The boat was about to sail, but the boat was still in the water.

Three hours later, the capital of the Kingdom of Philisyad, Fister Island, was located in the center of the island.

As soon as the Haotian docked, a huge explosion sounded from the coast. At the same time, screams continued to sound. The fierce gunfight made the originally gorgeous island riddled with holes, and the tall buildings became dilapidated. Countless civilians ran out of the smoke-filled battlefield.

"War, whether it is a just war or an evil war, the most injured and helpless are always the civilians at the bottom. The prosperity of the people makes the people suffer; the decline of the people makes the people suffer!" Looking at the chaotic scene in the distance, Xia Hao couldn't help but sigh, but he didn't expect that when he said this, the eyes of the revolutionary army captain behind Xia Hao lit up and released a glimmer of brilliance.

Such a powerful fighting force plus such a deep understanding, it would be great if it could be brought into the revolutionary army. Although the revolutionary army focuses on the change of ideas and allows the lower-level civilians to take up weapons in their hands to resist oppression, the revolutionary army also needs a strong fighting force as a trump card. If it weren't for the cadres headed by Dragon, the revolutionary army would have been completely wiped out by the world government.

"Although I know I shouldn't bother you again, I still want to ask you and your partners to help my companions. Many people have died in this war." Seeing that the revolutionary army and the Kingdom Guards had casualties, the revolutionary army captain behind Xia Hao couldn't help asking for help. Although the hope was slim, he still wanted to try.

What if it succeeded? In such a large-scale battle, even if I lead a team to support, there will be no significant effect.

"No problem, but asking us to help needs a price. For the first cooperation, 100 million Baileys will do", Xia Hao's voice fell, and the whole person disappeared from everyone's sight. He appeared again in the sky where the Revolutionary Army and the Kingdom Army were fighting.

"Hey, hey, hey! Σ( ° △ °|||)︴ I can't make the decision, big brother!" The captain of the Revolutionary Army collapsed. 100 million Baileys are not 100 Baileys. It's not enough to sell him for so much money.

"Hey, everyone who fought, how about giving me a face? That's it. If you continue to fight, both of you will suffer heavy losses!"

A sudden voice came from the sky, and the two sides who were fighting fiercely stopped their hands surprisingly tacitly and looked up at the sky.

"Who are you? A cadre of the Revolutionary Army? Fire, kill him!"

As the second general of the Kingdom of Philis Yad, Monpili frowned, but when he saw Xia Hao was slightly closer to the direction of the Revolutionary Army, he was immediately furious and ordered to fire directly.

"Sure enough, they are a group of irritable guys, fighting over a disagreement. If such people rule the country, what else can we wait for but to destroy it!"

Xia Hao looked at the rapidly flying shells, not panicking at all, but shaking his head and sighing.

"Hehehe, blow you to death, blow you to death! You will do anything to challenge the Kingdom of Philis Yad,

Humph, you wait, His Majesty the King has reported to the adults of the World Government, and the Navy Headquarters will send a general to come in person, you are dead! Hahahaha!" Monpili looked at Xia Hao motionless, thinking that he was scared silly, and mocked him crazily.

"What a bad and low-level art, detour!" Didati appeared below the revolutionary army's position, raised his hand slightly, facing the bomb, and then waved it downward.

The shell that was originally flying towards Xia Hao paused briefly, and then quickly fell towards the direction of the Kingdom Army. During the landing, the shell that was originally the size of a head rapidly expanded, expanding more than thirty times, and then exploded under the horrified look of Monpili, and the violent air wave directly dispersed the entire Kingdom Army camp. The powerful shock wave swept everything wantonly, and more than half of the thousands of soldiers were killed or injured.

"Hey, it seems that my face is not big enough. I have to learn more when I see Shanks in the future. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯", Xia Hao shrugged, and then flew down from the sky.

"Remember, 100 million Baileys, remember to pay!" Xia Hao said seriously when passing by the captain of the Revolutionary Army.

"One hundred million Baileys?! What's going on?!" As the frontline combat commander of the Revolutionary Army, the Revolutionary Army's Southern Army Captain Lindberg asked in confusion.

"Um, Army Commander, this is what happened, aba aba..."

The Revolutionary Army captain quickly explained what happened, his rough face looked aggrieved, which made Xia Hao frown. This guy is a bit disgusting!

"Oh, let's do this, it's okay, after all, Captain Xia Hao helped

We are very busy, but I believe Captain Xia Hao also knows that our revolutionary army is relatively poor, so..."

"So you want to default on your debt? !"

"Ahem, of course not, we can exchange with other things, such as devil fruits or treasure maps of a certain kingdom, etc." Lindbergh's expression froze, and he waved his hand and said.

After a brief introduction, Lindbergh already knew Xia Hao's identity, a pirate with a bounty of 1 billion berries, who had challenged the BIGMOM Pirates and remained undefeated. Such a terrifying guy would be given face even if the leader of Dragon came.

The revolutionary army is in its infancy and cannot withstand the destruction. Lindbergh dare not gamble, and will not let the revolutionary army have one more enemy for a little berry.

"Okay!" Xia Hao pondered for a while, nodded and agreed to this suggestion.

"Bulu Bulu, Bulu Bulu, Gada! Lindbergh, how is the situation over there? ! "The voice of Den Den Mushi sounded, and a cool and unrestrained voice came. Although it was just a voice, Xia Hao could still judge that the other party was very generous, yes, really generous!

"Betty, of course it was successful, I am Lindberg."

"Really? When did you become so fast? Now that the battle is over, hurry up to support the central town and take it down in one fell swoop. According to intelligence, Admiral Fengyun is on the way. We only have one day!" Betty, the captain of the Eastern Army, puffed out a cloud of smoke and said in a serious voice.

"Got it, I'll go now!" Hearing this, Lindberg's expression also became serious. He immediately ordered to reorganize the equipment and rushed to the central town.

"Don't worry, our revolutionary army will not break its promise. We will definitely reward you after the battle!" Just after walking out not far, Lindberg suddenly turned around and loudly assured Xia Hao. After all, the Haotian Pirates are not an ordinary team.

"I still believe in the credibility of the revolutionary army! "Xia Hao smiled calmly. Those who do great things will not be without vision.

"Boss, what are we going to do next?!" Ah Xing asked curiously.

"Go here!" Xia Hao took out a map and pointed to a location.

"Here? Is there anything special?"

"Nothing special, just the life wealth of the second general of this kingdom", Xia Hao glanced at the dead second general of the Philis Yad Kingdom and shrugged.

"Hey, what are you waiting for, hurry up, boss!" Upon hearing the treasure, Ah Xing's eyes lit up and shouted excitedly.

"Let's go!"

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