Hill looked at Burton with unbearable eyes.

"Please let Uncle Burton go."

"Although, although he often bullies me, there are still people who occasionally come to talk to me when he is around. Without him, no one would really want to talk to me."

Burton's body trembled, and his eyes looking at Hill contained a bit of contemplation and a bit of regret.

The world is always targeting this little girl, but she is willing to face the world with gentleness.

"Okay, it's up to you." Lynch raised his hand and knocked Burton unconscious, asking Tom to help him get back to the ship.

In the system's appraisal, Burton is worth 10 points.

It's very pertinent. With the strength and size of the giant, it is a great weapon when facing those miscellaneous soldiers.

A person with a Rear Admiral level would be hit with a stick so hard that his bones would be broken and he would vomit blood.

As long as 34 giants like Burton are captured, the points for summoning Jerry will be enough.

"Let's go to the Giant Village and worship our parents."


Hill looked at Lynch's back, caught up with him and held his hand, smiling brightly.

Also heading to Giant Village, Hill's mood today was completely different from yesterday.

Because today, someone is willing to help me.

‘Mom, have you seen that Xiaoxi also has a friend worth trusting. ’

Giant Village.

As soon as the two approached, they were scolded by the giants around them.

"Damn kid, why are you back again? Get out of here!"

"You have to pass on the devil's curse to us!"

"Don't come over here. If you come over again, I'll hit you with stones!"

Elb disease has appeared among giants thousands of years ago. Even if giants with Elb disease survive, they are short in stature and destined not to live beyond the age of 18.

Over time, in that era of lack of knowledge, Abbot's disease was recognized as a curse of the devil.

Anyone suffering from Ebola will be permanently expelled from the village and left to fend for themselves.

The devil's curse has been passed down to this day, and Albosis is still incurable.

And the incidence rate has increased hundreds of times compared to thousands of years ago.

It is better to hope that sows can climb trees than to expect this group of giants with irritable personalities and muscles in their minds to understand Epstein-Barr syndrome.

If the giants had less muscles and more intelligence, they wouldn't do so many stupid things.

The White Hits worker, who was deceived by the World Government's few words, is about to sign a contract of betrayal.

It is estimated that when the contract expires, that is when they die.

This is not the first time that the giants have been deceived. In the former Lamb's House, the nuns cooperated with the World government and deceived the giants once.

In order to duel, the two leaders left the tribe regardless of the life and death of the tribesmen. This shows that the giant tribe really has no brains.

It's okay for you to duel. As long as you leave a letter, it won't cause the giants to be deceived by the World Government.

"Huh? Why is there still a human being?"

"Evil human being, are you the one who incited Hill to return to the village?"

"Go away, you are not welcome in Elbaf!"

In the face of constant abuse, Lynch smiled freely.

Why can't there be more gentle giants like Sauron among the giants?

Among the giants, Sauron is simply a little angel.

There are many branches of the giant clan, most of which are known for their roughness.

Needless to say, the people who live in this village are definitely not gentle giants with generally bad tempers.


Facing the stone thrown at him, Lynch grabbed it with one hand and threw it back with his backhand, hitting the person who threw the stone on the head and causing blood.

"Ah! Cunning human, how dare you fight back."

"There are humans bullying us giants."

"Kill him! Beat him to death! Beat him to death!"

Lynch's actions were like poking a hornet's nest. A group of giants holding stones, sticks, and machetes surrounded him.

The giants are not without their merits.

Unity and unity are one of their strengths.

"Lynch... let's get out of here." Hill worriedly grabbed the corner of Lynch's clothes. She was worried that there were so many giants and Lynch couldn't defeat them.

"Don't worry, it's up to me." Lynch patted Hill's little hand.

If you want to lead Hill into the village to worship his parents, it's useless to say nice things. You have to fight the giants.

"Ha!" The giant shouted violently, and the seven-meter-long machete slashed down on him.

"Okay!" The surrounding giants cheered for this giant's skill.

The broadsword struck Lynch firmly, as if it were striking a piece of Ten Thousand Years cold iron, and countless sparks flew out.


Lynch was intact, but the giant's palms were numb from the shock, and there was a chip on his broadsword.

The giants were collectively dumbfounded.

"This human is a master, you're welcome, let's come together!"

"Elbaf•Ba Dao!"

More than a dozen adult giants swarmed towards Lynch, half of them wearing armed colors, which showed that the world's most powerful country lived up to its reputation.

It's just a small village among the giants, and it can easily produce hundreds of Vice Admiral level masters.

Who makes the giants have Vice Admiral level strength as long as they reach adulthood?

Although this Vice Admiral is somewhat suspected of being a parallel import, it is still Vice Admiral.

No wonder Auntie would have the confidence to say that in the future: "If I can conquer the giants, I can easily destroy the red-haired Shanks."


Lynch used his nimble body skills to dodge all weapon attacks, and walked through the dense sword light with impunity.

When a dozen weapons staggered onto the ground, the person had disappeared.

There was a "swish" sound and the strong wind roared. Lynch stood on one foot on top of all the weapons, with his hands behind his back, and said lightly: "Have you ever experienced the feeling of death?"


With the force of his feet, more than a dozen weapons were trampled into pieces. A large three-meter-square crater exploded in the ground, and Lynch jumped into the air.

"A strong man like you should not be a nobody! Who are you!?"

"Human, tell me your name."

The weapons were destroyed, but the giants regained their fighting spirit and pounded Lynch with fists the size of water tanks.

Unfortunately, Lynch's fists were faster than them.


Lynch's fist slammed into a giant's cheek.

Suddenly, the flesh on the giant's face surged like waves, as if it had been hit by a large truck.

The whole person couldn't stop leaning back, his head tilted backward abnormally, and teeth with blood flying out of his mouth.


The giant fell to the ground and passed out.

With just one punch, he defeated a Vice Admiral-level giant.

Lynch breathed a sigh of relief, it was so dangerous.

Fortunately, I managed to resist the beating, and I was almost beaten to death.

"Ola Ola Ola~"

"Big wood, big wood, big wood!"

Behind him were giants’ fists like meteors.

The giants who lost their weapons were still strong, and the ground trembled with every punch they struck.

They surrounded Lynch in the center, and rained down fists, sending out bursts of sonic booms and kicking up large clouds of dust.

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