While Akainu and Hawkeye Mihawk were fighting fiercely, other places in the New World were also in turmoil!

In the middle of the New World, on a small island where the navy and the Four Emperors meet!

The soldiers of the navy branch stationed here have been doing the same thing for decades, that is, patrolling the island... This is the main job of the marginal navy like them. After all, the navy is still the absolute king of this sea.

Under normal circumstances, no one would actively attack the navy!

At this moment, on the coastline of the island!

Several navy soldiers are walking……

"Oh... It's so boring. I'm tired of seeing every place on this island. When will it end?"

One of the navy men, who was a little bloated and wearing a slightly old navy uniform, complained.

"It's just... I'm tired of seeing this little island... When can I go to the Navy Headquarters, or go somewhere else?"

"Boring... boring!"

His words also aroused complaints from the other people. After all, the lack of achievements on this small island for so many years had already wiped out their earlier ambitions...

But the leader, a resolute-looking navy, coughed and interrupted.

"Okay... stop talking and work hard. Sooner or later, you will have the opportunity to go to the Navy Headquarters or get promoted."

The naval officer continued to talk in order to change the subject.

"Moreover, the New World has been even less peaceful recently... Some time ago, the Four Emperors Kaido and Charlotte Linlin formed an alliance. Who knows when they will go to war with our navy?"

"Everyone, please pay attention!"

The naval officer said this, but it was obvious that the others didn't care at all. They were so upset by what he said! They continued to tease the current navy and complain... but as they talked, they all stopped tacitly!

"Look...what is that? Is it a ship?"

A navy officer with good eyesight pointed at a black dot on the distant coast and said:

"That shouldn’t be the case... If it is, it should be our navy’s warship. How could pirates come here?"

"Let's go and take a look first!"

Finally, the leading naval officer made up his mind, and their team immediately rushed over without stopping... When they got close and saw the huge ship in front of them, several people were stunned for a moment... Because this was a pirate ship!

A striking pirate ship flag caught several people's eyes, and their eyes were dull... Because the flag of the pirate ship belonged to the Beast Pirates!

At this moment!

The pirates with sinister faces slashed at them with swords in their hands, and they looked excited!

"Wow... I met a navy team as soon as I landed on the island. I'm so lucky. Don't fight with me... These people are mine."

"Get lost... Whoever kills him is the one who owns it"

"Let's see who's faster!"

Seeing a group of pirates coming, the navy, who were not used to fighting, instantly became a mess.

"Quickly... Quickly notify the headquarters, there is an enemy attack!"

Several people ran away without any hesitation, and the leading naval officer was quite tough. He drew his sword to meet the enemy directly!

He wanted to buy some time for his teammates!

But obviously he thought too much... I saw a huge figure suddenly emerged from the pirate ship, and the sledgehammer in his hand hit him hard!


Blood spurted out, it was terrible...

The sledgehammer smashed him into a meat pie without any hindrance. Qinggui, one of the top ten members of the Beast Pirates, spat and said

"Be quick... don't let those guys take all the credit!"


Everyone answered, and killed the fleeing navy soldiers at a very fast speed. Qinggui narrowed his eyes and looked behind him... He saw several similar pirate ships approaching this side on the distant sea!

Qinggui licked the corners of his scarlet mouth... and looked at the navy branch in the distance, his eyes full of bloodthirstiness.

Similar situations to this marginal island happened several times that day!

Pirates attacked the navy!

They seemed to have premeditated attacks, and they were particularly sudden... There was almost no response from the navy. After killing the navy stationed on the island, they immediately withdrew. Retreat, and the support of the navy is directly in vain!

And when these bad news were sent back to the Navy Headquarters, it was already the next day!

At this moment, in the office of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters in Marinford!

The messenger stood obediently!

And the miserable Sengoku looked at another bad news of the day with an ugly face... The Navy branch was attacked by the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates. Although the casualties were not large, it was a bit like a test from the other side.

But this also really verified a piece of information, that the alliance of the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates really wanted to go to war with the Navy!


Sengoku frowned and sighed, it was really one wave after another!

The things with Shirazawa and Akainu weren't over yet, and here comes another one... Sengoku was really a bit annoyed, the opponent was so arrogant that he was about to attack him, and he wanted to start a war directly at this moment... but considering that he was not ready now, he let it go.

The alliance of two Four Emperors, the current navy can still destroy them... but the question is whether the other two Four Emperors will intervene.

If the Four Emperors declare war on the navy together, and these guys respond in the New World or even the remote Four Seas... the navy may not be able to win, unless...

Sengoku narrowed his eyes and thought of other forces, the World Government is not only the Navy, the other air forces and the army are also strong.

But the three of them usually don't interfere with each other... Sengoku can't focus on the other side, so he can only rely on himself��

Bai Ze, Bai Ze...

Zhan Guo thought of this magical little guy Bai Ze again. Maybe he will have a way after he comes back this time!

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo suddenly became confident and confident!

"Marshal Zhan Guo... What should we do this time? Should we keep the peace?"

The messenger looked at Zhan Guo's face and spoke hesitantly, and the first thing he said was a cowardly word... This is also the tradition of the current admirals.

Not daring to fight, big things are small, small things are nothing... A group of cowards, this is not the will of a certain person but the portrayal of most of the navy.

But this time the messenger obviously miscalculated, and Zhan Guo leaned back and put on an arrogant attitude.

""Calm down?"

Zhan Guo sneered, patted the table and stood up.

"That's all in the past... If those pirates dare to attack our navy now, they will have to pay a heavy price!"

"Inform Kizaru who is stationed in the border area and have him go to the territories of the Beasts Pirates and Big Mom Pirates... We have to kill as many people as they killed!"

You want to fight, right? Then come on!

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