I don't know how long it took...

The coast of Dressrosa!

A navy warship slowly approached the shore in the sunset, and as soon as this huge warship approached the shore, a man with a resolute face jumped off!

He was one of Doflamingo's senior cadres, Vergo!

He accelerated desperately, but still arrived at Dressrosa one step faster than Akainu!

"There shouldn't be any trouble yet!"

Vergo looked at the calm coast at the moment. There was no turmoil as he imagined. He looked a little happy! It seems that the navy boy should not have had time to take action. It should be in time for him now!

Thinking of this, Vergo slowed down his pace and began to walk towards the palace!

Along the way, he looked around carefully... He hadn't been back to Dressrosa for half a year. Looking at the familiar facilities on the street,

Vergo thought to himself, the young master's rule is getting stronger and stronger.

"It's the Navy, everyone!"

Suddenly a joyful voice interrupted Vergo's thoughts. He turned around in confusion and saw a girl looking at him happily!

Vergo frowned slightly. He remembered that Dressrosa was very disgusted with the Navy.

"I must have heard it wrong... That little girl shouldn't be looking at me."

Virgo thought to himself, and wanted to leave this place... but was stopped by someone.

The group of people threw a lot of fruits and vegetables at him frantically, and they spoke in a bustling manner.

"Admiral, thank you so much this time!"

"Thank you for removing that demon and setting us free again"

"Thank you... Thank you so much!"

A group of men and women thanked him crazily with tears in their eyes, which made Vergo dumbfounded.

Thank you... Navy, what happened here?

His cold face began to become ugly, and he raised his hand and overturned several baskets.

""Get lost!"

He shouted coldly at everyone and ran towards the palace.

Damn... His feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger, and a bad premonition came to his mind.

"What is this navy man doing?"

A group of people had their fruits and vegetables knocked over, and they only expressed a little dissatisfaction, because today is really a happy day.

That man...

Things like this happened in the streets and alleys of Dressrosa, and any navy who showed up would be treated preferentially!


Vergo strode in that direction, and encountered the same situation many times along the way, and the further he went in that direction, the worse it became!

When he finally reached a place very close to the palace, Vergo stopped... He looked at it blankly.

What did he see now?

The towering palace collapsed!

This was where his young master lived, and now it has become a ruin. What does it mean?……


Vergo seemed to be speechless as if someone had grabbed his throat, his face flushed red...

The people around him looked at this strange navy, without saying anything... just frowned slightly and began to move away from him.

Vergo continued to walk towards there with red eyes, but every step he took was extremely difficult, as if he was filled with lead!

Finally, after a few minutes, he finally arrived at that place.

Dressrosa Palace!

Although the Dressrosa Palace is now in ruins, tens of thousands of people have gathered below it!

They screamed this slogan at the top of their lungs.

""Freedom, freedom!"

The voice resounded through the sky!

Vergo's heart was numb. He ignored Zhong Ren's roar and just looked around for the figure.

His young master, Doflamingo...what happened to him now?

After looking around and searching in vain, Vergo finally moved his sight upwards!

Then... he saw the scene he would never forget in his life!

On the ruins of the Dressrosa Palace, a man's body was nailed to the wall by a steel pillar!

The man was wearing a pair of vermilion sunglasses and a cloak that had long been dyed red...it was Doflamingo who had ruled this kingdom for several years!

He was dead, and his body was nailed to the wall, allowing those people he once looked down upon to watch and sneer at him.

His Blood just kept flowing along the wall...

Not only that, there were actually three bodies nailed to the side of him.

One was wearing clown makeup, one had a big nose, and one was huge... All of them died in a tragic way!

A total of four bodies were nailed to the wall, all of them were big shots in this world. It was hard to imagine who would have the guts to do such a thing.

Boom! Boom!

Vergo watched this scene with his heart beating like a drum. He listened absentmindedly to everyone laughing and discussing this matter...

Finally, he gradually understood what happened, and heard that familiar name from their mouths.

Bai Ze...

This young navy boy killed Doflamingo with one blow under the watchful eyes of everyone. When Trepolpica and others found that something was wrong, they wanted to run... but they were also easily killed!

"Doflamingo is dead, and from now on you are...free."

The boy wearing the Navy Justice uniform and a clown mask said to everyone.

To everyone's shock, the boy then said

"This kingdom belongs to you, and its royal family will not change... Next, my navy……"

A group of people just listened to the boy announcing policies one after another, and even... helped them find the former royal family who had been hiding, saving them a lot of trouble.

No one doubted whether the boy was qualified to say these words.

Because killing Doflamingo had already proved a lot.

After an unknown amount of time, when they came to their senses and wanted to thank the navy boy, they found that he had left without knowing when.

The bodies of Doflamingo and others were nailed to the wall!


Vergo put aside his chaotic thoughts, took a deep breath, and his eyes regained their determination.

Now that the scary boy was gone, then...

He looked up at the bodies of Doflamingo and others nailed to the ground.

He would take back the young master's body! Bury him properly!

Vergo pushed through the crowd and strode forward. When he got close to the ruins, many people came to their senses.

"Damn it, this guy wants to steal the bodies of Doflamingo and others, everyone stop him quickly!"

"Stop him!"


They would not allow others to take away the bodies of Doflamingo and others and nail them there. This guy would have to be nailed there to atone for his sins!

The powerful people in the crowd began to intercept Vergo!

""A bunch of ants, get out of here!"

Vergo didn't even bother to look at them, his whole body instantly covered with Armament Haki, he punched one... and kicked a group of them away.

Soon he broke through the encirclement of everyone, and no one present could stop him. They could only watch him getting closer and closer to the bodies of Doflamingo and others!

""Young Master!"

Just as Vergo was about to touch the bodies of Doflamingo and the others with joy, a cold but majestic voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"Stop it!"

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