“How is that possible?! Is that guy human? Ah Xing’s face changed, and his eyes were fixed on the guy below who was clashing with a huge beast that was more than fifty meters tall.

“Humanoid beasts?! ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!”

The confrontation again and again made Ah Xing’s heart more and more shocked, although he was once known as a strange boy, but compared to the person in front of him, he was simply a witch.

With the strength of the flesh alone, the tiger king fought each other, blood was spilled, and the ferocious momentum was daunting, no wonder the beasts scattered and fled, even Ah Xing had a feeling of panic when he observed it from afar.


The Tiger King was furious, the man in front of him landed on the island a year ago, originally just hunting some ordinary beasts on the periphery, but as time went on, he gradually encroached and expanded to the center of the island, and once came to challenge it, but defeated, covered his blood-stained wounds and fled.

I originally thought that I didn’t dare to provoke it again, but I didn’t expect that a few days ago, he killed all his heirs and his junior brothers, and the Tiger King, who had simple wisdom, was angry and was about to kill him.

So, an unprecedented battle began, but the man in front of him grew to the extent that the tiger king could not ignore, felt the sharp pain caused by the spear around his neck, raised his head to the sky and roared, a tiger roar resounded throughout the island, the terrifying aura rushed to the face, the air wave rolled, the surrounding woods made a rattling sound, and the stones were knocked tens of meters away by the shock wave.

The thick tiger claw was shot from above, and the powerful domineering force bombarded the man directly, and in an instant, the body was shot out like a cannonball, piercing several large trees and small mountains along the way, and finally hitting a huge rock, the terrifying power directly embedded the man inside, and the dense cracks spread rapidly like spider webs.

“Ahem, you are worthy of being the strongest beast king on this island, and I Reitus Mongshan recognize you!” , The man Mengshan spat out a mouthful of blood, crawled out of the pile of rocks, patted the dust on his body, grinned, and dyed his teeth red with a mouth full of blood.

Although he looked embarrassed, he did not seem to have suffered internal injuries.

“Rift Mountain Fist!”

Meng Shan’s strong arm quickly charged strength, the body slowly sank, the powerful force directly cracked the earth under the feet, and then, the whole person seemed to be a bullet flying out, the sandbag-sized fist hit the claw arm of the tiger king fiercely, a bone cracking sound sounded, the feeling of pain in the heart made the tiger king let out a roar of pain, the body trembled, and for a while he could not raise his claws again.


Seeing that the Tiger King briefly lost the ability to attack, Meng Shan grinned, and then launched a fierce attack on the Tiger King, and his dense fists hit all parts of the Tiger King’s body, and one punch was stronger than a punch.


Just when Meng Shan was about to charge up and punch again, a thick tail flung over, and a breaking wind sound sounded under the blessing of powerful strength and terrifying speed, directly hitting Meng Shan’s chest with a tail, knocking it out again.

Feeling that his arm returned to normal, the Tiger King began to run quickly, without giving Meng Shan a chance to react, opened his blood basin and bit down, a pungent and strong smell of blood made Meng Shan’s face change, his arms were bruised, and he directly grabbed the sharp fangs of the Tiger King.

“One-handed over-the-shoulder throw!”

With a loud drink, Mengshan lifted the tiger king more than fifty meters tall high and then fell down hard, comparable to the physical fitness of a monster directly blinded the tiger king, who can explain that it is a beast?!

Looking at the Tiger King with Venus in his eyes, Meng Shan slowly approached the past, ready to kill him, and only by removing his head could he prove his strength.

Then, at the moment when Meng Shan stretched out his hand, the Tiger King, who was originally lying motionless on the ground, suddenly tied it with his tail, and then slapped it down with a claw, his sharp nails bent like a sharp blade, cutting through Meng Shan’s strong body, and blood gushed out, for a while, it was like a bloody man.

The severe pain not only did not make Meng Shan afraid, but more excited, after all, if he killed the Tiger King so easily, it would make him very unhappy, and only powerful beasts had the desire to conquer.

One person and one tiger confronted again, fierce eyes full of killing intent, invisible coercion made Ah Xing, who was watching from the outside, shocked in his heart, too strong, if he ends, I am afraid that even if he is completely beastly, he will not be able to kill him.

“I’m going to come on too!” Ah Xing clenched his fists, if he can really master the power of the Devil Fruit, then even if the monsters fighting below are holding the handles, although he can fight against him now, he just uses the advantage of flying.

“Good strength! Ah Xing, did you see it?! Compared with this guy, the guy who called himself a sea thief a few days ago was too weak”, Xia Hao’s voice came from below A Xing, and I saw Xia Hao standing on a towering tree, also watching the battle.

“Got it, boss!” Ah Xing nodded, he understood what Xia Hao meant, don’t become inflated by solving one or two weak guys.

“In a while, this guy wins, you go and try it with him, if you can, I want him to join us, but I didn’t expect to see a rare race here, a combination of the Fish-Terran and the Giant Race, it’s a little interesting!” The corners of Xia Hao’s mouth rose slightly, looking at Meng Shan, who was fighting like a reckless man below, and said softly.

“Children of the Fish-Terrans and the Giants?! No wonder the power is so powerful! When Ah Xing heard Xia Hao’s words, his heart became even more looking forward to it, when facing a truly powerful enemy, how can he do that step.

Xia Hao took a deep look at A Xing, it seems that this guy does not know that he himself is also a special race, really looking forward to what kind of expression A Xing will have when the truth comes out one day, Xia Hao thought with evil interest.

It’s going to be fun!


The battle between Mengshan and the Tiger King continued, looking at it from a distance, both sides had consumed a lot of physical strength, and they were looking at each other at the moment, and no one had any intention of attacking first.

Until, Meng Shan couldn’t bear it.

“Fishman Karate: Five Thousand Washo Fist!”

Mengshan’s figure flashed and appeared above the head of the Tiger King, and the strong and ferocious fist wind made the Tiger King subconsciously close his eyes, and at this moment, Mengshan hit the Tiger King’s head fiercely.


A good sound is a good head, the sound of a crisp skull shattering came, Meng Shan laughed happily, did not care at all that he had broken his arm, looked at the tiger king whose eyes were white, and fell to the ground without taking two steps, raised his head to the sky and roared.

“Hahaha, I won!”

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