Kaido discussed it and didn't hesitate at all. He immediately called Big Mom with a Den Den Mushi!

The other party was quite supportive of this tactic. After all, she had many children and they were not weak. She would not feel bad even if some of them died!

So the two sides quickly began to discuss a set of the most rigorous plans, and it took only half a day to finalize the final plan.

That was the peak game! Big Mom held Akainu back without defeating him, and then Kaido, who was suitable for large-scale attacks, was responsible for attacking the Navy's camp and tearing the opponent's defense line with absolute strength!

In addition to the confrontation between the Navy Admiral-level combat power and the Pirate Emperor-level combat power, the remaining top combat power of both sides was arranged by Big Mom's second son Charlotte and Katakuri to intercept at least five vice admirals, and Jin from the Beast Pirates was also responsible for intercepting at least five vice admirals!

To be honest, if the five vice admirals of the Navy joined forces, if they kept fighting, they might not be able to hold on, but if they were just responsible for holding off, they could still do it!

In addition to these two, the remaining eldest sons of Big Mom, Charlotte, Perospero and others are responsible for fighting the tough battles and dealing with other vice admirals of the navy. However, the situation is different for the Beasts Pirates...Except for Quinn and Jack, other senior officers will cooperate with the Big Mom Pirates.

But Jack and Quinn are going to use the most cruel poison gas tactics, which is the way to really cause heavy damage to the navy!

In short, the Twin Emperors Alliance decided to start the first battle of the all-out war and vowed to directly cripple the navy and weaken its manpower on a large scale!

Because they know that the navy has more troops than them, even without the intervention of Kizaru and Aokiji...so the longer the war drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for them!

"I really can't imagine that I will lose this battle!"

Kaido, who had just finished discussing the real way of fighting with Big Mom and others, walked out of the room and laughed out loud!

Kaido has analyzed all kinds of situations. As long as Aokiji and Kizaru don't recover their fighting power immediately, he will not lose this first battle!

As for the future...

Kaido thought of the young navy who had become his nightmare, and he said with a frown

"So what if he's a genius? I'll just wipe out the navy... and let you die in the bud!"

Kaido thought, no matter how talented Bai Ze is, it's impossible for him to improve his strength in such a short period of time to affect the battle situation!

"Probably not.……"

Kaido suddenly frowned and murmured



When Kaido was preparing to start the war, Akainu, who had already arrived at the front line, was also not idle. In addition to practicing the Eight Gates Ninjutsu at night, he lived directly in the military camp on the front line during the day, eating and living with all the navy, without the airs of a general!

His arrival also boosted the morale of all the soldiers on the front line. After all, in their eyes, Akainu now symbolizes invincibility!

And every other day, all the generals will be called to a meeting to discuss the deployment of troops at the current stage!

And Akainu's strategy is also very simple!

That is to be tough, tough to the end... the kind without any fear!

He directly placed more than half of the vice admirals of the navy on the front line, let alone the rear admirals of the navy... He pulled all the idle rear admirals of the navy headquarters in the rear to participate in the war! The navy generals below the rear admirals were also arranged on the second front line, leaving no room for maneuver!

Just go all in!

The pirates want to fight, right? Then beat them up and scare them at once!

"Commander Akainu, isn't it a bad idea to gamble everything on this? All our strong men have gone to the front, and our rear is a bit too empty. What should we do if the enemy raids our rear?"

"Marshal Sengoku and Lord Garp are responsible for monitoring the movements of the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, and may not be able to arrive in time.……"

Some conservative people raised concerns and were echoed by a group of people.

"Yes, Commander Akainu, let's think about it again. The overall situation is more important!"

Those who dared to go to the front line were not afraid of death. They just felt that Akainu was a little too aggressive and too confident. After all, their Aokiji and Admiral Kizaru were still recovering from injuries and could not go to the battle... What if something unexpected happened?

But what answered them was Akainu's expressionless face. He knocked on the table with one hand, making a heavy knocking sound!

"What is a soldier's duty?"

Akainu looked at the crowd and said, everyone was silent for a while and said in unison

"Obey orders!"

Seeing this, Akainu smiled with satisfaction,"Then everyone listen to my arrangements. Unless someone is absolutely confident that they can do better than me... or defeat me to get the authority to command the war, don't raise any objections to me!"

After that, Akainu suddenly shouted loudly

"Now... follow my orders!"


Everyone filed out and began to prepare for the battle. Since they couldn't change the fact, they could only obey orders!

As naval commanders, they just had to do their job well!

After everyone left, Akainu smoked a cigar and looked at the empty conference room with a playful smile.

"The rear is empty? If those guys are really so stupid as to attack us... then I, Akainu, will take the victory of this war!"

His tone was light, but full of confidence. I don't know who gave Akainu such confidence!

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