"General, there are pirates approaching us."

In the warship, Tia was lying on a rocking chair, comfortably basking in the sun and closing her eyes. Suddenly, a lookout reported to him.

Tia slowly opened her eyelids, nodded, and looked in the direction of the port of Dressrosa, which was still some distance away.

I saw that not far from the port, three sailing ships with pirate skeleton marks painted on their sails were approaching the warship he was on.

In fact, Tia had long sensed the situation in the port through the power of space.

It's just that the strength of these pirates, the general strength is only at the middle and lower levels, and it really doesn't raise his interest in making a move.

However, now that he is in the navy, he naturally cannot sit idly by.

And this time he is not just for the mission of the Navy, but also has a more important purpose, so he needs to show Dressrosa his strength.

Slowly getting up from the recliner, Tia moved his muscles, and a "crackling" sound suddenly echoed around him.

Looking at those pirate ships that were getting closer and closer, a sneer slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Doflamingo's control of Dressrosa, presumably what happened in the port, he already knew the intelligence.

However, even so, there is no one who has appeared yet, which shows what the other party thinks.

"It seems that this time it is necessary to move your muscles." Tia murmured.

The next moment the words appeared, Tia's figure disappeared directly out of thin air.

At this moment, on the three pirate ships, a famous pirate was looking excitedly at the approaching warship.

For them, a naval warship is not much more advanced than their pirate ship.

At least, with this warship that could sail in the windless zone, they could go back and forth to and from the front and back of the Great Route at will.

In this way, they can plunder wealth in the first half of the weak half, recruit their subordinates to accumulate strength, and when the time comes, when the strength is stronger and then return to the new world, won't they have the opportunity to become the fourth king of the sea?

At the bow of the three pirate ships, each stood a man in different clothes.

Although they are dressed differently, they all share a common identity, that is, the captain of their respective ships.

Obviously, it is not just one of them who is thinking about robbing naval ships.

At this time, the three looked at each other, and the light in their eyes flashed, and the meaning was obvious.

Who can get this warship depends on his ability.

It is clear that they did not take the navy on this warship seriously.

Even if the highest combat power on each warship is a vice admiral

, in their opinion, a vice admiral is not the opponent of their three pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million.

In the sea area that was still some distance away from the warship, Tia's figure appeared directly in mid-air.

However, they did not expect that the lieutenant general on this warship was an existence whose strength was comparable to that of a general.

On the other side, Tia's figure disappeared from the warship, and the next moment appeared in the sea not far in front of the three pirate ships.

The moment Tia appeared, the three pirate ship captains who had been mixed in the New World for a while naturally discovered him for the first time.

"Little ones, aim the muzzle of the cannon at the guy who appeared in the sky, really looking for death, and dare to stand on the head of labor and management." One of the pirate captains waved his hand to the little brother behind him, and suddenly the pirates who were wearing the ship suddenly mobilized and began to prepare artillery and shoot at the figure in the sky.

The other two pirate ships also made the same move.

Suddenly, the pitch-black guns quickly aimed at the figures that appeared in the sky.

In the sky, Tia, who watched this scene the whole time, was expressionless, looking at this group of pirates as if he was watching a group of NPCs.

With a flip of his wrist, the gorgeous Tiancong Cloud Sword appeared directly in his hand, and I pressed my palm slightly on the hilt.


The dark golden blade was slowly pulled out by Tia, and the blade suddenly groaned, as if it was excited.

Tia smiled, and a smile appeared on her face.

Previously, when fighting with Edward Weibull, he teleported Zefa and other navies away in advance, so his spatial fruit ability has not yet been exposed.

Although the movement that caught the sea king a few days ago was a little big, and the navy was taken into the carry-on space.

However, since there was no time in the carry-on space, and when he captured that sea king by himself, the fluctuations generated could only be perceived by him, so his spatial fruit ability was not yet exposed.

Therefore, in front of all the sober navies, he naturally chose to use swordsmanship against the enemy.

His gaze swept the sea area under his feet, and at this time, the three pirate ships had also found him floating in the sky.

Boom boom....

One after another, a roar sounded from the sea below, followed by pitch-black shells, shooting towards Tia's position.


Tia slashed out at will, and a sword qi five or six meters long swept out instantly, directly causing those shells to be lined up in half in the middle of the road.


The shell exploded into a cloud of fire in mid-air, which made the pirates below look ugly.

One of the pirate captains snorted coldly, stepped on the deck with the soles of his feet, and the whole person jumped hundreds of meters high.

Coming to mid-air, the soles of his feet kept stepping on the air, and the whole person was suspended in the air by the power of the stampede, and approached Tia's position.

Looking at the other party's actions, Tia couldn't help but be surprised.

This ability to rely on stepping on the air for a short time in the air is exactly the six-type "moon step" in the Navy.

I didn't expect that this little-known pirate in front of him would actually do this trick.

The pirate's figure was not slow, and soon came to Tia, and Tia also wanted to see what the other party wanted to do, so he did not make a move at the first time.

I saw that the pirate came to Tia dozens of meters in front of him, and after maintaining a safe distance, he raised his palm, put his index finger and middle finger together, and made a sword finger.

Then Tia saw it, and the pair raised his finger and swiped at Tia.

Tia's eyes flashed, his figure was slightly off, and an invisible fluctuation passed by his figure.

Then, Tia's interested gaze fell on the other party.

"Is your ability a sickle fruit?" Tia looked at the pirate and asked.

"Hmph." Who knew that the pirate snorted coldly, and did not mean to answer at all. I saw that with another wave of his palm, another invisible slash swept towards Tia.

Tia smiled and shook her head without saying anything more.

The reason why he opened his mouth to ask was only because in his spatial perception, at the moment when the pirate waved his hand, an invisible slash was released from his fingertips.

This reminds Tia of the Sickle Fruit ability that appeared in the original book.

It's just that this ability appears in this guy, and it is obvious that this guy in front of him must die somewhere in the future.

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