Whitebeard desperately activated the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, even exhausting his life source... This behavior is almost no less than self-destruction!

And the power of this self-destruction can definitely subvert the cognition of everyone in this world, because this is a full blow that has mastered almost the most powerful destructive power in the world!

Almost no one can survive this self-destruction... Including the members of the Whitebeard Pirates themselves, this is a true sense of mutual destruction!

But the ending of mutual destruction is different for both parties. You must know that the other members of the Whitebeard Pirates are at the extreme periphery... They will not be affected. If the main force of the navy here dies.

They can definitely escape on a large scale, which can be said to be a victory in a certain stage for the Whitebeard Pirates... and a big defeat for the navy!

"Die with us!!!"


All the members of the Whitebeard Pirates present roared crazily, bursting out with all their strength, but not to kill the navy... but to intercept them completely! The only thing they were worried about at the moment was to bury all the navy here. The flames of Marco's Phoenix rose hundreds of meters... The huge wings that covered the sky and the sun directly stopped Aokiji and Kizaru from stopping Whitebeard's"self-destruction"!

Kizaru, who was held tightly by Marco the Phoenix and others, finally looked no longer lazy as before, but suddenly impatient...

Yes, impatient, this kind of expression appeared on his somewhat wretched face for the first time

"Damn it... Damn it!"

Because the development of the situation is completely beyond his acceptance!

If Whitebeard really"self-destructs", almost 99% of all the people here will die. What does this mean... You know, more than half of the backbone of the navy are here...

If this group of people die in the battle, Kizaru can't believe what the navy will do in the future. Maybe the order of the sea will collapse again. This is something Kizaru can't accept at all.……

"Speed... Yasakani no Magatama……"

Yellow Monkey's face was rarely solemn at this moment. He made a strange pose, and then the power of the Shining Fruit burst out instantly... Endless light spread out from him in all directions!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

He also turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Whitebeard. He wanted to take Whitebeard away from the battlefield in the"self-destruct" state and must not let him explode here!

However... a blue-green figure still rushed towards him regardless of everything, and a flesh-and-blood body actually blocked his attack.

Marco's mouth was full of blood, and he looked at Yellow Monkey fiercely and said sternly:

"I can't let you go.……"


There were many similar things happening on the battlefield at this moment. The vice admirals and major generals from the Navy Headquarters knew how critical the situation was, so they all wanted to foolishly use their lives to stop Whitebeard's"self-explosion"!

This was their responsibility as soldiers, but... it was obviously useless. They couldn't break through at all, and could only wait for his terrifying moment to come!

Crack... Crack!

This piece of space seemed to be unable to withstand such a terrifying force and began to collapse violently. The power of the origin... was so terrifying!

The center of the epicenter!

Akainu was still struggling to break through the barrier. At this moment, he had opened seven gates... and had walked very close to Whitebeard, but it was this slight distance that caused his attack to not fall on Whitebeard, and he could not stop Whitebeard's behavior... just a little bit short. If he could open the seventh gate, he might be able to break through the barrier, but he couldn't... even if Akainu was gifted.

He had too little time to activate the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu. He could only open the seventh gate, and he had no idea about the eighth gate!

"Damn it!"

Akainu's face was filled with extreme pain. He regretted the plan for this battle in his heart. He shouldn't have agreed to Whitebeard's request... He was too confident, thinking that less sacrifice would lead to a greater victory.

Thus, he was set up by Whitebeard... Yes, a trap. Whitebeard's plan was actually an open conspiracy!

He thought that he really didn't want everyone to suffer unnecessary casualties, and that this old man was really"kind". Now Akainu finally understood that Whitebeard's"kindness" was still based on his family.

""I'm sorry, Sakaski... I was really unkind this time."

Whitebeard, who was using all his strength to activate the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, was pale at this moment... His face looked even older. He looked at Sakaski with a little guilt at this moment.

That's right... He cheated Akainu... This was the first time in his life that Whitebeard had really cheated someone, and he took advantage of the other party's"kindness". Although the other party's original intention was not to cause heavy casualties among ordinary navy officers, it was still Whitebeard who"cheated" the other party.

But for this"cheating", Whitebeard did not regret it. After all, the consequence of this cheating could allow most of his crew members to survive.

Without his protection, as for whether they would be hunted down by the navy or what... The navy that lost most of its strong men would have a much higher chance of survival.

As for the turmoil at sea caused by the death of most of the navy's senior officers, which might cause a series of reactions and lead to the death of many people, Whitebeard felt guilty, but it was just guilt. After all, he was a pirate.

And pirates... are selfish!

"Let's disappear together... everyone!"

Whitebeard smiled bitterly, and his big hand was about to pinch again... He was going to completely detonate all his strength!

In fact, with the strength of Akainu's heart that had opened seven gates, it was actually possible for him to turn around and escape instead of attacking Whitebeard, but he didn't... Instead, he kept trying his best to stop him.

Because... He is Akainu, the admiral of the navy, Sakaski, known as absolute justice!

If one person must die in the war, he will not hesitate……

"Little guy... Uncle may not be able to accompany you anymore, you have to fulfill our promise alone!"

Akainu, who felt that he was too late to stop it, also smiled helplessly at this moment... The duty of the admiral of the navy has been fulfilled, and now he has only one thing left!

"I really want to see that little guy again.……"

As the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit exploded, space began to collapse... The white light became stronger and stronger, and Akainu could hardly see the surroundings clearly, but for some reason... he saw a familiar figure through the white light. The figure was wearing a slim... Navy Justice uniform, with beautiful black hair!

That was...……

"Bai Ze?"

Akainu was a little surprised and murmured subconsciously.

The next moment, the figure slowly turned around and revealed a childish face. He smiled slightly.

"I'm here! Uncle!"

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