The old man was killed, and the old man was killed.

As one of the four people who followed Doflamingo at first, Mingo fell down on a street one day when he was a child, and Pica went to burn down the street the next day.

Mingo was buried in the ball, and Pica went crazy.

With the help of the Parahuman Stone Fruit, Pica fused and assimilated the surrounding rocks and transformed into a stone giant with a body size of more than 800 meters, punching Dashiki.

"Shinra Tensei!"

Dashiki opened her arms and bounced off a fist more than ten stories high, leaped into the air, and cut off a stone giant's arm that was several hundred meters long.

Pica's Stone-Stone Fruit, the material that makes up the giant is just ordinary rock, and its hardness is far less exaggerated than Mingge's silk thread and Kuina's stone ball, so it can be easily chopped into pieces.

But... the severed arm did not seem to affect Pica, and was quickly replenished by the surrounding rocks.

"Will the damage of the giant not affect the body?"

Tashigi pushed her eyes and quickly analyzed, "If we want to defeat Pica, is it only possible to find his body hidden in the rock?"

"Where is his body? We can only try slowly." Although Tashigi was a little stunned, her combat IQ was not low

Next... the 800-meter-high stone giant was cut off by Tashigi's limbs, torso, and head one by one.

Tashigi was panting with exhaustion, but still could not find Pica's real body hidden in the stone giant.

"Damn it! I have clearly cut every place!"

She stretched out her hand again and deflected the fist of the stone giant.

Doing this, every time she would consume a lot of physical strength, so that Tashigi was now panting.

"Could it be that... the opponent is not in a fixed place in the stone giant's body, but can move around and change positions!?"

This is the only possibility, and Tashigi suddenly felt like crying.

How can she find him?

If she had known earlier, she would have practiced observation Haki.

Unable to find Pica's body, her lethality could not keep up with the opponent's recovery speed, and she was no match for him even if she consumed her physical strength. Tashigi almost burst into tears.

In order to survive this time, she had to spend half of her time studying the famous sword to practice observation Haki.

Tashigi gave up attacking and used the power of the fruit to defend herself, hoping that someone would come to help her after the other battlefields were over.



Seeing Doflamingo being sucked into "Chibaku Tensei", Kuina's arms collapsed on the ground weakly.

Now she really had no strength at all, and she couldn't even move a finger.

The gravity of "Chibaku Tensei" disappeared, and the matter flying towards the sphere in the air fell down, leaving only the sphere still floating quietly in the air.

Spectacular and eye-catching.

But suddenly, a large number of white threads spread on the surface of the sphere!

Mingge's voice sounded again, "Giant white thread!"

Due to contact with matter, Mingge's fruit awakening ability was activated.

All the matter attached to the black core was converted into white threads.

All the white threads attacked the black sphere in the center like a huge wave.

The core was destroyed and the black sphere disappeared.

In theory, the superhuman awakening ability is the trick to restrain "Chibaku Tensei".

Chibaku Tensei itself has only one weakness, that is, when the core is just formed, there is nothing to protect it and it can be broken by a large number of attacks.

Once the "Chibaku Tensei" is formed, it will be indestructible, and the rock material on the surface that has been compressed dozens of times will become the best armor.

But when it encounters the superhuman awakening, it has another weakness.

That is, once the superhuman awakening, it can assimilate all the surrounding matter.

In this way, the "defense armor" that "Chibaku Tensei" worked so hard to form was used by Doflamingo.

A huge white cicada pupa wrapped Doflamingo and fell to the ground.

Although Mingge survived by chance, his performance at the moment was not optimistic.

Doflamingo was hit hard by Kuina's big move, and his bones were broken. One of his legs was crushed into meat paste and disappeared forever.

At the critical moment, he used the white silk thread he hastily converted to form a silkworm pupa to protect himself.

Even if he survived this time, he would probably become disabled.

The huge silkworm pupa decomposed, revealing Mingge's bloody flesh.

At this moment, Doflamingo could only move three fingers on his body.

"Fufufufufu~ I am the winner in the end!"

"Umihara Shiranami!"

Mingge laughed miserably, hooked three fingers, and used the last strength to transform the surrounding earth

turned into a white sea wave.

With such injuries, even if he could survive today, he would probably become a cripple.

The goal of revenge on the Celestial Dragons would be even more distant.

So Mingge made up his mind and divided the transformed sea wave thread into two parts.

One part strangled Kuina, and the other part strangled Monroe Saint in the distance.

"Fuck your uncle's Dover! You want to kill your uncle!"

Monroe Saint's eyes widened, and at the moment he was swallowed by the white sea wave, the fruit ability was activated, and he turned himself into a white stone.

Monroe Saint ate the devil fruit just to save his life. He had strength but couldn't even fight.

Not everyone can expect this group of high-ranking Celestial Dragons to give up luxury and enjoyment and go through hard training.

Anyway, there are people to protect you wherever you go, whether you practice or not.

Monroe Saint can refine the turtle shell fruit to this level, which has surpassed 99% of the Celestial Dragons.

"The Chibaku Tensei cannot be used against a superhuman awakened ability user unless it can kill instantly."

Lying on the ground exhausted and about to be swallowed by the waves composed of white silk threads, Kuina was still summarizing the battle.

Is Kuina going to die?

Of course not!

When Lynch was about to turn around to rescue, a window opened out of thin air in the air.

Emperor Tom made a brilliant appearance!

After successfully capturing Caesar with Jerry Monet, Tom rushed here as soon as possible through the Window Window Fruit ability user.

"Meow meow meow! Meow meow!!"

As soon as he landed on the ground, he was greeted by the overwhelming white waves, and Tom the cat cried out.

Why is it always me who is unlucky!

It picked up Kuina and ran away.

That speed left a shadow on its short legs, and the waves behind it couldn't catch up.

Emperor Jerry quietly appeared beside Mingge's head, whose physical strength was exhausted and bloody, and knocked him unconscious with a slap.

"You are the only ones left to deal with."

Lin Qi reversed the blades, and the two long swords overlapped, "Ba Chan•Two Swords•Demon Arrival!"

The ghostly aura of Heisen instantly rendered the surroundings into a black space.


The wild laughter of the demon sword sounded in the ears of Zhisha Gong and Bole Sheng.

In front of them, it seemed that a demon with two horns on his head, a green face and fangs appeared, opening his bloody mouth to swallow them.

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