“No, no,

no, as a doctor, your duty is not to fight, professional things are still left to professional people to do”, looking at Kulokas, who was desperately with red eyes, Renly stretched out his arm to block in front of him and spoke.

“Hee-hee, uncle, leave the battle to us!” Bucky grinned and said confidently.

“Uh-huh, as long as the captain’s illness can be cured, everything else will be solved by us,” Shanks’s cold little face looked serious, and he tightly gripped the blade in his hand.

“Pirates? I don’t know what the strength is! Xia Hao muttered, his eyes looking faintly into the distance.

“Guys, quick victory!”

The beautiful atmosphere was destroyed, Roger was a little angry, instantly drew his saber and pointed his sword forward.

“Understood, Captain!”

The moment Roger waved his weapon, everyone in the Roger Pirate Group immediately took a fighting posture, and at the same time, Xia Hao waved his hand and formed a tall wooden wall in front of Rab, tightly wrapping it, and all the shells falling from the sky were blocked.

Feeling the impact from Mu Duan, Xia Hao pouted boredly, this impact force was far worse than the strength of Kapu’s bare hand.

The Jackson quickly approached the pirate ship not far away, and the pirate standing at the bow of the enemy pirate ship was a muscular man with blond hair, a deep scar on his rough face, and he looked fierce and very difficult to mess with.

“A bounty of thirty million Bailey, Moira, the leader of the Mocha Pirates, the evil wolf!”

Kuloka frowned, his hands tightly gripped the weapon in his hand, and his face was very ugly, because the notoriety of the Mocha Pirates was well known in the East China Sea.

Don’t underestimate these 30 million Baileys, in this era, the bounty is not exaggerated to the extent that it will be hundreds of millions more than twenty years later, and the amount of such a bounty is equivalent to the pirate powerhouse of 100 million Berry many years later.

However, it is not enough to see, now Roger has experienced the battle of the Valley of Gods, and his combat power has reached the peak of this world, and a small group of pirates is not in his eyes at all.

The moment before the Jackson approached the Mocha Pirates’ ship, Xia Hao’s body sank slightly, and then ejected out like a spring and landed directly on the enemy ship.

The big war is about to break out!

“Mu Duan: The Art of Cuttings!”

Xia Hao gently raised his arm, dense sharp wooden thorns quickly shot out, rushing to the front of the Mocha Pirates Pirates were instantly penetrated by wooden thorns, the huge impact force made it fly out upside down, straight nailed to the deck of the Mocha Pirate Group, blood gushed out, the entire deck was infected with blood red, and the screams continued.

With just one face, the Mocha Pirates had a great fear of the child in front of them, and the terrifying strength was daunting, which was not a power that humans could grasp at all.

“Devil Fruit Ability?!”

[From the evil wolf Moira two-dimensional point +10] [From the Mocha Pirates all members

of the two-dimensional point +1] *108 [from Bucky two-dimensional point +5] [From Shanks two-dimensional point +3]

The evil wolf Moira’s

heart was shocked, and his eyes became very solemn when he looked at Xia Hao, and then his eyes looked towards the Jackson who was about to contact, and he happened to meet Roger’s domineering and majestic eyes, An inexplicable fear seemed to spread from the depths of the soul,

escape! Hurry up and escape!

If you don’t run away, you will die!

The first reaction in the evil wolf Moira’s heart was to change direction and flee here, a teenage imp is so powerful, so how terrifying the main members of this ship should be.

“Turn around, run away immediately~”

The words of the evil wolf Moira had not completely fallen, and Roger on the Jackson instantly pulled out his sword and swung a terrifying sword qi slash.

“God avoid!”


The sword qi is rampant, the evil wolf Moira didn’t even have time to dodge and was killed by the instantaneous sword qi, as for the super resistance of the animal line demon fruit?

What is that?! Under Roger’s skills, there is no resistance at all.

After all, God avoids, God has to retreat, let alone a little wolf.

“God avoid!”

Xia Hao turned his head to look at Roger, full of longing, thinking that he didn’t know if he could learn this powerful move, Xia Hao fantasized about one day using Fang Tian’s halberd to use the Divine Avoidance Skill, and it was very exciting to think about.

Kulokas watched the Mocha Pirate Group who was originally a blessing in this sea area being easily killed by the Roger Pirate Group, with a happy smile and peace of mind on his face, after all, the Mocha Pirate Group was eliminated, Raab had no threat, and he could also follow the Roger Pirate Group into the Great Voyage to find the Rumba Pirate Group with peace of mind.

“Xia Hao, you are also too strong!”

After the battle, Bucky ran over with a grin, looking Xia Hao up and down, holding Xia Hao’s arm with both hands to look left and right, now Bucky’s desire for strength is still very strong.

In this dangerous sea, the search for treasure also needs a strong force to guard, otherwise, it will be a wedding dress for others.

“How? Bucky, would you like to find you a devil fruit too? The

corners of Xia Hao’s mouth rose slightly, and he looked at Bucky and said lightly.

“Well, don’t! I don’t want to be a dry duck.”

Bucky shook his head vigorously, firmly speaking, compared to the rapidly improving strength, endless treasure is what Bucky puts first.

“Really? Some things are destined in dreams, Bucky”

, Xia Hao pouted, not knowing if his arrival would change the historical trajectory of Bucky’s accidental eating of the Devil Fruit.

“Huh?! ⚆_⚆?

Bucky scratched his head and looked at the inexplicable Xia Hao, not sure what this sentence meant.

“Hahaha, not bad, not bad, Xia Hao, I didn’t expect you to develop the ability of the Devil Fruit to such an extent”, at this time, Roger walked over, laughed and patted Xia Hao’s thin shoulder, almost not being slapped apart.

“Hehe, it’s okay, it’s just a little bit of development,” Xia Hao smiled, thinking that if the system could draw a few wooden promotion cards this time, it would be best, so that the strength skyrocketed.

The Mocha Pirates were eliminated, and Kulokas also began to make preparations before leaving, first of all, to heal Rab and tell him that he could not continue to hit the Upside Down Mountain during the days when Kulokas left, and soon, the clever Rab knew what Kulokas meant.

Jumping out of the sea happily, the mountain-like body drove tens of meters of waves, and the people on the Jackson swayed back and forth like a roller coaster, and Rab made a cheerful cry.


Two days later, the Jackson embarked on a new voyage, after all, Roger’s body could not last long.

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