The Haotian continued to sail in the direction of the record pointer, the wind and waves along the way were calm, there were no accidents, and soon, Xia Hao and his party arrived at the next island.

Docked, stopped the boat, Xia Hao and several people officially landed on the new island.

Really, is this an uninhabited island?”

“No, it’s not, I smell bombs, and it’s very low-level bomb art! Give up to two points! Diddati frowned, sucked his nose hard, and the smell of dynamite that permeated the air filled his nose, and he quickly identified that there was someone on the island.

“People haven’t gone yet! It’s only half an hour until the explosion at most,” Didati said his verdict after a moment of contemplation.

“Let’s go, go and see what’s going on!” Xia Hao took the lead and walked forward, since there was an explosion, then there must have been a battle on this island, but judging by the degree of messiness around, it seemed to be unilaterally suppressed.

One day, the originally peaceful village suddenly broke into a gang of vicious villains?!

Xia Hao couldn’t help but think in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.


Ten minutes later, a huge shelling roar resounded throughout the island, and the powerful impact wave caused it to spread outward quickly in a ring.

The strong wind pressure unbridled to blow everything around, the sudden explosion made Xia Hao several people notice the source of the sound, Xia Hao looked at A Xing, the latter instantly knew the meaning, directly turned into a half-beast form and flew into the sky, flying towards the source of the sound, a breaking wind sounded, A Xing instantly disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Is this Ah Xing’s Devil Fruit ability? It actually flies” (• ̅̑⌣ ̅̑•)✧˖

Mina looked at A-Xing’s half-beast form, her eyes were starry, and she clenched her small fists hard, and her yearning for the devil fruit deepened a little.

Five minutes later, Ah Xing fell from above, looking a little incredulous, but still opened his mouth to describe everything he had just seen.

“The soldiers of this kingdom are slaughtering civilians!” Ah Xing’s short words shocked everyone’s hearts, and the soldiers of this kingdom slaughtered civilians, and no one could believe it.

But, as Ah Xing witnessed with his own eyes, this is the truth.

“Boss, we?” Ah Xing cast an inquiring look towards Xia Hao.

“We? Do what you want, Ah Xing, you must know that we are pirates who pursue freedom, there are no rules and regulations at all, everything is based on inner action!

Xia Hao looked at Ah Xing’s expression of wanting to say nothing, and said, since Ah Xing wanted to save the people on the island, Xia Hao agreed with both hands, after all, saving someone’s life is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter.

“Hee-hee, then I’ll be relieved, boss, I’m going!” When A Xing heard Xia Hao’s words, his black eyes released an amazing light, and the whole person disappeared like a shooting star in a blink of an eye, and the speed was amazing.

“Let’s go too!” Xia Hao’s words fell, his figure flashed, and he quickly rushed towards Ah Xing, and the extreme speed made Xia Hao look like his whole person was flying, and his feet did not even touch the ground.

In the southwest corner of the island, the originally calm and peaceful village was all in ruins at this moment, and hundreds of ordinary villagers at the head of the village were all kneeling on the ground at this moment, constantly praying for the soldiers in front of them to spare their lives!

“Let us go

, my lord, we are all wronged” “Yes, yes, what rebels, there are no such people in

our village” “Really, my lord, we don’t know what happened, but it is impossible for our village to be treasonous” ”

Lord General, this…?” ”

Kill them all!” together!”

“ (⊙o⊙)!!”

“Execution, it’s better to kill by mistake than spare a person, and dare to assassinate His Majesty the King, as long as there are people involved, they will die!” The kingdom general said in an indifferent tone, his face showed his violent character all the time, and the long knife in his hand was horizontal, and a strong killing intent enveloped everyone.

Seeing that their own general gave such an order, although the soldiers were unwilling, they also did not refuse, because it was their duty to obey the order.

“Raise the gun!”

A loud shout frightened the originally trembling villagers, looking at the still indifferent and ruthless kingdom general and the cold muzzle, the rebel members hidden among the villagers were heartbroken and stood up.

“Don’t shoot, I have something to say

” “Say it!”

“I’m the rebel guys, you let them all go, I’ll go with you!”

“Arrest them!” Hearing someone take the initiative to admit it, the kingdom general’s expressionless face finally had a trace of expression, and with a wave of his big hand, more than ten soldiers walked towards the rebels.

Soon, all five rebels hiding among the civilians were arrested, put on heavy shackles, and knelt on the ground.


An indifferent voice sounded, and the rebels thought that they could sacrifice themselves in exchange for the lives of everyone else, but unfortunately, all this was wishful thinking.

“No, no, no, you can’t kill them, you promised us to spare ordinary people,” said one of the rebel voices anxiously.

“Hahahahaha, let them go? When did I say this? This group of stupid commoners dares to hide criminals today, and tomorrow they dare to assassinate the king.

General Ben is just strangling all trouble in the cradle. ”

As the third general of the kingdom of Phylisyard, a concubine of King Phyllis, General Mofila is well aware of his status.

Completely remove all voices in the kingdom against King Phyllis

, this time, the large-scale rebellion of the kingdom is also because King Phyllis is usually cruel and unkind, often because of his own preferences, regardless of the people’s life and death crazy collection of taxes, so that nearly ninety percent of the country’s civilians do not have enough to eat, wear and warm.

Therefore, under the leadership of people with lofty ideals, a war of resistance was launched.

“Fire!” General Mofira glanced at the soldier who did not move, flew up and kicked the nearest soldier into the air, and shouted loudly.

“What a brutal country”, Xia Hao looked at the soldiers who raised their guns to slaughter innocent, powerless civilians, shook his head

, in the moment the soldier raised the gun, the overlord-colored domineering instantly emanated, and the terrifying aura swept the entire island in an instant, the domineering coercion made many soldiers who originally pulled the trigger roll their eyes, pass out in unison, and fall heavily to the ground.

“What’s going on?! (⊙o⊙)” General Mofila was shocked, looking at the soldiers who lost their combat effectiveness in the blink of an eye, an inexplicable sense of fear emerged from the bottom of his heart, and his dripping little eyes kept looking in all directions, looking for the source of the coercion.


At this moment, Ah Xing fell from above the sky, the powerful impact stirred up a cloud of dust, looking at the panicked civilians and the overly frightened General Mofira, Ah Xing strode forward and grabbed General Mofila’s neckline.

Then, a punch was hit in the cheek.

“What Xiao Ye despises the most is your kind of trash!”

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