The more he fought, the more he fought.

"Damn it!"

Since Lynch entered the half-beast transformation, Loki's offensive posture was suppressed.

Every punch of Lynch was so powerful that it took a long time for the pain to dissipate after hitting the arm.

Under this force, Loki began to retreat step by step.

It was not that he wanted to retreat, but he was beaten back.

Even if he stuck his legs into the ground, it would be useless.

Five meters... Ten meters... Fifteen meters...

Loki kept retreating, and his legs left two trenches several meters deep on the ground.

"Thunder Fist!"

Loki was just strong, without any attribute blessing. After Lynch's fist was wrapped with lightning, Loki once again fought with Lynch.


The hand bones were twisted, and the pain made Loki reveal a momentary flaw, and he was knocked out by a punch.

He was like a sack that was blown away. He barely stopped after knocking down several walls in a row. The whole person became dusty and extremely embarrassed.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! You forced me to do this!"

In terms of the strength that he was proud of, being defeated by another person was something Loki could not accept.

He was hit hard in his heart.

In terms of strength, he is the strongest!

For this young and vigorous giant king, his arrogant spirit does not allow himself to fail.

Loki reluctantly straightened the broken hand bones, and frantically tapped the major acupuncture points around his body with both hands, as if releasing something.

Lynch was about to get close, but retreated at a high speed.


Loki couldn't bear the pain in his muscles and screamed loudly.

At the same time, his muscles were rapidly multiplying and expanding like a meat mountain.

Anything touched by the meat mountain would be rolled into the muscles and crushed into pieces.

Stools, chairs, stones.

The wriggling meat mountain was like a terrifying carnivore, and nothing could escape its sharp teeth.

In a moment, the meat mountain, which was wriggling like a sticky wave, filled the entire palace, and only a huge meat ball was wriggling within a few hundred meters.

"What the hell is this, so disgusting." Lynch felt nauseous.

Tom took a puff of his cigar, exhaled the smoke, and formed a line of big words in the air: [A bit like Tom's cousin. ]

"Brother..." Hill called softly with heartache.

Suddenly, the muscles in the room began to shrink, gradually shrinking, and finally restored to the appearance of Loki.

It's just that Loki, who was only 20 meters tall, has become 35 meters tall.

And the muscles all over his body have become bigger and are still shaking constantly.

The tendons seemed to have been injected with hormones and filled, with veins exposed and swelling as if they would explode at any time.

Schwarzenegger was only a younger brother in front of Loki at this time.

The only thing that did not change was Loki's head.

The head and the body were extremely inconsistent, as if a child's head was pressed on the body of a muscular man.

The bulging flesh on both sides of the shoulders wrapped up the head, leaving only the eyes, nose and mouth exposed.

"So ugly." This was Lynch's first reaction, "The more I look at it, the uglier it gets."

"I am a superhuman muscle fruit ability user."

"Watch out, I will use this muscle to beat you to death!"

With his hands on the ground and his legs suddenly exerting force, Loki rushed out like a beast.

The force was mutual, and a large pit of several dozen meters was blown up on the spot, and the palace, which was already overwhelmed, collapsed completely.

Loki turned into a high-speed rotating bullet and hit Lynch with his muscles as a weapon.

"I think your brain is all muscle."

"Six Styles • Paper Painting!"

Lin Qi's body suddenly became as light as paper. Loki was unable to bear the force and flew past him, crashing into another mountain in the distance.


Another large mountain was knocked down by Loki.

Once upon a time, Garp practiced boxing and flattened eight mountains, and now Loki knocked down a mountain with his head.

"King of the West Sea!!!" Loki on the other side of the mountain roared, and the echo reverberated among the mountains.

He grabbed the collapsed mountain with both hands, raised it above his head, and then exerted force suddenly. The mountain quickly rubbed against the air, ignited a raging flame, and smashed into the Holy Mountain like a huge meteorite.

Loki wanted to bury all those who might know his secret together.

"Hey, why is it dark?" Dorna, who had climbed back to the Holy Mountain with great effort, lay on the ground tiredly. Before he had time to breathe, it seemed that the sky had darkened.

Looking up, Dorna almost peed his pants, "Fuck!"

If I had known that I might

He would be crushed to death, so he might as well stay at the foot of the mountain and be hunted by the villagers.

"Sixty million volts, Inazuma!"

Lin Qi slowly opened his hands and released surging lightning.

The blue lightning in the sky was like a giant python swimming continuously, occupying the entire sky.

When the mountain that became a fireball broke into the territory of the giant python, the lightning seemed to have life and intercepted and drilled into the mountain.


The mountain exploded, shattered into powder, and fell from the sky like snowflakes, beautiful and magnificent.

Combined with the swimming lightning, it formed the most beautiful picture in the world.

Dorna was stunned.

What kind of power is this!

He, Dorna, seemed to have found the lover of his dreams.

"It's impolite not to return the favor."

"100 million volts • Thunder Spear."

A Tyrant Spear made of lightning appeared in Lynch's hand. As if he was afraid that he couldn't kill Loki, Lynch wrapped a layer of Tyrant Color on it.


The Tyrant Spear slipped out of his hand, and the clouds between the two mountains were instantly torn apart. Loki's face changed drastically.

"Muscles, Muscles • Fire Spear!"

As the giant king, even if the next step was full of unknowns, he would not take a step back.

Still plain and simple, Loki's arms quickly punched out, and the extreme speed of the punch compressed the air, forming a series of extremely powerful shock waves.

The fist rubbed the air quickly, producing an effect similar to the "Fire Fist" of the Flame-Flame Fruit.

It's just that he only had a layer of flames on the outside, and there were still shock waves inside.

So, the Flame-Flame Fruit, dogs...

Hundreds and thousands of shock waves hit the thunder spear in the air, and the thunder spear did not slow down at all.

In Hill's vision, he only saw the thunder gun falling, and with a huge explosion, the thousand-meter-high mountain collapsed, raising dust all over the sky.

"Cough, cough, cough." Hill was choked by the flying dust and coughed.

"Brother~" She stretched out her little hand, trying to grab something, and then let it go.

"Don't worry, your brother should not be dead." Lynch patted Hill's shoulder and told her not to worry.

Loki was as strong as a bullfrog that had eaten protein powder, and his physical fitness was almost catching up with the mythical beast species.

Wanting to die is not an easy thing.

I always feel that Loki's strength is not much worse than that of the general.

If they meet a green bull, the two may be able to fight 40-60.

Loki 4, Green Bull 6.

You know, this year Loki is only in his twenties at most.

The giants really have an incredible genius.

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