"You ask me to come up with something I don't have, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Fishman Tom didn't look back, shrouding himself in shadow, "Since you want to kill, then go ahead and kill."

"Okay, this is what you said, don't regret it."

Lynch snorted and disappeared into the night.

After confirming that the visitor had left, Tom the fishman suddenly collapsed on the ground as if he had lost all his strength, and big tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Franky..."

"I'm sorry, Bingshan... I hope you can forgive me."

the other side.

After leaving, Lynch did not give up on obtaining Pluton's production drawings.

As soon as he saw the situation, he quickly locked Franky's position.

Abandoned shipyard.

Lynch appeared behind Franky without any warning, instantly knocked him unconscious and carried him away before the other party could react.

the next day.

Fishman Tom heard the news about Franky's disappearance from Iceberg, and was heartbroken.

He didn't tell Bingshan all this, but kept it deep in his heart.

That person's strength is too strong.

Not telling Bingshan is the best choice for Bingshan.

Otherwise, if Bingshan goes to seek revenge, Bingshan himself will die.

That night.

Lynch found Mr. Tom again.

But this time, he was holding a gift.

"Hehehe, Mr. Tom, do you still like the gift I brought?"


Tom walked over quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Franky who was just unconscious and not seriously injured.

"what do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. You said you don't care about Franky's life or death. I just want to see if you really don't care."

Lynch gradually tightened his grip on Franky's head.

"Asshole! What are you going to do? Stop it!"

Fish-man Tom, eyes wide open, rushed forward and punched and kicked Lynch.

However, Lynch remained motionless.


Lynch's palm continued to exert force, and suddenly there was a sound of bones breaking, and a line of blood flowed down Franky's temples.

"Stop! Stop! Please stop!"

Tom the fishman was always in tears, he had never been so weak as he was today.

In fact, this is the real world.

Cruelty is far greater than beauty.

"That's enough, why are you willing to let Franky go?"

Seeing Franky's tragic situation, Tom the fishman's inner defense was instantly broken.

Lynch's palm suddenly stopped, "It's very simple. As long as you hand over the Pluton drawings, I will leave immediately and I will never hurt you."

Seeing that Fishman Tom was already hesitant, Lynch clenched his hands tightly and said, "Otherwise, you will have to say goodbye to Franky tonight."

"I'll hand it over! I'll hand it over, don't hurt him again."

Tom the fishman almost roared.

If he wasn't afraid of being discovered by the World Government outside, he would probably have roared out.

"Very good, it would have been better if it had been like this earlier."

Lynch let go of his hand and let Franky fall to the ground, "I'll give you five minutes, don't overestimate my patience."

Tom the fishman walked to a corner of the room and slapped his hands on the ground.

I don’t know what was done, but something like a safe rose up from the ground.

Tom entered the combination into the safe again.

After a complicated operation, a thick roll of drawings appeared in his hand.

"Here you go, let Franky go."


Lynch took Pluton's production drawings and let Franky go as promised.

"Holy crap, what kind of talisman is this?"

Lynch lowered his head to look at the drawings. The complex structural components made him dizzy.

No wonder the World Government couldn’t build Pluton without the blueprints.

Even with this blueprint, it may not be possible to create it! ?

"If I find out that you are lying to me, I will come back and take Franky's life."

Lynch was not an engineer, and he was worried that Tom had tampered with the drawings.

"Don't worry, I won't play any tricks if I give it to you."

Fishman Tom shook his head and sealed the safe underground again.

"I don't even dare to think about you."

Lynch carefully put away the drawings and disappeared into the night.

"Franky, Franky, wake up!"

After Lynch left, Tom the Fishman hurriedly knelt down to rescue Franky.

"Ahem...Teacher Tom, why am I here?"

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, Franky woke up faintly and looked around in confusion.

He clearly remembered that he was in the abandoned shipyard a moment ago.

Why did he appear here in the blink of an eye, Teacher Tom?

"Don't worry about this. I have more important things to tell you."

As a qualified teacher, Tom did not tell the next generation of hatred.

What happened today will be buried deep in the earth with him.

Tom walked to another corner of the room, repeated the previous operation, and took out a copy of Pluton's production drawings.

"Franky, I can't leave anymore. These are the production drawings of the famous ancient instrument-Pluton that I copied."

"Today I will hand him over to you. You must protect it as well as you would protect your own life."

Fishman Tom stuffed the second Pluton drawing into Franky's arms, "Go! Get out of here and never come back!"

Looking at the Pluton drawings in his arms, Franky was shocked and stirred up a storm.

"Teacher Tom, I will never abandon you!"

"Bastard, do you want me to die with my eyes open?"

Fishman Tom glared at Franky.

After getting the planned Pluton drawings, Lynch quickly came over.

Those rookies sent by the World government are simply dreaming of discovering him.

After getting the drawings, he went back to Sky Island first.

There are many shipbuilding masters in Sky Island, otherwise Enel’s golden spaceship would not be built.

"How about it, are the drawings real or fake?"

Seeing a group of old academics with gray beards gathered together to study for a long time but still no movement, Lynch couldn't help but ask.

"Well, this drawing is absolutely real. I have lived for 82 years and have never seen such a stunning battleship."

"What a wonderful workmanship, what a wonderful workmanship."

"Whoever designed this battleship is a genius."

Several old scholars were fascinated.

"Then can you make it?"

After hearing that the drawings were genuine, Lynch hit the centering scale and quickly asked the most critical question.


The leader, old man Whitebeard, took off his glasses.

"With all due respect, we can't build it. There are two main difficulties."

"What two points?" Lynch asked.

Don’t be afraid of difficulties, just let them not be found. Now that you have found a solution, that’s fine.

"The first point is the material of this ship."

"Legend has it that the reason why Roger's ship, the Pirate King, is invincible on the sea is because its keel was built by Adam the Treasure Tree."

"I have carefully studied this battleship called Pluton. Whether it is the weapons equipped on it or the sophisticated design, it is at least a thousand years ahead of the world."

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