The terrifying three-masted sailing ship!

After Bai Ze killed Gekko Moriah, he began to lay out here. In order to prevent this place from being destroyed, Bai Ze also lowered his bottom line and asked Brook, who was a pirate in his previous life, to guard this place.

After all, there are still many good things in Gekko Moriah's castle. Bai Ze is afraid that some pirates who are not afraid of death will come and destroy the corpse here! Of course, Bai Ze also told the other party a secret before leaving, that is, the whale that made an agreement with him is still waiting for them in the original place!

Exchange of interests, Bai Ze doesn't want to have anything to do with Brook!

"I hope there won't be some blind guys.……"

Bai Ze stood on the deck, his eyes narrowed and he murmured coldly.

The familiar huge hull of the Terror Triad slowly appeared in front of Bai Ze!

The navy ship that Bai Ze was riding on gradually approached...

But as soon as it approached, Bai Ze's brows suddenly frowned... Bai Ze's face twitched under the mask, and his right hand clenched into a fist!

There are enemies!



At this moment, on the terrifying three ghost sailboats!

Because of the battle between Bai Ze and Gekko Moriah a few months ago, the originally majestic castle here has become a little shabby, and is full of a smell of decay!

But the originally dilapidated castle is now gathering a lot of figures!

Dozens of fierce pirates holding various weapons are normally confronting one person... Oh no, it's a skeleton! That's right, a skeleton... The skeleton is wearing a light blue tuxedo and looks elegant. He can even speak human language. He is simply a monster.

And looking at the messy venues around and the bumpy ground.

The two sides seem to have just had a big battle!

A scarred man who is the leader of this group of pirates pointed a big knife at Brook and shouted

"You dead skull, you'd better get out of my way...don't stop me from doing my job!"

"Otherwise, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

But facing the threat of the big man, the monster with a skeleton without a trace of flesh let out bursts of strange laughter

"Yo ho ho ho… You want to kill me, I’m so scared, but… I’ve already been dead!"

Brooke covered his mouth and laughed. He slowly took out his nasal gun and spoke to the intruders who had come in this period of time.

""I'm sorry, I have an agreement with a guy, you can't touch anything on this island."

Hearing Brook's words, everyone shook their heads, obviously not believing the other party's words, and thought that this monster Brook wanted to take the treasures here for himself.

And even if it's for others to see... they will rob, after all, this is what they pirates do.

Brook was a little helpless. This island containing the wisdom and treasures of Gekko Moriah was really an irresistible temptation for many people!

When Bai Ze killed Gekko Moriah!

In fact, there were originally many unlucky pirate groups whose shadows were taken away by Gekko Moriah on the island, but with Bai Ze killing Gekko Moriah... these pirates just accepted the fact that they were free!

And because Bai Ze was very busy at that time and disdained to pay attention to this group of low-end pirates, so this group of guys either left happily to celebrate their freedom. Either they are a group of guys who have exposed their ambitions.

They want to take advantage of the chaos to rob Bai Ze's achievements!

Brook has encountered dozens of large and small pirate groups coming to grab treasures in the past few months, and today's group seems to be the biggest!

Brook looked at the dark corners around him helplessly. He knew that this time there was a group of stronger guys waiting for an opportunity!

Just waiting to kill him and then grab the treasure!

Brook was a little helpless. Was he going to break his promise with that benefactor, the navy?

That person allowed him to regain his freedom and let him go to find Lab!

So... I must not lose!

Brook's breath began to rise!

Bi Ge slowly revealed an extremely cold breath, which made everyone on the opposite side shudder!

But the motivation of greed still made all of them overcome resistance and act together!


The scarred leader shouted, dragging the sword in his hand and rushing straight towards Brook. The swords collided and made a hissing sound!

The two fought directly together!

And the remaining dozens of people made a cold-blooded cry and joined the battle together, showing that they were going to fight in a group!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A fierce battle soon broke out in the field. Brook fought against the Sea Shark Pirates with dozens of people. He shuttled between dozens of people with a sword, like a fish!

Everyone's face turned ugly.

Their pirate group has two strong men with bounties of more than 10 million, namely their captain and vice-captain... They are not a small force here!

So they challenged Brook when many people failed!

But the current situation seems to be a little wrong...

Finally, after dozens of minutes of fierce fighting, Brook, who realized that the time had come, restrained his breath... He pointed his toes and passed by everyone with the song in his hand.

Then he walked behind everyone, put the song back into the scabbard and said softly

""Bige Sanding!"

The voice fell!

Chi! Chi! Chi!

All the people in the Sea Shark Pirates looked dazed and then fell down with a scream, all of them were killed in one blow!

Brook was also exhausted at this moment. Just when he was about to take a break, a group of people slowly walked out of the dark corners around him!

They were all wearing clothes similar to the animal skins worn by savages, and even the women among them were bare-breasted... These people all looked at Brook with a playful smile, which made Brook's heart sink.

This group of guys were extremely strong. They were the Wild Ape Pirates who had been waiting for the opportunity. They were a relatively famous pirate group in the nearby waters!

The strength of its captain and vice-captain both reached the strength of a bounty of 50 million Baileys. The relics of Gekko Moriah were too tempting for a pirate group of their level!

And in the mentality of being careful, they deliberately waited for others to consume some of Brook's strength before going up, just to kill with one blow!

If Brook had a face at this moment, it would definitely be extremely ugly.

""I'm sorry, benefactor... I may not be able to wait for you, I may have to break the appointment!"

Brook felt a little sad. He might really die here today. In fact, he could retreat now. After all, they came only to grab the treasure... But instinct made him stay!

Brook sighed in his heart, holding the Bi Ge and rushed towards everyone!

Without hesitation, he directly used the Bi Ge San Ding this time!

The people of the Wild Ape Pirates greeted them with a sneer, especially their leader, the Demon Ape. He directly used his devil fruit power to transform into a giant monster and fought with Brook.

"Let’s work together to dismantle this troublesome skull, and all the treasures here will be ours!"


Bang! Bang! Bang!

This battle was far better than the previous one. The crew of the Ape Pirates were like a bunch of madmen, smashing and hitting everywhere... The battlefield was a mess!

Many corpses on the ground were smashed by them!

Even if Brook fought desperately, he couldn't beat four hands with two fists... After fighting for hundreds of rounds, the monster transformed by Helen, the captain of the Ape Pirates, broke his ribs with one punch and flew out!

The victory of this battle was announced!

Helen looked at Brook who fell to the ground with a sneer on her face and said,

"Everything here belongs to me. You, a half-dead guy, want to compete with me... Are you worthy?" As soon as

Helen finished speaking, he felt a chill on his neck, followed by an irresistible force... A young man wearing a strange mask lifted him up with one hand, and a voice as cold as the underworld sounded in his ears.

"You are worthy of snatching things from me?"

Bai Ze said coldly, and the tyrannical and overbearing aura of a king surged out, making everyone present feel weak in the knees... and they all collapsed to the ground!

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