
Bai Ze looked at Crocodile's mouth and raised it slightly. This person is indeed a little more powerful than he thought!

Crocodile saw Bai Ze's expression and understood everything.

"So... you are here to kill me today, right, Navy?

Crocodile's expression seemed a little ugly,"In just two months, two of the Seven Warlords of the Sea were killed by your Navy. It's hard for me to believe that this is not the true intention of your Navy Headquarters... So I asked the World Government and the Navy Headquarters for an explanation... while……"

"The current vigilance has been increased, but I still didn't expect that I would be your next target!"

He slowly stood up, his tall body revealed a hint of majesty. The natural fruit ability of the Sand-Sand Fruit gave him a unique advantage, that is, the abnormality of the environment... the moisture.

So if you get close to him, he will find you, but he didn't expect Bai Ze to be able to walk up to him before he found out.

The navy boy in front of him is really scary

"Interesting navy boy, can you tell me... why do you specifically want to kill the Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

"What does the Navy Headquarters mean? Or what benefits can you personally get?"

Crocodile asked in a deep voice, but the answer was naturally Bai Ze's silence.

How could he answer Crocodile? However, Crocodile was indeed smart and actually thought of a different reason... Bai Ze's personal interests.

He did prioritize the system reward before attacking and killing the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

"A dead person doesn't need to know so much, does he?"

Bai Ze said coldly, Crocodile narrowed his eyes slightly... The atmosphere in the field instantly became tense.

""In that case... then you go to hell!"

Crocodile suddenly shouted, and the killing move that had been ambushed under Bai Ze's feet instantly came out...

More than a dozen scissors formed by fine sand instantly emerged from under Bai Ze's feet and stabbed Bai Ze directly.

This was a gift that Crocodile had prepared for the possible assassin...

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sand knife stabbed at Bai Ze quickly, but Bai Ze's pupils flickered slightly... The sand knife went straight through him, as if it hit but not completely.


"As expected……"

Crocodile was not surprised. During this period of time... Bai Ze had attacked so many times... As one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he had some means to obtain some secret reports about Bai Ze's abilities. This boy seemed to be able to dodge any attack.

But... there seemed to be a time limit!

And he couldn't attack when dodging an attack. Although Crocodile didn't know the principle... he knew that Bai Ze was not invincible!

As long as he was not invincible, he could fight!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Crocodile raised his hand, and countless fine sands swarmed towards Bai Ze... He was just dragging! He used the unique advantages of the natural fruit ability to wear this boy out!


However, Bai Ze was being dragged, and he gradually felt something was wrong... Although he had the endurance of Hashirama's cells, the time he could be in the state of hollowness was indeed limited.

"The characteristics of Kamui cannot be concealed for too long.……"

Bai Ze frowned, and after hesitating for a moment, he chose to give up the virtual evasion and use his own speed and body skills to make the fine sand attack slower than him!

In the gap, Bai Ze subconsciously launched an attack.

""God's might!"

The blood-red pupils trembled again, and the familiar spatial fluctuations spread violently from Crocodile's body, expanding from a small dot...

Feeling the strange power, Crocodile narrowed his eyes slightly but did not dodge. The spatial power exploded... But the body destroyed by the power of God's might turned into tiny grains of sand.

Then it condensed into a new body again!

"Sure enough...Nature-type fruit abilities have a natural immunity to the power of God!"

Bai Ze was not annoyed when he saw this. After all, he had long guessed that the natural devil fruit ability in the pirate world is indeed a unique ability... Almost every natural devil fruit ability user will not be weak!

But because of this, it is also extremely rare!

Bai Ze's eyes were still very calm. He slowly looked at his waist... The next moment, the magic knife Ghost God Cry was pulled out by him and held in his hand. The black blade exuded a sinister demonic aura. This was the result of the continuous infection of the armed color domineering... And the armed color domineering just restrained the natural fruit ability user!

Crocodile also realized this. He looked at the golden hook in his left hand, and then shot out with a toe!

Bai Ze did the same. He raised the knife and rushed forward directly.

In an instant, the whole secret room was shaken by an overwhelming vibration, and the whole secret room was shaking...

Such a loud noise naturally alarmed Mr. 1 who had not walked far away

"Huh? Why are there sounds of fighting in the secret room... Damn, did someone attack the boss?"

Mr. 1's face was frosty, and the ability of the Quick Slash Fruit was activated... Arms, ankles, sharp blades actually grew directly from his body.

Blade Man!

Mr. 1 quickened his pace and rushed into the secret room aggressively. Anyone who dared to attack his boss... must die!

But just as he was about to reach the door of the secret room, the instinct of a strong man made him sense a hint of danger... He hurriedly retreated, and then saw the empty field in front of him.


With a slight fluctuation in space, a figure slowly appeared in front of him. It was a young man with a sword on his waist. His pupils were blood red, emitting a strange power.

"Who are you……"

Mr.1 felt something was wrong and spoke subconsciously, but the next moment the boy had already rushed towards him... without any hesitation.


A knife came down directly at him, and even if he tried to block it, it was too late, and his strength seemed to be completely different from the other party.

Sensing the fight inside and the powerful enemy in front of him... Mr.1's expression was extremely ugly.

"Are there a group of people coming to kill the boss?"

Soon, Mr. 1 fell in a pool of blood with confusion and despair... and the figure disappeared again after killing another person!

The scene returned to peace again



In the secret room at this moment!

The battle between Crocodile and Shirazawa is still going on and they didn't notice the strange movement outside at all. On the contrary, because there is a conflict between the ability of the natural Sand-Sand Fruit and the ability of Kamui, both sides consciously did not use those abilities meaninglessly.

Instead, they switched to a confrontation between physical skills!

And the confrontation between physical skills... How could Crocodile, who has been fighting for decades, lose to Shirazawa who is only a teenager? After a few minutes of fighting, Shiraz began to be at a disadvantage and began to retreat... while Crocodile stood firmly on top, as if the balance of victory was about to lean towards Crocodile.

But at this moment, Crocodile's expression did not show the joy of victory at all... Instead, his brows were furrowed, and he looked puzzled.

"Is this the only strength of the boy who killed Doflamingo and Gekko Moriah?...Even if his strange abilities are useless to me, it shouldn't be like this."

"This guy seems to have a powerful move to condense energy and explode.……"

Crocodile said to himself as he was suppressing Bai Ze.

He was really puzzled. He spent Zhou Zhang to deal with this possible assassin... but he didn't expect that the opponent's strength seemed not as strong as he imagined.

On the contrary... he was a little weirdly weak. Yes, it was weirdly weak, which made him nervous all the time... and distracted from fighting.

Crocodile frowned and looked at Bai Ze who was struggling to resist in front of him. Why was this guy getting weaker and weaker... like a balloon that would leak air.

What's going on?

Bai Ze, who had been struggling to resist, saw Crocodile's dazed expression... but his mouth curled up, as if he had been waiting for this moment.

He slashed at him with his giant sword. At this moment, he was full of flaws... as if he was willing to exchange his life for his own!

Crocodile finally got angry when he saw this. Maybe he was too worried... The navy boy in front of him was able to restrain Doflamingo and the others to kill them, but he... the other party couldn't do anything to him.

Thinking of this...

Crocodile shouted in a low voice, and the golden hook in his left hand, which was ready to go, was directly handed out fiercely.

"Go to hell! Annoying little devil……"

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