The fruit of muscle is really harmful.

After eating it, the brain is full of muscles.

"Muscle Giant•Ryoshin!" Loki's arms grew bigger, almost as big as his body, and his surging muscles smashed down.


Ten minutes later, Loki was beaten like a dead dog and collapsed on the ground.

"Do you accept it?"


After another beating, Loki's handsome face was beaten black and blue, his face was swollen, and his eyes were squeezed to a slit.

"If you mess with me, I can still spare your life."

"Bah, you're still beating me!" Loki said vaguely.

"Okay, okay, I'll do you a favor."

After another half-hour of beating, this time the beating was a bit harsh.

Tom stretched out his hand to block Hill's eyes. The scene was too brutal and not suitable for children.

After Loki was knocked unconscious for the 9th time, he could no longer maintain the muscle fruit.

Loki's body shrank from 35 meters to 20 meters, then to 10 meters, and finally only 2.2 meters.

Not to mention among the giants, even among humans, 2.2 meters is considered a "dwarf."

"Is this Loki's real height? So your brother also has Aibo disease?"

It turns out that Loki's height is forcibly maintained by the ability of the muscle fruit.

Over the years, it has become an instinct for Loki to maintain the ability of the muscle fruit at all times. He has never lifted it even when sleeping, for fear that people will see his true form.

Until today, when he was knocked unconscious by Lynch nine times and could not take care of himself and had incontinence, his true form was revealed.

Perhaps in Loki's mind, being seen in his true form was more serious than being killed.

At this time, Loki was also caught in the revolving lantern of life.

In fact, the first person to be found to have Ebola was not Hill, but him.

The giants grow slowly in the early stage, and only grow rapidly at a certain stage.

So before the age of four, Loki did not show any difference from other children. He even became the king of children at that time with his IQ far exceeding that of other giants.

But when he was five or six years old, the children around him began to grow, and Loki found something wrong.

His body seemed to have stopped growing, almost not growing?

Watching his former playmates grow taller than him one by one, and becoming the shortest one, Loki subconsciously thought of the legendary devil disease Ebola.

The following days verified Loki's conjecture. Although his body was still developing, it stopped growing.

Loki began to panic and fear.

In order to prevent others from discovering his secret, Loki used various unimaginable methods to try to lengthen his height.

However, if Abbott disease could be easily cured, it would not be called the devil's curse.

One day, other children looked at Loki who was "getting shorter and shorter" and found the disadvantages. They found the elders and confirmed that Loki was suffering from the legendary devil's curse.

From that day on, Loki's life changed.

The tribesmen looked at him with disgust and malice. If it were not for the protection of his parents, Loki could not imagine what they would do to him.

The attitude of friends who used to regard him as the king of children also changed drastically. They no longer played with him, but beat him every time they saw him, which scared Loki so much that he dared not go out.

Even if his parents came to ask for accountability, it would be useless.

Looking at his parents' disappointed and frustrated eyes, Loki felt heartbroken.

Later, his sister was also diagnosed with Abbott disease, which made Loki feel deeply guilty. He thought that he had passed the devil's curse to his sister.

Because the tribesmen targeted them and refused to sell food to them, Loki's parents had to go out to sea to fish.

Until one day, Loki's parents encountered a sea king while out at sea and never came back.

From that day on, Loki understood what real hell was.

Without the protection of his parents, he and his sister were driven out of the village and could only survive by eating wild fruits every day.

No one knew what kind of suffering the two children, who were only seven years old, had to endure to survive alone in the wild.

They had encountered highly poisonous potatoes, radishes that made their bodies itch after eating, poisonous snakes and wild boars.

At that time, Loki swore that he must protect his sister for his parents.

A few months passed like this, and every time he was met by the children in the village, he would be beaten up, which made Loki, who was still a child,

Ki's psychology gradually became distorted.

Hill was lucky. When Loki was around, at least he had never been beaten.

After being almost beaten to death again, Loki changed.

He swore that one day, he would kill all the giants! Kill all those who bullied him and his sister!

Maybe he couldn't stand being bullied all day, or maybe he thought that people with Ebola were destined to live no more than 18 years old, so Loki decided to go to sea!

He knew clearly that this trip to the sea was destined to be a life-or-death experience.

One morning, Loki left all the food to his sister, got on the raft alone and disappeared in Elbaf.

Without farewell, there would be no separation.

Maybe God closes a door for you, and then opens a window for you.

Loki was very lucky. He survived the ghost weather in the new world and ate the devil fruit by chance.

During the growth stage, Loki has been living in the intrigues of the human world, which has also made his character darker.

The hatred for the giants did not diminish with the passage of time. On the contrary, it became his motivation for revenge.

Later, Loki's muscle fruit awakened and he found that he could change his body through the muscle fruit, breaking the limit of life span imposed by the Elbo disease.

When Loki, who had awakened the fruit, set foot on Elbaf again after many years, his thoughts changed again compared to his youth.

The ambition brought by power changed Loki's mind. He wanted to become the king of the giants! Become the king of the world!

Facts have proved that Loki succeeded.

However, in the process of success, he also lost the most important thing, that is, humanity.

"Father... Mother, did I do something wrong..."

"Xiao Xi... I, it seems, am no longer me."

This time, Loki, who fainted, did not wake up for a long time. He was handcuffed by Lynch with sea stone and locked up in the prison on the warship.

This Loki is actually worth 80 points!

All the high-level combat forces of the giants have been dealt with by Lynch.

Under the command of Lynch, Mark and Tie Xing led the 30,000 sailors on the ship to Elbaf, and tied up all the men, women, and children of the giant tribe and sent them to the warships.

Fortunately, 30 warships were dispatched this time, otherwise they would not be able to accommodate them.

The population of the giant tribe is not large, only more than 2,000, but they are big.

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