"No, Sister Gion, you must have heard wrong." Peacock buried his head in his chest.

"I hope so."

Momousagi returned to the room wiping her wet hair.

"Peacock, you are here."

Lynch looked at the girl on the sofa, lost in thought.

Since I promised Grandma He that I am idle, why don't I try to correct it?

"Are you willing to give up your strange hobby now?"

Asked in line, the peacock's head suddenly shook like a rattle.

"don't want."

Lynch's face sank, he sat on the sofa, patted his legs and said, "Lie over here, lie on my lap."

"What are you doing! Ouch~"

Peacock subconsciously took a step back, looking panicked.

"Your grandma said that if you don't obey, you can let me teach you a lesson?"

Thinking of Crane Vice Admiral's words, Peacock shivered in fright and quickly changed his words:

"I'll change it, can't I change it? Stop fighting. I can finally walk."

"Can it really be changed?"

"It can be changed!" Peacock nodded his little head quickly.


Momousagi, who was leaning on the door to watch the show, laughed and said, "Lynch, don't listen to this girl. She is the best at lying. Let me help you."


Seeing that his little idea was exposed, Peacock was panicked.

All her little thoughts will be seen through in front of Gion.

"How are you going to help?" Lynch asked curiously.

"It's very simple, just let her sincerely admit that she has corrected herself."

Gion opened his hand, and a ball of pink gas came out of his palm.

"I have eaten the Paramecia Perfume Fruit and can create various perfumes."

"This is truth perfume. If you don't have Admiral level of willpower, you can only tell the truth."

"Gion-san, cow."

Lynch praised that perfume fruits can still be developed in this way.

"No, Gion-san!"

Seeing Gion approaching, Peacock felt a moment of despair.

Later, Peacock was pinned to Lynch's lap like an errant child, and Gion released a cloud of pink gas that enveloped him.

"I'll ask you again, are you willing to give up your bad hobbies?"

"I don't want to."

As soon as these words came out, Peacock immediately covered his mouth.

what happened? She clearly wanted to say yes, but her words changed as she spoke.

"Hmph, it seems like what Gion said, he's not good at all." Lynch looked unkind.

after a while.

The peacock burst into tears and squatted in the corner with tears streaming down his face.

In this way, Lynch's vacation passed day by day.

Daily schedule: eat, sleep and shoot peacocks.

The meal is for four people to eat together, because the peacock will go back at night.

In the blink of an eye, 12 days passed.

On this day, the peacock hummed a cheerful tune and jumped through the door.

As soon as he entered the room, he obediently climbed onto Lynch's lap.

"I'm ready," he said impatiently.

Lynch's mouth twitched, "I haven't asked yet, what are you ready for?"

"Big brother, please ask quickly." Peacock said nonchalantly.

Lynch called Gion, and the pink gas controlled the peacock.

"I ask you, are you willing to give up your hobby?"

"I do."

Lynch and Gion nodded. It seemed that this girl had really changed.

Looking at the peacock lying on his lap with an anxious expression and refusing to get up, Lynch had an idea and asked:

"What are you doing?"

"Brother, please feel free to do as you please." Peacock's big eyes were filled with anticipation.

"It's over." Lynch slapped his forehead, "This is like the Vice Admiral's explanation."

"I don't know if the treatment is successful or not. How should I explain it to Vice Admiral..."

Say congratulations, your granddaughter’s hobbies have changed?

Gion also noticed something was wrong, "Lynch, you can't hit peacocks anymore."

"I think so too."

Lynch pushed the peacock away, and the peacock immediately jumped back.

"Big brother~"

Lynch: "..."

For the rest of the day, the peacock followed Lynch like a little follower.

The peacock refused to leave until late at night.

He had never seen such an outrageous request.

What a pretty little girl, why...

"Lynch Rear Admiral, Marshal Sengoku, please come over."

A Marine soldier hurried over.

"I understand, please go back."


The unexpected situation may not be simple. Lynch first explained the reason to Gion Hina.

Just as he was about to leave, another Marine soldier ran over.

"Gion Rear Admiral, we have found you. Marshal Sengoku asks you to come."

In the conference room.

When Lynch and Gion arrived, there were already five Vice Admirals and seven or eight Rear Admirals gathered there.

We also saw tea dolphins and flying squirrels that we had not seen for a long time.

"For those who haven't arrived yet, please wait. Listen to me." Sengoku said solemnly.

"The World government ordered us to launch a Buster Call on Monopon Island."

"The crime: taking in Robin, the son of the devil, and trying to explore the legendary 100-year history."

As soon as he finished speaking, Flying Squirrel immediately asked:

"There is a country living on Monopon Island. Is it too much to destroy a country just because it takes in the devil's son?"

The flying squirrel's words brought out the thoughts of many people.

Before Sengoku could reply, another Vice Admiral with an unruly look scolded:

"Flying Squirrel, are you questioning the World Government's orders?"

Rudolf is a Vice Admiral loyal to the World Government and a nail in Marine.

Gion also did not give Rudolph any face, and said coldly: "The flying squirrel is asking the marshal, not you."

"That's enough." Sengoku stopped everyone's quarrel. "Ten warships have docked at the port. You guys should go there quickly. The Flying Squirrel is the supreme commander of this operation."

The scale of Buster Call includes five Vice Admirals, ten Rear Admirals, tens of thousands of Marine elites, and the top ten warships.

Its power is enough to easily destroy a country!

Lynch looked thoughtful.

Marine has gone through the Third Generation.

The evolutionary history of Marine from Kong to Sengoku and later Akainu are as follows:

The obedient dog of World government, the dog that is dissatisfied with World government, the dog that talks back to World government.

Marine is, after all, just a dog of the World government.

All military expenditures are provided by the world government.

If you are even slightly dissatisfied with the deduction of funds, you will be forced to lay off employees next year.

As long as the World Government cuts off funding, Marine will die on its own in a short time.

Marine is not a pirate, so it is impossible for him to commit acts of burning, killing and looting.

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