguo".

In the small garden, the blue ghost and the red ghost once used this trick together to kill an island-eating beast whose size did not belong to the island.

The majestic shock wave was like a roaring wind dragon, sweeping the earth into ruins.

"Hahahaha, you five beat me one, and you have the nerve to say that I am despicable."

The "Baguo" used by the four giant elders in combination could not shake the half-beast Lynch.

The giants noticed the hundred-ton boulder that disappeared under the shock wave, and then noticed that Lynch was intact, and they were all sick.

What is this human body made of? ?

Lynch approached the giants step by step, facing the shock wave, and swung a stick.

"Thunderous Bagua!"

The thunder dragon roared, shocking the world, and the mace shining with blue arcs became bigger and bigger in the giants' vision.


Another giant elder was knocked unconscious.

So far, in less than half a minute, two giant elders have fallen.

"Come on Lynch! Defeat them!"

Hill cheered for Lynch, but halfway through his words, he suddenly remembered that he was also a giant.

Covering his mouth with his hands, Hill glanced around like a guilty thief, "No one should hear what I said, right?"

"No matter what, come on, Lynch!"

"Strong human, your strength is recognized by us."

"But if you want to hurt the giants, you must step over our bodies first!"

Two giants fell one after another, and the remaining three giants became more and more courageous.

The warriors of the giants will never be afraid!

They formed a triangular battle formation, waving the armed swords in their hands and killing Lynch.

The air produced an unpleasant and harsh sound under the waving of the sword.

"Thunder Bagua."

The only response to the giants was the indestructible and invincible figure and the thunder Bagua wrapped in lightning!

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