The two of them were very happy.

"Sasuke, I want you to find a young man named Ace on the sea and join his pirate group." Lynch said.

"No problem!" Sasuke's eyes lit up and he agreed.

If his mother hadn't stopped him, he would have wanted to go out to sea a long time ago. Now Lynch has spoken, let's see if his mother has any opinions.

"After joining, what are your requirements?" Sasuke asked impatiently.

"No requirements, after joining, wait for my news."


Sasuke's straightforward appearance surprised Lynch, but he didn't see that he had a heart longing for the sea.

"嘤~" Mikoto lowered her head and wiped away her tears, "Sasuke, you must be careful outside, remember not to make friends with bad people."

"Yeah." Sasuke turned into a yes-man, "Mother, you too, wait for me to come back."

Lynch walked over and put his hand on Sasuke's shoulder, "Don't worry, I will take care of your mother, you don't have to worry too much."

"Please!" Sasuke said seriously.

After sending Sasuke away from the West Sea, Lynch's future layout came to an end.

"After working for several months, I can finally take a break!" Lynch sat on the chair and turned into Ge You's paralysis.


Mark flashed behind Lynch, "My lord, the Vinsmoke family wants to see you!"

Lynch: "..."

Tom is still comfortable. He eats and sleeps all day. I really want to be a cat in my next life.

Oh, no, Tom took Jerry out to sea a few days ago. He said he was going to visit some old friend?

"Hahahaha, Mr. Lynch, long time no see!"

As soon as they met, Judge greeted Lynch enthusiastically.

If there were people who knew what kind of person Judge was, they would be very surprised.

Because this guy has an extremely bad character. He is arrogant, cruel, vain, and power-hungry.

In short, such a bad guy with almost no advantages would be so polite to others one day.

At the same time, Judge is also a scientist who keeps his promises.

"Come on, bring the things up!"

With an order, dozens of soldiers from the Kingdom of Germa 66 came in from outside with nine nutrition capsules.

In the nutrition capsule, there were nine human bodies soaked in nutrient solution.

"Did Mr. Judge succeed in cloning?"

Lynch didn't have a good impression of Judge. This guy was a selfish ghost who would do anything to succeed.

He forced his pregnant wife to undergo surgery to transform his own child.

Just because Sanji was not capable, he was locked up like a prisoner and announced to the outside world that Sanji was dead.

But seeing the figure in the cloning cabin, Lynch stood up from his seat and took the initiative to greet Judge.

"Hahaha." Judge's two mustaches curled up, and a bit of complacency appeared on his face, "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my promise to you."

"Look... Can we cooperate now?"

When Judge came to Lynch for cooperation, Lynch gave Judge the DNA of the nine giants who died in the battle, hoping that he could recreate the body through cloning technology.

And promised that as long as the other party succeeded in making it, he would agree to the cooperation proposed by the other party.

Lynch has the power of the giants and the memory storage wrapped by the power of the giants, so everything is ready, only the body is missing to be resurrected.

After a year and a half, Judge lived up to expectations and successfully cloned the bodies of nine giant major generals.

"No hurry." Lynch waved his hand to reject the excited Judge, "Let's see how your cloned body looks like first."

"Whatever, please take a look."

Judge ordered his men to open the nutrient chamber. He was extremely confident in his science and technology.

The hatch opened, and nine bodies floated up from the nutrient solution.

Lynch placed his palms on the heart and forehead of No. 1. His heart beat strongly, and his brain had no thoughts.

Judge did as he said and did not inject souls into the bodies of the nine people.

Because there was no need for souls, Judge could cultivate nine people in a year and a half.

Otherwise, it would take five years for Judge to cultivate a combat soldier of the Germa 66 Kingdom from embryo to adulthood.

Hearing the news that Lynch was going to revive the giant major general, Robin deliberately put down her work and used the power of the fruit to fly over to watch.

The nine giant major generals died to save her, and Robin has been feeling guilty all these years.

It's great to see them resurrected with my own eyes now.


Extract the giant from the system space

With the power of the power, nine blue streams of light flowed around Lynch's fingertips.

Lynch gently tapped No. 1's forehead, and a stream of light went into his forehead.

Then, Lynch did the same thing and sent the remaining eight streams of light into the remaining human body.

The exciting moment has come!

Robin's heartbeat accelerated, and she looked at the nutrition cabin nervously, her beautiful eyes unblinking.

One minute... two minutes... three minutes...

"What's going on? Is there something wrong?" Lynch frowned slightly when there was no movement.

As for Judge on the side, he had no idea what Lynch was doing.

This inexplicable tension made him a little nervous.


No. 1, who was soaked in the nutrient solution, opened his sleeping eyes.

He broke free from the nutrient tube inserted in his body, kicked the glass wall that was in the way, and broke out of the jar. His fierce eyes swept around, as if he was looking for something.

"Where's Madam Robin! How's she?"

Number One died in the hands of Satan, and his memory also stayed there.

Looking at Number One's eyes, Judge was horrified.

With such a fearless look, what kind of monster did Lynch let him revive! ?

What shocked Judge even more was that Lynch actually gave the clone soul in an instant!

This, this, this... What a terrible technology!

If he, Judge, had this technology, the Kingdom of Germa 66 would be at least three times stronger than it is now!

For a moment, Judge looked at Lynch with extremely fiery eyes, and was extremely glad to cooperate with him.

Then, the remaining eight giants were resurrected one by one.

The glass fragments of the nutrition cabin were blown all over the sky, but fortunately they were all blocked by Lynch.

"Master Lynch!"

"Madam Robin! I'm so glad you're okay!"

"I... Am I not dead? How come I'm here?"

Fragments of memories from before their death emerged one after another, and the resurrected major generals remembered a lot.

What happened? Why are they here? Where is Saint Satan? Who won the battle? How did they survive?

Seeing the resurrection of the major generals, Robin couldn't stop crying, and she covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes red.

She would never let someone die to protect her again.

"We won that battle."

The giants had just been resurrected, and there were many questions. Lynch patiently answered them one by one.

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