Time passed like a white horse, passing in a flash, and two and a half years passed quickly.

During this period, Xia Hao followed the Roger Pirates to travel and adventure a lot of exciting and dangerous islands and seas, and also encountered many powerful pirates, in the battle again and again, Xia Hao has been improved like flying both domineering and physical skills, the originally thin body has become very tough, and the eight-pack abs make Xia Hao look manly today.

Similarly, in the past two and a half years, Xia Hao has made unremitting efforts to draw prizes with Ouqi, and the good things he has obtained are even more dizzying.

[Name: Xia Hao

] [Gender: Male] [Age: 12 years old

] [Weapon: Fang Tian Halberd +1

] [Skill: Mu Dun (60% fusion) Demon God Three Styles, Dragon Water Absorption, Flying Thunder God Technique, Fire Dragon Extinguishing Magic, Poisonous Dragon Killing Magic, Eight Doors Dun Jia

] [Passive Skill: Seal Healing

] [Physical Skill: Intermediate] [


Advanced Armed Color Domineering, Intermediate Seeing and Hearing Domineering, Top Overlord Color Domineering

] [Backpack: Food, Water, Charlotte Lingling Photo Book, Stussi Photo Book, Skill Copy Card *3, Epiphany Card *1, Famous Knife Autumn Wind, Famous Knife Cold Ice, Animal Iron Armored Turtle Demon Fruit, Animal Ancient Therizinosaurus Demon Fruit, Superhuman Speed Fruit, Superman Bomb Fruit…] [

Two-dimensional value: 1230 points].

Xia Hao looked at the data on the system panel and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but rise wildly, now he can completely compete with Barrett, the descendant of the devil in a serious state, in the latest battle, Xia Hao with Mu Duan’s terrifying resilience and healing ability made Barrett feel unprecedented pressure and despair for the first time, because, in the case of domineering and demon fruit abilities have been tied or even suppressed, the arrogant disdain posture of two years ago has completely disappeared, replaced by helplessness and confusion.

Including all the members of Roger’s Pirates, no one expected that in just two and a half years, Xia Hao’s strength would increase to this extent, and no one except Roger could say that he could defeat Xia Hao one hundred percent.

“I want to see you more and more, the samurai in the Whitebeard Pirates, Mitsuki Ota!” , On the Jackson, Roger, who was hanging bits and pieces, stared at the contents of the newspaper seriously, with a serious face, and was determined to meet the white-bearded Newgate.

“Boom! Be quiet, Roger, you guy honestly treats the disease”, the ship doctor Kurokas frowned, looked at the turbulent Roger, raised a chestnut, hit Roger’s head hard, so that the majestic sea thief immediately became honest, quietly let Kulokas heal, this is the majesty of the ship doctor.

No way, if you want to complete the final voyage, you must ensure that you live safely, the advice of the ship doctor is very important

, just when Roger intends to order the fleet to move in the direction of the Whitebeard Pirates, the originally clear sky is suddenly covered by dark clouds, and an inexplicable powerful coercion sweeps from afar, like a fierce beast, revealing a devouring cold, and the calm sea suddenly becomes choppy, and the waves of more than ten meters keep lapping the Jackson.

“Captain Roger, it’s not good, we seem to be surrounded!”

The observer, who was searching for information on the observation deck, hurried to Roger and began to describe what he saw.

“What a haunted fellow, Golden Lion Shiji!”

Roger heard the encirclement of the flying pirate group around him, and also sighed slightly, but he did not expect that the golden lion still did not give up after so many years.

“Hahahahaha! Roger, meet again, what a coincidence”

Roger Pirates Everyone: A clever, you stalker!

Ten minutes later, the flying pirate group surrounded the Jackson regiment on which the Roger Pirate Group was riding, and on the bow of the huge pirate ship in the front, a man with golden hair and a cigar in his mouth came to the front step by step, looking at Roger who was only a hundred meters away, the golden lion showed an excited smile.

Obviously, this encirclement tactic is the golden lion Shiji has been planning for a long time, with the fame of Roger’s pirate group, the influence on the great voyage is becoming stronger and stronger, the golden lion’s heart to attract is infinitely amplified, coupled with Roger’s own strength, the golden lion Shiji has witnessed it in the Valley of God, so as long as Roger joins the flying pirate group, Shiji has enough confidence to become a new world hegemon after Rokes.

“Hmph, Shiki, is it a coincidence, you guy is not clear?” Roger frowned, strode forward, his black eyes looked at the golden lion Shiji coldly, and said in a very flat tone.

“Hahahahaha, Roger, think about it, I still can’t let go of you, join me, become my right arm, let’s rule the world together”, the golden lion Shiji opened his arms and invited Roger.

“I’m not interested in domination, Shiki!

If the pirates don’t do what they want to do, then what’s the point, no matter how much pressure you put on me, Golden Lion, I won’t take your advice.”

“Captain Roger, .· ´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. Let’s start with the golden lion, but there are dozens of pirate ships on the opposite side, woo-woo”, although Xia Hao instilled a lot of ideas, although after two years of practice, but Baki is timid by nature, seeing the mighty fleet of the golden lion, he was still intimidated.

Because, the golden lion in front of him is not an unknown pirate, but a sea thief with the same name as Roger and Whitebeard, with the power to destroy the world and the earth.

“Bucky, don’t make trouble”, Renly on the side grabbed the back of Bucky’s fate’s neck, pulled it behind him, and looked at Roger with a determined look in his eyes, Renly knew very well that this was the captain’s decision.

In any case, it must be carried out, otherwise, what kind of partner, and what kind of pirate ?!

In the face of big events, the captain’s order is absolute!

“So, that said, your answer is for me to kill you now, right? Roger! “Golden Lion Shiji was angry, although as an enemy, the two sides had a lot of grudges, but the Golden Lion admired Roger very much and always wanted to raise big things together, but unfortunately, they were all rejected.

However, as a hero, a guy with extremely strong ambitions, when the decision is made, the golden lion Shiji cannot give up this excellent opportunity to kill Roger and eliminate this fierce enemy.

“It means to crush all your fleets, Golden Lion,” Roger said, staring at the Golden Lion Shiki with a serious face.


The golden lion Shiji waved his hand, and the mighty pirate ship launched an attack, preparing to destroy the Roger Pirate Group here.


The disadvantaged Roger Pirate Group naturally would not sit still, and a shell was fired instantly, accurately hitting the pirate ship approaching in the front, and suddenly the flames burst into the sky, the smoke was filled, and the huge ship quickly disintegrated.

“The battle has begun, then let me try the results of these two and a half years of practice,” Xia Hao shook his neck and made a crisp sound.

“I’m on first, Captain Roger!” As soon as Xia Hao’s words fell, the whole person disappeared on the deck of the Jackson.

“Dragon Extinguishing Aoyi Red Lotus Exploding Flame Blade!”

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