“Bastard little ghost! What a damn you! “, BIGMOM looked at Xia Hao, who was not affected in the slightest, gritted his teeth, and Xia Hao in front of him did not have a little fear of himself, so that the special power of the soul fruit could not be used at all.

This is hard for BIGMOM to accept!


“In, Mama!”


“Ma Ma~”

BIGMOM shouted, the hat on his head suddenly turned into a sword, and the flame cloud Homitz floating not far away turned into flames attached to the blade, and in an instant, a large knife filled with hot flames was grabbed by BIGMOM in his hand, and the copper bell-sized eyes flashed with the cold light of choosing people.

“Go and die, little ghost!”

“Flame of the Blade Mother!”

BIGMOM’s powerful arm swung the knife in his hand and slashed down fiercely, and the slash full of flames came instantly, looking at the flames that were about to wrap himself completely, the corners of Xia Hao’s mouth rose slightly, revealing a faint smile.

“Flames? Is it really capable of burning people?! In this era where dogs don’t eat burning fruits, releasing attack flames is just an ordinary means,” Xia Hao muttered to himself feeling the temperature around him continue to rise.

“Dragon Killing Magic: Flame Dragon’s Stomach!”

Xia Hao looked at the flames that attacked in front of him, exhaled deeply, and then the violent storm inhaled, and all the surrounding flames were swallowed up, and there was nothing left.

“ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!”

“!!! ∑ (°Д°ノ) ノ, really fake, just now, the flames released by hemp just now were swallowed?

“Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can humans absorb flames

” “What happened, isn’t Xia Hao’s ability to control plants?”

“Abominable little ghost, what kind of ability is it!”

“Huh?! Swallowed the flames, Xia Hao little ghost, you are really good”, BIGMOM looked at Xia Hao who ate all the flames, and was also surprised, this is a situation she has never encountered in her life, the same two sides fight either to defend the attack, or to dodge with all their strength, and occasionally use their bodies to resist hard.

But absorbing attack energy has never been there.

“Is it? Regular operation! Xia Hao said flatly without care.

The Fang Tian Painting Halberd in his hand rotated rapidly, Xia Hao’s whole momentum burst out, the overlord-colored domineering quickly wrapped around the Fang Tian Painting Halberd, the black-red lightning made the void explode, and the crackling sound continued to sound, at this moment, Xia Hao’s whole person was like a peerless beast, and the domineering and terrifying aura made the BIGMOM Pirate Group who was originally fighting and besieging subconsciously stop.

“It’s getting stronger again!” Katakuri looked at Xia Hao’s back and muttered, clenching his fists hard, very unwilling.

“One day I will become stronger!”

“Mama, Mama, it’s really a difficult little ghost”, BIGMOM felt the fierce and powerful domineering as if it were a violent storm, and frowned, because this domineering force made her feel a particularly familiar feeling, just like the former Roger.


“Thunder Flaming Sun Half Moon Slash!”

On Fang Tian’s halberd, a terrifying flame suddenly emerged, the hissing sound immediately followed, white lightning kept flashing, the two and its violent and domineering forces quickly fused and compressed, as Xia Hao’s strong arm swung down, a slash shot out instantly, and in an instant, the color of heaven and earth changed, as if the space was about to be cut off.

“Wei Guo!”

Looking at the extremely fast slash, BIGMOM held Napoleon’s long knife with both hands, quickly condensing energy, when the attack was about a hundred meters away from BIGMOM, Napoleon was swung, a thick beam of energy light instantly collided with the slash released by Xia Hao in front, two terrifying energies collided, the whole island seemed to be shaking and trembling, mixed with the overlord-colored domineering conflict, the invisible shock wave swept across a radius of several kilometers unscrupulously

The overlord-colored impact that hit the heart made the ordinary members of the BIGMOM Pirate Group instantly turn white, faint to the ground, and the weapon ping pong in his hand kept falling, and for a moment, only a few people were left barely standing.

“The boss is really handsome, this is the overlord color domineering!” Ah Xing looked at Xia Hao, who could eliminate hundreds of elite pirates just by virtue of domineering, and his eyes were full of excitement and longing.

How good would it be if one day, he could also awaken this ability!?

“Domineering? It seems that I am also going to step up my practice”, Diddati looked at the bomb attack that seemed to come down from the domineering, his brows furrowed, and then began to create a new type of bomb, this time, Didati rarely fused a small number of domineering utilization abilities into it, and soon an air bomb that was compressed hundreds of times was formed.

“This is my first time as a gift.”

Diddati pushed with both hands, and the air bomb quickly floated in the direction of the BIGMOM Pirate Group cadre group, and in an instant, Katakuri felt an inexplicable terror and death threat under the domineering perception, and immediately opened his mouth and shouted:

“Run, stay away from Brother Perospero!”

“Huh? What do you say”, Perospero looked puzzled, but seeing many brothers and sisters moving away from him, his face became solemn, and he also felt a terrifying danger approaching.

“Candy Barrier!”

Subconsciously, Perospero wrapped himself all in candy, and since he couldn’t escape, he used the Devil Fruit ability to defend it with all his strength.


The candy barrier that had just been built was directly shattered by the terrifying energy shock wave at the moment of the explosion, and the entire void was trembling, and the huge explosion aftermath made the originally calm sea again set off waves one after another, with Perospero as the center, a huge mushroom head composed of smoke and dust slowly rose.

“Shhh, it’s a lot stronger, Didati, it’s worthy of being an artist who plays explosives,” Xia Hao gasped, looking at a huge deep pit covering three or five kilometers in the distance, with a look of surprise, talent This thing is really amazing.

If the Superman Bomb Fruit is used by others, it may not be as powerful as this percentage.

“Ahem, damn boy! Almost died”

After a long time, the smoke and dust slowly dispersed, the explosion was in the center of the deep pit, an urgent cough sounded, with a gust of sea breeze blowing, I saw Peros Pero sitting on the ground with his head scattered, there was no good meat on his body, and even one leg was directly blown off by the explosion, and his face was full of horror and anger looking at Didati.

“Ah, Didati, you are so powerful, you don’t even scare people to death,” Ah Xing pouted, looking at the excitement and not too big to say.

“Well, it’s really far from it!” Didati nodded seriously.

Ah Xing: ┐( ́-‘)┌, I’ll just say it, you still take it seriously!

BIGMOM Pirates: (ー_ー)!! (°Д°≡°Д°) (▼ヘ▼#)

Perospero: ☄ ฺ(◣д◢)ฺ☄, go and die, bastard, no matter how powerful it is, I’ll just be gone!

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