The more they are, the more they will be.

Such perfect results are only a few cases.

Most people who are turned into toys by sugar can never go back even if they are restored to human form.

Eight years have passed, and things have changed.

In the eight years since they disappeared from the memories of their relatives, many parents have died of old age, their fiancées have remarried, and their children have no father in the most important stage of their growth.

Not only fiancées.

The vast majority of married people have also remarried.

Because in their minds, they have no memory of their husbands and don't remember that they have husbands.

Bai Jie is the most ordinary woman in Dressrosa and also a female teacher.

In eight years, Bai Jie has grown from a girl to a young woman.

Since her husband became a toy, Bai Jie lost all her memories of him and married another man soon after.

As Sugar fell into a coma, Bai Jie, who was cleaning, was shocked and covered her mouth in shock.

"I, I actually have a husband!"

"How is this possible!"

"What's the matter with the extra memory in my mind!?"

When Bai Jie's first husband Bourbon pushed the door and went home expectantly, he saw that his wife already had two five-year-old children.

In an instant, Bourbon felt green on his head.

Just at this moment, a man walked out of the room and hugged Bai Jie, "Wife, who is that man?"

Bourbon's green hat became greener.

Green and lush.

After eight years of torture and hard work, he returned home only to have his wife remarry. In an instant, Bourbon wanted to die.

"He, he should also be my husband." Bai Jie stuttered.

In the room, the air solidified.

There are countless such cases in the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

Tens of thousands of tragic events happened because of Sugar.

If Sugar is thrown into a beautiful country, the sentence will probably be calculated in billions of years.


The soldier with a broken leg emits white light, and under the gaze of everyone, he turns into a strong man with a broken leg.

In the minds of King Riku, Rebecca, and Violet, the memory of Cyrus is restored.

"Father! You are the father!" Rebecca throws herself into Cyrus' arms and cries...

The identities of the toys are restored, and Doflamingo's conspiracy is exposed.

In addition, the Riku royal family, backed by Lynch, comes forward to explain the whole story, allowing the people to recognize Doflamingo's true face.

"Bah! I used to admire him so much, but I didn't expect him to be such a bad person!"

"Damn it, my eldest brother was turned into a toy by Doflamingo, and we were all deceived by him."

"He is not a hero at all, he is obviously a devil!"

"We have all wronged the Riku clan, they are good people."

"I used to throw stones at King Riku, and now I feel so guilty."

The citizens who were full of admiration for Doflamingo and wanted to get rid of the Riku clan yesterday, have made a big change in their attitude in just one day.

While they wanted to eat Doflamingo alive, they felt guilty about the Riku clan.

This is the sadness of the little people.

They have no judgment of their own and are easily influenced by others. They believe what they hear.

As long as the superiors control the source of public opinion, they will be easily brainwashed and controlled by them with a little trick.

And they believe it without a doubt.

How the Riku family has treated the people over the years is obvious to all.

Just because of Doflamingo's instigation, the people ignored the countless good things the Riku family had done before and regarded them as bad people.

Sometimes, not everyone has the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Humans are animals that are easily influenced by words and the surrounding environment.

The misunderstanding was resolved, Doflamingo was knocked off the altar, and the Riku family regained the throne.

Then there was a whole day of carnival.

In order to celebrate the redress of Dressrosa's injustice, the kingdom held a day-long banquet.

The next morning, a large ship flying the flag of the Beast Pirates docked at the Dressrosa port.

"Hmm? I always feel that something is different here." Jack, who walked off the ship, touched his ivory worth 900 million.

That's right, the last time Lynch robbed his ivory, after a few years, the ivory grew back.

After experiencing the broken ivory incident, Jack now cherishes his ivory very much.

Every now and then, you need to use special ivory oil to maintain it to ensure that it can shine in the sun.

"No matter what, I will find Ming Ge and get the artificial devil fruit.

We can go back." Jack decisively gave up thinking.

He, Jack, hates to use his brain the most!

"Boss Jack, the atmosphere in Dressrosa seems to be wrong."

It was his subordinates who reminded Jack.

"Who cares? It's none of our business."

"But Boss Jack, why didn't Doflamingo send someone to pick us up this time?"

"Hmph, maybe he forgot."

"Then Boss Jack, what are those big pits in the distance?" The pirate pointed to the place where Lynch had fought.

"Maybe Doflamingo was bored at night and went out for exercise."

"But, but..."

The pirate wanted to speak, but was glared back by Jack, "You know, you think I have no brains, right? !"

"No, no, I dare not." The pirate shook his head hurriedly, "Who doesn't know that Boss Jack is the smartest of our Beasts Pirates!"

"Hmph, that's more like it. "Jack strode away with satisfaction.


After turning around twice, he didn't find Doflamingo. Doflamingo's previous residence was also destroyed. Jack directly chose the simplest and most brutal method and shouted at the top of his voice: "Dover! Get out of here!"

"Don't think you don't have to hand in the devil fruit if you hide!"

The younger brothers who followed Jack were all worried about their boss's IQ.

This is obviously something wrong.

But they didn't dare to say it, they were so frustrated.

In the Beasts Pirates, only strength is everything.

Brain? What's the use of that thing!

He Jack is facing a Navy Marshal, a Navy Admiral, four Navy Vice Admirals, and a brave warrior who dares to charge bravely.

"Sir, are you here to find Doflamingo?"

Cyrus received the alarm and rushed over, "Unfortunately, Doflamingo was defeated and captured by the Lord of the West Sea. "

Cyrus' words were naturally taught by Lynch.

No matter who comes to cause trouble, just push it onto him.

Otherwise, the newly liberated Dressrosa might be destroyed again.

"What? Lynch took Doflamingo away!" Jack touched his aching tusks and gasped.

His first reaction was not what to do if Doflamingo was caught.

But: Doflamingo is gone, and I can't get the artificial devil fruit back this time. Will Kaido beat me to death?

Thinking of the hatred he had with Lynch last time, Jack was ready to rescue Doflamingo!

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