The two were busy, and the two were busy.

While Lynch was dealing with the two Celestial Dragons, the others were not idle either.

"Leave Doflamingo to me, you guys deal with the others." Kuina took on the task of dealing with Mingo alone.

This opportunity to fight against a strong man was exactly what she was looking forward to.

Dashiqi faced Pica.

Gladius faced King Riku and Violet.

Diamante faced Rebecca and the legless soldier.

"Ahhh, who will let me out first!" Monroe Saint, who was locked in the cage, felt like a dog, hammering the cage that was deforming a little bit.

"Fffffffffff~ Stupid little girl, you probably picked the wrong opponent."

Doflamingo hooked his five fingers, and white threads were sewing up the broken leg.

"Since you want to die, I don't mind fulfilling your wish, five-colored threads!"

Five colored threads flew out from his five fingers.

Mingge was seriously injured by Lynch's attack. While he was manipulating the power of the fruit, he used threads thinner than hair to repair his broken internal organs while fighting with Kuina.

Because he had to distract himself to repair his injuries, he couldn't use too complicated fruit awakening abilities.

But... it doesn't take too complicated abilities to kill a little girl.


Kuina pulled out the Wado Ichimonji, held the hilt with both hands, and cut off the flying threads.

"One-sword style Tiger Hunt!" Kuina used the razor from the Navy's Six Styles and came to Mingge in an instant.

"Fufufu, super-strike whip."

Ten nearly transparent thin threads flew out of Mingge's hand, and then these threads were entangled together to form a thick thread column like a long whip, wrapping the falling Wado Ichimonji in circles.

"Parasitic thread."

Seizing the opportunity of the moment of stiffness, Mingge threw out a thread that was almost invisible to the naked eye, trying to control Kuina.

As long as it is not the level of the vice-chairman, anyone who is hit by his parasitic thread will be killed instantly.

Kuina is blind but not blind in her heart. Although she was blinded by Heiduan, she accurately caught the thread falling from the sky.

'Brother Lin Qi was right to let me focus on training my observation Haki, otherwise I am afraid I would have been controlled at this moment. 'Kuina said secretly.

After the parasitic thread was caught, Mingge's face became serious, and he began to look at the girl in front of him who was too young.

I thought she was Lin Qi's maid, and the unknown girl could also have such strength.

How deep is the foundation of the West Sea! ?

"So disgusting, I'm going to be caught."

A circle of whip-like silk threads was grabbing Kuina's slender wrist through the Wado Ichimonji.

In a hurry, Kuina swung a knife.

"Itto-ryu • Misa Sound Blade!"

The Wado Ichimonji trembled quickly and densely, cutting a gap in the silk whip, breaking free, and slashing towards Mingo's head.


A thin line that was invisible to the naked eye tied the clouds in the sky. Doflamingo used the pulling force of the clouds to fly at high speed and distance himself from Kuina.

Mingo is also a genius because the fruit has been developed to the point where it can tie up clouds.

He actually played a useless fruit in a flower.

The embarrassing thing is that he can't fly without clouds in the sky.

"Super Strike Whip!"

The familiar white long whip lashed at Kuina across a distance of more than ten kilometers.

Kuina quickly dodged and grabbed it.

The long whip fell to the ground, and a 100-meter-high hill was split in half.

"Ballistic line."

Doflamingo pointed his hands like guns, aiming at Kuina in mid-air and shooting from a distance.

Silk threads that looked like bullets densely covered the entire area.

Kuina was accidentally hit by two bullets, and even with the Armament Haki wrapped around her, she still groaned.

Her Armament Haki was pierced, her skin was pierced, and a little blood flowed out.

If it were someone else, a bullet of string would be enough to break a bone.

Kuina was injured, but she became excited and reached out to Mingge in the distance.

"That gesture was her ability to influence my God Killing before." Mingge narrowed his eyes and recognized the ability.

"Ten Thousand Things Heavenly Attraction!"

The next moment, Mingge felt himself being pulled by a huge force and flew uncontrollably towards Kuina.

"Gravity Blade·Butterfly Dance!"

Pink butterflies flapped their wings and covered a large area of ​​space, like falling petals dancing in the wind.

Hidden under the beautiful scene was the deadly murderous intent of the glowing Wado Ichimonji.

Ming Ge seemed to have a feeling that if he didn't dodge quickly, he would definitely not end well if he was sucked in.

His guess was right,

Kuina attached gravity to the Wado Ichimonji.

From a God's perspective, it was Doflamingo who took the initiative to crash into the blade.

"Foufufu! In that case, let's die together!"

Doflamingo looked crazy, regardless of his body, raised his arms up and swung them down, and while waving his hands, he created a nearly transparent thin silk thread from each of his five fingers.

"Drop the rogue thread!"

The five forked silk threads of the "Leaf Rake" dropped from Kuina's head at high speed.

From the "strike" just now, Doflamingo judged that the girl in front of him might have a strong observation color, but her armed color was very ordinary.

Come to think of it, she was so young and had limited energy, how could she be comprehensive in every aspect.

As long as his head was not cut off, he could sew up multiple injuries by himself.

And the little girl would definitely die if she was hit by his trick!

"Come on, let's die together!"

Kuina hesitated for only a second before giving up pulling Mingge, and rolled over to avoid the thread piercing from the sky without caring about her image.

"The Seven Warlords of the Sea may be stronger than I thought." Kuina thought with a dirty body.

All the way, close combat, treatment, control, almost omnipotent.


Mingge, who was flying in the air, lost the pull of gravity and fell to the ground in a very embarrassing way.

The opponent's devil fruit is really weird!

Mingge got up and checked his injuries.

Very good, the injuries caused by the battle with Lynch are almost repaired, and then it will be the death of this little girl!

Mingge knew that Kuina was nothing, and Lynch was his real enemy, so he had to find a way to take down Dashiqi at the lowest cost.

"He's so powerful, he's good at everything, ordinary attacks are useless to him."

Kuina held the Wado Ichimonji, lowered her beautiful eyes, her eyes were like torches, and she was lost in thought.

"It seems that my other attacks are also difficult to cause effective attacks on Doflamingo."

"I'm still too weak!" Kuina clenched her fists. She couldn't even beat a Shichibukai who was defeated by Brother Lynch. When can she become a great female swordsman!

"Does it mean... I have to use those moves?"

Thinking of the moves that she never succeeded in, Kuina hesitated, but soon became determined.

"This time, I will definitely succeed!"

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