The empress's feet were so beautiful that they were almost covered in blood.

Da Da Da~

The empress's smooth jade feet stepped on the ground, her eyebrows turned, and she threw away the other shoe as well, stepping on the dead leaves with her bare feet.

The mother-in-law looked at the pair of crystal clear jade feet, swallowed her saliva wildly, and had an urge to rush up and lick them.

The charm of the empress is popular with men, women, young and old.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Wei Buer grabbed the high-heeled shoe stuck in his flesh and pulled it out with force, and a line of blood gushed out like a fountain.

It sprayed for a while before gradually stopping, dyeing the ground under his feet red.

The muscle actually moved slowly and automatically sealed the wound on the chin.

"Mom, she hurt me, can I kill her?"

"No, capture her alive."

"Okay then." Weibull agreed aggrievedly, pulled out his long sword as if nothing had happened, and stood there waving the long sword wildly.

In an instant, a gust of wind blew up from the flat ground.

With Weibull as the center, everything around him flew towards him.

One by one, the centuries-old trees were sucked out of the ground with their roots, and they hit the long sword and were chopped into small pieces.

"Old woman, let's go!"

Hancock pulled up the old woman who was sucked into the air, forcibly broke through the attraction of the strong wind, and ran away.

"Stupid, don't turn around, people are running away, why don't you chase them quickly." Bagginstusi said anxiously.

"Oh, I know, mom."

The queen jumped on the treetops one by one, as agile as a rabbit.

Weibull was like a wild bull, and he ran over all the obstacles he encountered along the way.

Boulders, trees, wild boars, everything that stood in the way was smashed to pieces.

While running, Weevil threw out a few flying slashes from time to time, trying to cut the empress off from the treetops.

"Let's go, it's too troublesome to chase them." Baginstusi soon found that his son seemed unable to catch up with the other side, "Go to the city! I don't believe she doesn't care about her own people!"

"Okay, mom."

Weevil turned around and headed towards the nearest town.

"They went to the town." The empress stepped barefoot on the treetops, stopped, and looked at the direction where Weevil was going away, with endless sorrow in her beautiful eyes.

"Don't go over there, Snake Queen." What mother-in-law said rationally: "I have told Lin Qi about the situation here. The most important thing before he comes back is that you don't get caught."

No matter how many civilians die, as long as they encourage childbirth, the population will grow back in less than a decade.

And if the empress, the highest combat power of Nine Snake Island, gets into trouble, surrounded by enemies, Nine Snake Island is likely to perish.

"No! I have to go back."

"As for you, an old woman, a burden, just stay here."

The empress abandoned her mother-in-law and went back alone regardless of her dissuasion.


Half an hour later.

In the burning town, Marygorud and Sandasonia fell to the ground, their lives unknown.

The empress's mouth was bleeding, and she was held in the air by Weeble's white throat, still looking at the mother and son with disdain.

"Mom, mom, I caught her!"

"Hahaha, good job, dear son." Baggins Tusi jumped on Weeble's head and exclaimed, "You are so strong, Hancock."

"If it weren't for your two sisters holding us back, we wouldn't have caught you so easily."

"Despicable." The empress gritted her teeth and snorted, "Lin Qi will not let you go."

"Hahaha, it's time, and you still want to scare me with the King of the West Sea."

Bakins Tusi lowered his head and ordered, "Good son, go kill the two people on the ground first, so that no one will come out to get in the way when you are in your bridal chamber."

"Okay, mother." Weeble raised the big knife as ordered.

Seeing that the big knife was about to chop off the heads of the two.

At this critical moment, a flame fell from the sky.

"Fire Fist!"

The man's voice sounded, and the surging fire covered half of Weeble's body.


Two screams came out in the flames.

Weeble was in a hurry to put out the flames on his body, and the empress was released.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Lynch fell from the sky and caught Hancock who was about to fall to the ground.

"Lynch..." The empress threw herself on him and hugged him tightly, "I miss you so much~"

"Be good, go take care of your sister, leave the enemy to me."

He cut his wrist, and a few drops of blood fell into the empress's mouth, and her face quickly turned red.

"Lord Lynch's order~ I know~"

Hancock obediently walked aside to take care of her sister, completely different from the coldness just now, and looked like a good wife and mother.


The flames dissipated, revealing the mother and son whose eyebrows and hair were burned.

Lynch did not use much force because he was worried about hurting Hancock.

The two were initially burned by the sudden attack, but they reacted in time and were fine.

Miraculously, Weevil's beard was still there.

Under the brainwashing of Bagginstusi, Weevil regarded his beard as proof that he was the son of Whitebeard, and he regarded it as more important than his life.

The first thing he did when he encountered the flames was to subconsciously protect his beard with armed color.

"Puff~ Hahaha." The old lady who just came out of the forest laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth. "Where did these two boiled eggs come from? It's so funny."

The two big bald heads of Weevil and Bagginstusi sparkled in the sun.

When she saw Lynch coming, she knew that it was a sure thing!

"Cough cough cough... Who is the fearless one who dares to attack me!"

Bagginstusi opened his mouth and coughed out a burst of black smoke.

When she saw Lin Qi in front of her, her skinny body shook and she almost fell off her son's back.

"Emperor... Lin Qi!" She raised her voice a few notches in disbelief, her voice trembling slightly, "Nine Snake Island is actually related to you?"

This person is a big shot like the child's father, Whitebeard.

If you offend such a person, you will probably have to live in fear every day in the future.

When did Nine Snake Island get in touch with such a big shot?

If you had said it earlier, if you had known that the empress had an affair with Lin Qi, she would not have had the courage to come.

"You know, you still dare to come to Nine Snake Island to make trouble." Lin Qi's eyes were cold and he raised his fist with flames swirling around.

"No, no, no, listen to my explanation!" Baginstusi even spoke more fluently, "My mother and I definitely didn't know that this was your territory before, otherwise we wouldn't dare to offend you even if we had the courage."

"It's all because of my mother's blindness that we offended you. We'll leave now, is that okay?" Baginstusi said with a smile.

She was now thinking about how to escape from here.

As for going to war with Lin Qi? Don't joke!

This is the emperor of the West Sea, a man whose combat power can suppress the general!

As early as several years ago, he had the terrifying strength to kill the general-level combat power one-on-one.

At Lin Qi's age, after several years, his strength is probably already at a terrifying level.

Although his son is strong, he is not stronger than the general.

Going against Lin Qi is like hitting a stone with an egg.

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