Under Tia's knife that cut open the sea, the Colonel Rat and his gang were naturally frightened.

In just half a day's effort, the other party sent the bounty of Aaron and his gang to Tia.

This made Tia very satisfied, and she threatened again before letting the group of guys leave.

Without the exploitation of Aaron and his gang, life in Kokoasi Village finally improved.

The roads that had been unrepaired for many years, resulting in dilapidated mud, and the surrounding old houses, were also renovated by the villagers.

Looking at the village that gradually became more and more vibrant day by day, the smiles on Nami and Nokigao's faces also increased.

As for Tia, she stayed at home on the site of the original "Aaron Paradise", learning the navigational knowledge and charts that Nami had collected over the years.

In this way, under Tia's hard work every day, time passed unconsciously, and in the blink of an eye, half a month later.

At dusk half a month later, on the seaside of Kokoasi Village, Nami and Nochigao, as well as all the villagers in Kokoasi Village, gathered on the coast at this time, looking reluctantly at the sailing ships that were fading away in the distance.

After more than half a month of fermentation, the villagers of Kekoa West Village also knew that Tia was the hero who solved Aaron and his gang.

Therefore, when he left, most of the villagers spontaneously came to see Tia off.

"Young man, it's smooth sailing on the road!"

"Tia, have a safe journey!"

One by one, the villagers were waving their arms non-stop, and their eyes were full of deep reluctance.

Especially the two little girls, Nami and Nochigao.

There were faint tears flashing in the eyes of the two, and Nami kept slipping with tears dripping and wetting the ground under her feet.

Tia stood on the deck of the sailboat, waving goodbye to the villagers.

Although he didn't stay long, Tia also had a trace of reluctance in his heart for this peaceful and peaceful village.

Suddenly, Tia's vision clearly saw that Nami's small figure suddenly ran towards the beach, shouting as she ran: "Tia, you must become the number one in the world!" I'm waiting to see you become number one in the world! When I turn eighteen, I will also go to sea, and I will become the number one navigator in the world!

Listening to Nami's loud cry, Tia responded with a smile: "Well, I hope to meet you at sea in the future!" "


breeze is gentle, the blue waves are rippling, and a huge warship is quietly sailing on the sea.

The huge sails, printed with the huge seagull mark representing the navy, and the English "MARINE" representing the headquarters of the navy, means that on the deck of the "Marin Fandor"

warship, a large number of soldiers in uniform are busy.

On both sides of the bow and hull, three huge guns were raised high, as if they would be fired outward at any moment.

At this time, at the bow of the ship, a tall figure wearing a dog's head hat was standing quietly in the bow position with his hands on his chest.

Anyone who sees it will subconsciously think that the other party is definitely observing the situation at sea.

However, in the front where no one saw it, the figure was with its mouth wide open, a large snot bubble was rising and falling with his breathing, and at the same time, a loud snoring sound also echoed on the warship.

Everyone on the warship seemed to have long been surprised by this, and no one bothered him, each doing his own fellow, as if he didn't seem to be at all.

However, at this moment, an officer wearing a big gun, wearing a suit and a top hat inside, suddenly walked behind Karp and shouted helplessly: "Lieutenant General Karp, there is a situation." "


Suddenly woken up by this shout, the figure who was sleeping soundly, the snot bubble on the tip of the nose suddenly shattered, and immediately opened a pair of confused eyes.

"Ahahaha, I accidentally fell asleep. By the way, Bogart, what did you just say? Karp laughed and patted his head.

Hearing this, the officer just now, that is, Bogart, heard the story and recounted the matter.

"Oh? A sailboat in the distance? Is it a pirate? Karp stretched out his little finger, picked his nose, and asked without care.

"No, not a pirate, but through my observation, the boy on that ship is very suitable to join our navy." Bogart said.

Hearing this, Karp raised his eyebrows, and a trace of interest arose in his heart.

"Oh? Then I want to see what kind of teenager can actually get into your eyes. Karp laughed, casually took a telescope handed over by the adjutant, and looked in a certain direction.

I saw that on the endless sea, a sailing ship that was neither too big nor too small was quietly moving forward with the wind.

The boat looks ordinary, nothing special, just a medium-sized sailboat.

And where the flag is hung at the mast, there is no flag that represents a certain force.

The line of sight moved down slightly, and after the telescope, Karp's eyes suddenly narrowed, and his gaze fell on the only figure that was moving.

It was a naked boy with a shirtless upper body, who did not look very old, and was more than one meter and eight meters tall. Handsome and handsome, naked body, although the muscles are not exaggerated, but angular, as if there is an extremely terrifying power hidden in it.

And the most striking thing is the boy's ongoing activities.

The boy's activities seemed to be simple, just very simple squats.

But what is not simple is that on the shoulders of the teenager, at this moment, he is carrying a huge barbell dozens of times larger than his body.

Looking at this scene, Karp's eyes also flashed a different color.

The weight of such a huge barbell is naturally self-evident, definitely weighing more than a dozen tons.

But looking at the young man's body, there was not the slightest sweat, his expression was indifferent, and he even looked very relaxed, obviously he still had spare strength.

But most importantly, it is surprising that such a huge weight is carried on its shoulders without the slightest impact on the deck of the ship.

"Bogart, get close to the ship and investigate if this kid is a pirate." Karp ordered the adjutant without looking back.

Hearing this, Bogait nodded, and then turned to leave.

On the other side, Tia was sitting on the ship for daily training, carrying a dozen tons of weight on his shoulders, and the power of space was also mobilized by him, covering the entire sailboat, so that the weight of the barbell would not destroy the deck.

This can not only exercise his strength, but also exercise his use of spatial ability, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

For him, who has the power of space, he has discovered the existence of the warship long before Karp discovered him.

However, he did not have the idea of intersecting with them.

Anyway, he is not a pirate, and there is no conflict of interest with the Navy, so there is no need to deal with each other at all.

But the world is so fickle, sometimes you don't want to deal with others, but others come to greet you well.

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