The dignity of the Celestial Dragons cannot be offended, not to mention Monroe Saint who is also a high-ranking figure among the Celestial Dragons.

Killing Monroe Saint means there will be no turning back, and endless revenge with the Celestial Dragons.

Doflamingo, a former Celestial Dragon, is also guilty of death if caught.

"Dover! I'm your uncle, you don't really want to kill me, do you?" Monroe Saint showed fear.

"Listen to me, your mother is my most beloved sister. If you kill me, she will be sad in her grave..."


Before Monroe Saint could say too much nonsense, Doflamingo tapped his fingers on the remote control.

At the moment the remote control was pressed, several rows of tiny spikes protruded from the stinger collar.

Monroe Saint, who could not activate the fruit ability, could not resist the spikes piercing his neck, and the venom was injected!

In less than three seconds, Monroe Saint twitched all over, his blood vessels turned green and clearly visible, and he foamed at the mouth.

In less than twenty seconds, Monroe Saint stopped struggling and died completely.

"Congratulations, you have made your choice."

Lynch first untied the seastone chain that looked like a dog chain for Doflamingo.

Mingge could not speak, but his eyes rolled around and he didn't know what he wanted to express.

"I know, I know."

Someone brought a wooden barrel, Lynch cut his wrist and drained blood into the barrel.

When the barrel was filled with one-fifth of blood, Lynch tore off all the bandages on Mingge's body.

The bloody bandages were torn off with the blood scabs stuck on the flesh.

That taste, don't mention how sour and refreshing it was.

The wound that Ming Ge had managed to stop bleeding again, and he almost died.

This was a necessary step, otherwise the bandage would grow into the flesh during the treatment.

After picking up the half-dead Ming Ge and throwing him into the barrel, Lynch walked out of the room and left.

He was not interested in the naked man, and he had done what he had to do, and the rest was left for Ming Ge to recover on his own.

About 15 minutes later, Ming Ge's weak and ecstatic voice came from inside, asking for a set of clothes.

Another five minutes later, Ming Ge came out in a black suit with all his limbs intact.

Except for his slightly pale face, he looked no different from usual.

Doflamingo thought that if he didn't die, he would be destined to become disabled.

Who would have thought that Lynch's blood would be so magical.

The real meaning of the dead and the dead, the flesh and bones!

"How is it, how does it feel?" Lynch asked.

"It feels so good to kill the Celestial Dragons!" Doflamingo grinned, and took out a pair of sunglasses from somewhere and put them on his face.

"We are all family members from now on, can you let me see my subordinates first?"

"Of course, turn right on the left after you go out." Lynch said naturally.


Doflamingo put his hands in his pockets and walked out of the cabin again with his unique steps of not recognizing relatives. At the end, he said, "I suddenly admire you a little... Boss."

Mingge's attitude made Lynch take it for granted.

He was not worried that the other party would rebel.

Now Doflamingo's territory, which he had worked hard for almost nine years, is gone, and he has killed Bole Saint.

If he wants to take revenge on the Celestial Dragons, he can only have hope by following me.

If he doesn't follow me, only the other four emperors can protect Mingge who killed Monroe Saint.

But will they help Mingge deal with the Celestial Dragons? Obviously not.

Only his ultimate goal is consistent with Doflamingo.

Following him is also the best choice for him.

Adults always have to learn to compromise with reality.

Although Doflamingo looks weak in front of him, he is still a strong Shichibukai, and he is second only to the top combat power on the sea.

In fact, combat power doesn't matter. What Lynch really likes is Doflamingo's brain.

As the emperor of the underground world, he has a wide range of intelligence networks and connections.

He is also good at conspiracy, organizing forces, and war planning.

In short, Doflamingo is an all-round little genius. It is right to fill him in wherever he needs him.

Doflamingo found the imprisoned people according to the route Lynch said.

Seeing that everyone was just a little miserable and their lives were not damaged, Mingge finally let go of the heart that had been hanging in his heart.

Mingge still has feelings for people like Pica who have watched him grow up since childhood.

"Sugar, have you grown?" Dover was surprised to see Sugar lying on the ground with a swollen little butt.

"What?" Sandang looked pitiful, tears in the corners of her eyes, and the pain from her butt made her dare not move, "It was that bad guy Lynch who beat me, it's so hateful!"

"Young Master? Is it the Young Master?"

Hearing Doflamingo's voice, the listless people in the cell opened their eyes.

"It's really the Young Master! How come you are here, you...your body..." Trebol seemed to have guessed something.

"From today on, our surname is Lin."

Doflamingo told everyone what happened.

Everyone had complicated expressions, different expressions on their faces, and fell into silence.

Especially Sandang, when she heard about surrendering to Lynch, she almost fainted, "Surrender, surrender to that big bad guy?!"

But then she thought, would she be able to survive this way?

Sandang was three parts indignant, three parts afraid, three parts happy, and one part she couldn't tell what she felt.

The same goes for the others. Everyone has a complicated look on their faces. They need to digest this heavy news.

After dealing with Doflamingo, Lynch went to meet another important guest, Caesar.

Technology is the primary productive force.

At least Lynch thinks so, so he respects scientists.

Together with Tom, they came to the cell where Caesar was imprisoned. Monet was waiting outside the door.

"Hehe, Monet, see you, sir."

After not seeing you for a long time, Monet is still the same, with a hot body, standing out from the crowd.

Light green wavy hair, golden pupils, feet and hands transformed into bird claws and limbs.

The chest is really big, but the claws and wings are a bit scary.

"Good job, Monet." Lynch praised, "I just found your heart and will put it back for you later."

"And your arms and feet, as a reward, I will restore you to a normal appearance."

"Thank you, sir!" Monet was ecstatic.

After opening the door, I saw Caesar who was held in solitary confinement.

Caesar was treated much better than others. He was only tied by a seastone chain at the ankle. There was a bed and a desk in the room, and he was given full respect.

When he worked with Vegapunk, he claimed to be the second scientist after Vegapunk.

In addition, he was also a natural gas fruit ability user.

In addition to Smoker, he was another natural shame.

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