The battle was won, and the battle was won.

Meeting Hawkeye's eyes full of fighting spirit, Tom shuddered and quickly raised a sign.

[This time it's not me fighting you, it's my friend Jerry who's challenging you. ]

Think of Tom as a cat who wants to save face.

It was okay that he was beaten badly by Hawkeye last time.

But now that he is famous, it would be a bit embarrassing to be beaten again.

"I'm not interested in that mouse." Hawkeye stared at Tom without even looking at Jerry, who was only the size of a palm.

"I've seen your performance on the news. Let me see how far you have come now!"

Tom shook his head like a rattle, and finally came up with a bad idea.

He raised a wooden sign, which read: [If you can kill Jerry, come and fight me. ]

"Could it be that this mouse is the same creature as you?"

Hawkeye, who was originally only interested in Tom, also became interested in Jerry.

That kind of invincible body can warm him up to his heart's content.

"Okay, let me test the mouse's tolerance first."

Tom was just congratulating himself for escaping a disaster, and turned around to be pulled out to be a judge.

Outside the castle, in the forest.

In the vast venue, Hawkeye and Jerry stood opposite each other.

[Please teach me. ]

Jerry wiped the oil stains on his mouth and instantly turned into a swordsman.

A Western sword, a short beard, a black hat with white fluff on his head, a burgundy patterned shirt, a black windbreaker, white trousers, and black boots.

This image is almost a mouse version of Hawkeye.

As soon as they fought, Jerry's image was established in Hawkeye's mind.

"Mouse, those who learn from me will live, those who imitate me will die."

"I must remind you that if you want to go far in the sword, you must create your own path."

"Tom has already walked out his own unique path, you may ask him for advice."

Suddenly praised, Tom bared his teeth and scratched the back of his head embarrassedly.

I was actually praised by my friend, so happy.

Hawkeye slowly pulled out a brand new knife from the cross necklace on his neck.

He pinched the knife with two fingers and said in a magnetic voice: "I'm sorry, I don't have a smaller knife than this."

When saying this, Hawkeye, who always had an icy face, actually looked a little bit like he was asking for a beating. He opened his arms to Jerry with an open door, which made Jerry's teeth itch.

'Too arrogant! No... too asking for a beating! '

The old cross necklace was given to Tom as a gift by Hawkeye last time.

So this one is a new necklace that was made only a few years ago.

‘So nostalgic.’ Tom remembered that Hawkeye seemed to have done the same to himself before.

This guy really loves to use a knife to bully weaklings.

“Jijiji~” Jerry spoke, asking the mouse brother beside him to help translate.

“Boss Jerry said, don’t regret it if you die!”

As soon as the voice fell, Jerry ran towards Hawkeye with a rapier in his hand.

“Frog in the well, let you experience how big the world is.” Hawkeye stood there, just holding up the rapier, motionless.

“One-sword style•Rat light!”

As he got closer, Jerry stomped on the ground suddenly, jumped into the air, and the rapier in his hand turned into a stream of light, piercing Hawkeye’s face.


The picture flashed, and Hawkeye pinched the rapier with two fingers without abolishing the power of ash, blocking Jerry’s attack, without shaking his body at all.

"I can't move!"

Jerry suddenly raised his head, veins popped up on his face, and the arm holding the rapier was shaking slightly.

It felt like there was a towering and indestructible mountain in front of it.

Is this the strength of Tom's friend!


Hawkeye slapped Jerry to the ground with the back of his knife, turning him into a 1cm thick mouse cake.

There were a few real little stars spinning on the top of the mouse cake.

Seeing this, Tom quickly ran with an air pump and inserted it into the mouse cake.

With repeated pumping, the mouse cake expanded rapidly, from a flat cake to a round balloon.

"Ah? It seems to have been pumped too much." Tom pulled out the air tube awkwardly.

Suddenly, Jerry was like a deflated balloon, ejecting excess gas from his mouth and spinning in the air.

Hawkeye looked at Jerry with a gleam in his eyes.

This mouse is indeed an animal that can't be killed, just like Tom.

Interesting! Interesting!

Jerry suddenly woke up and found himself flying in the air!

With a sudden inspiration, he used the high-speed airflow from his mouth to adjust

direction, and rushed towards Hawkeye at high speed again.

At the same time, the rapier in his hand turned into three.

He held two in his hands, and the remaining rapier was clamped between his buttocks.

With his buttocks facing down and his mouth as the jet power, Jerry launched a big move against Hawkeye in such a weird posture.

"Nine mountains and eight seas are one world, and thousands of worlds are gathered to form a 'small world'. This world is multiplied by three, and those who are selfless and continuous are the secrets of the three great flows!"

"One big, three thousand, and the world of rats!!!"

"It looks a bit like it."

Hawkeye moved for the first time in the battle with Jerry.

He took a step forward and stabbed out the knife in his hand in an ordinary way.

At the moment when the two blades touched, the bright white light illuminated the surrounding area of ​​100 meters.

The rat and the two bears were stabbed so hard that they couldn't open their eyes, and no one could see what happened in the middle.

Only Tom calmly took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on his face, watching with relish.

In the white light, Jerry's three rapiers were shattered into tiny pieces the moment they came into contact with Hawkeye.

In the next 0.1 seconds, Tom could only see the afterimages in the sky, and then Jerry was cut into pieces thinner than a hair.


Jerry fell to the ground and was cut into thousands of pieces, without a drop of blood.

Each piece of the body was not even as big as a grain of sand.

Under Hawkeye's gaze, the cut Jerry slowly healed, and even the broken rapier reappeared.

"Rat, except that you are equally difficult to kill, you are still far behind Tom."

"You haven't found your own swordsman's heart yet."

"Try to find it, otherwise you will never be a true swordsman."

Hawkeye's cold words were like a needle piercing Jerry's mind.

It's this feeling again, damn it!

As a mouse, will it always be inferior to a cat in the eyes of humans!

Jerry burst into tears unconsciously when he recalled the miserable scenes of being a mouse in the past.

"Damn it!" He slammed the ground hard, lay flat on the ground, raised his sword, and roared at Tom: "As a mouse, I will definitely prove to humans that mice are not inferior to cats!"

"Tom, you have no objection, right?"

"Yes, no objection." Tom smiled.

"Very good, this momentum." Hawkeye was like a senior sword master, guiding and persuading,

"Kendo, keep moving forward, you can have this unyielding spirit, which means you have already succeeded halfway."

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