More than half of the twenty people in the conference room stood up at this moment, all staring at Akainu with dignified eyes!

These people are all representatives of the conservative faction. The arrogant Akainu is the kind of person they dislike the most, so at this moment, they all target Akainu whenever they have the chance.

Sengoku sat in the main seat and watched all this with a frown. His eyes were erratic... I don't know what he was thinking, and Garp on the side was still sitting with his legs crossed and picking his nose, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Kizaru and Aokiji on the left and right yawned, and both looked like they didn't intend to intervene in this matter!

In fact, there are many people in the pro-war faction here, but these people don't have a good relationship with Akainu, because the proud Akainu has no intention of getting along with others.

So now it has caused an embarrassing situation where many people besieged Akainu and Shirazawa!


"Akainu, who do you think you are? It's not your turn to call the shots in the navy right now!……"

The burly old man looked at Akainu angrily. He was also a���He is one of the most experienced officers in the army. He is also a staunch supporter of the conservatives. He was angry when he saw how Akainu protected Bai Ze, who had caused such a big disaster!

That Bai Ze was a replica of Akainu, maybe even an enhanced version.

The old man half-closed his eyes and spoke like a superior.

"All you think about every day is war, war, war, war...but have you ever considered the consequences? Do you know how many civilians will die due to war?"

"Do you know what would happen if we lost the war? What would happen to our navy?"

"Don't think about starting a war if you are not absolutely sure. Starting a war... will come with a price!"

"Can our navy afford this cost now?"


The old man's words are the core idea of the current conservatives. In general, they don't fight a battle that they are not absolutely sure of, and they will be as safe as possible.

After all, no one wants the navy to be defeated by their generation, otherwise they will become sinners for all eternity.

Akainu sneered disdainfully when he heard these words that his ears were calloused from.

"A bunch of old guys who don't seek to change, who have no courage at all, and only care about their insignificant achievements."

"Hehe... Actually, it's nothing!"

Akainu's words made all the conservatives look pale.

""Akainu, what the hell do you mean?"

The old man in the lead asked with a black face, and Akainu just crossed his arms and replied calmly.

"What I mean is... Bai Ze is right, what has our navy gained in return for all these years of concessions?……"

"It only made the pirates more unscrupulous and caused more trouble on the sea, and Bai Ze's killing of the Seven Warlords of the Sea this time just enhanced the reputation of our navy!"

Before Akainu could finish his words, he was interrupted. The old man scolded with a dark face,"The Seven Warlords of the Sea are a policy issued by the World Government, which has a significant impact on the situation at sea... You attacked them without warning, causing chaos, and you still think you are right?"

"Then the crimes committed by these Shichibukai do not need to be dealt with?"

Akainu retorted, and the old man was choked.

In fact, everyone present knew a little about some of the dirty things done by the Shichibukai, but this stuff can be said behind the scenes, after all, it is for the greater good!

In the open...

Seeing that neither side could win the argument, the scene instantly became deadlocked again.

Bai Ze stood behind Akainu's tall body, and a smile appeared on his young face.

The feeling of being protected is really good!

He looked at the atmosphere that was a bit tense at the moment, and he had anticipated the current situation before he killed the three Shichibukai.

Stable... It is better to say that the current navy is a bit cowardly and a bit afraid of fighting!

And the reason why they are afraid of fighting is also very simple...

Step! Step!

Bai Ze walked quickly to the front of the stage, which surprised everyone.

"Little guy, you go to the back, leave these things to me."

Akainu said with a wooden face. He had promised Bai Ze not to let him get involved in such disputes.

But Bai Ze waved his hand to indicate that it was not necessary, and then looked at everyone calmly.

With the appearance of Bai Ze, Zhan Guo and others had sat up straight at this moment, changing their just slacking appearance.

Even Garp stopped picking his nose, and a glimmer of light was revealed in his old eyes.

Obviously... he was very interested in what Bai Ze was going to do next.

"What do you want to do, arrogant kid...……"

The old man was trying to use his seniority to pressure others, and the other conservatives also looked unhappy.

But the next moment, Bai Ze's eyes turned blood red, and a terrifying murderous aura suddenly rose up. He said coldly:

""Be quiet!"


All the conservatives were startled by the sudden pressure. Just as they were about to speak, they met Bai Ze's blood-red pupils.

The strange symbol of the Mangekyo Sharingan slowly rotated from the pupils, emitting a frightening light... All the conservatives were really stunned by Bai Ze for a moment!

This made them look pale. They didn't expect to be scared by a child.

Bai Ze opened his Mangekyo Sharingan, and with his murderous aura, he stunned the whole audience and began to speak.

"I know why you are afraid of fighting. It's simply because you are afraid that when the war breaks out... you won't have enough high-end combat power, and no one will deal with the strong pirates at the level of the Four Emperors, which will cause huge casualties."

"Or the battlefield is too large, the navy is short of manpower, and it is difficult to deploy……"

Bai Ze began to list the concerns of these conservatives one by one. In summary, the current strength of the navy is not enough, especially in terms of high-end combat power...

If they go to war with all the pirates, the latter's high-end combat power will be one step higher than theirs. If this problem cannot be solved, heavy casualties are almost inevitable.

If the problem of the Four Emperors among pirates is solved, then there are so many problems like all-out war... The conservatives are not a bad idea

"The navy can't wait any longer. The sooner we start a full-scale war with the pirates, the better... We have no way out. Either we destroy or we fight.……"

Bai Ze, who knew the general trend of pirates in the future, said coldly that he wanted to force the navy to have no way out.

"But our navy is not strong enough.……"

Someone spoke weakly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ze stomped his feet. A force that was even more powerful than the previous one surged out of Bai Ze's body.

Crack! Crack!

With black thunder all around him, Bai Ze's force was no less than that of a navy admiral in his prime!

"Is that enough now?"

Bai Ze said in a low voice, showing everyone his current strength.

"This is... Domineering Haki!"

A group of people stared at each other with their eyes wide open.

They knew what a possessor of Domineering Haki meant. It meant that the Navy had one more top warrior.

"Conqueror's Haki, you know, only the Sengoku Marshal has this in our navy.……"

Someone whispered, but if Sengoku, who was sitting in the main seat, heard this, he might smile... because he was not the only one in the navy who possessed the Conqueror's Haki.

Sengoku looked at Bai Ze with interest. This little guy... was becoming more and more interesting.

He wanted to see what Bai Ze was going to do.

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