The emerald green energy quickly merged into the huge tree roots in front of him along Xia Hao's arm, and the powerful vitality rushed into it crazily. As Xia Hao input the vitality into the inheritance tree, the originally withered and yellow branches began to gradually turn green, and the breath of impending death also dissipated at this moment. The curled up branches quickly stretched out, "Alive, look, alive!" "Really alive, incredible, it's great, the inheritance tree is the hope of all of us, if the inheritance tree dies, I will definitely be heartbroken" "Woo, this is sent by God to save us" "I was originally desperate, but I didn't expect that it would actually, actually "I really cured the inheritance tree. Hahaha, I will definitely not be wrong this time. I will definitely pass the doctor's examination!"

"Huh~ That's great. I can live a little longer."


Dense voices rang out from the surroundings. The originally empty area was now full of people. Everyone was dressed as a doctor, which surprised Ah Xing.

"So there are so many people on this island!"

It lasted for half an hour. All the withered leaves on the inheritance tree disappeared, replaced by a dense green branch. Even in just a few minutes, the crisscrossing branches on the inheritance tree became more dense, and the strong vitality made the branches thicker.

"Well, the treatment is complete!" Xia Hao clapped his hands, looked at the old man in the front, and smiled confidently.

"Thank you, my friend! Thank you!"

The old man shouted excitedly, then slowly stepped forward a few steps, and then stretched out his trembling skinny palm and gently touched the inheritance tree.

"I didn't expect that I could see the inheritance tree in its peak state in my lifetime. I have no regrets in my death!"

"Hurry, hurry, this is the best opportunity, collect the water of life!"

The old man suddenly turned his head and looked at the people with dull eyes not far away, and shouted loudly. The voice with strong penetrating power echoed throughout the area. The people who were originally standing there quickly began to frantically take out the tools for the crime, and came to the branches and leaves of the inheritance tree, collecting the crystal dew dripping from the leaves bit by bit.

"What is this?"

Xia Hao frowned slightly, looking at the old man with some confusion, with a questioning meaning.

"Hahaha, this is the water of life, which is related to the vitality of everyone on our island. Thanks to you for saving the inheritance tree, you have saved everyone's life!" The old man laughed happily, looking at Xia Hao with gratitude.

"I am Mo Xuan, the patriarch of this island. Thank you for saving my life. As long as you ask, I will do my best to complete it."

"Hello, my name is Xia Hao, I'm a pirate. I happened to pass by this sea area and landed on the coast without knowing it..."

Xia Hao began to tell his experiences with A Xing and others one by one, which made Mo Xuan frown. No wonder he was so powerful. He turned out to be a pirate. Mo Xuan had met a group of pirates many years ago. Each of them had the power to destroy the world like a monster. However, I heard later that they were forced to disband for some reason and fell apart. I haven't heard any news about that pirate group since then.

"Mr. Mo Xuan, what do you mean by saving all your lives?" Xia Hao thought for a while, and finally asked. The water of life could not have such a powerful and special name for no reason.

"Oh, I knew you would ask. This is a long story. In fact, everyone on this island is a patient and a doctor.

A hundred years ago, a group of terminally ill young people boarded a ship and hoped to find the legendary tree of life that can cure all diseases. Finally, they came to this island. They accidentally discovered that the crystal dew dripping from the inheritance tree can cure diseases and greatly delay the onset of the disease, allowing dying patients to gain the power of life, so they settled here. However, on a dark and windy night, this life-saving tree that condensed everyone's hope also turned into a life-promoting tree, emitting a mist with a drug-like effect that made everyone fall asleep, and most people never woke up again! Staying in dreams forever..." Mo Xuan began to shake his head and sigh and tell the historical events of the residents on this island.

"Now everyone on this island has a hereditary disease. They can survive as long as they can. Every day, they rely on the crystal dew dripping from the inheritance tree.

However, half a year ago, the inheritance tree suddenly encountered an accident, withered leaves on a large scale, and even rotten roots. The output of crystal dew was also halved from dozens of liters per day, and became less and less as time went by. For a time, everyone lost their luster, until today, you, Xia Hao, came! "

"It's interesting that trees coexist with life and death. Sure enough, everything has risks." Xia Hao shook his head, a little disappointed. He was originally looking for a qualified ship doctor, but he didn't expect that they were all short-lived. Moreover, no one knew how long they could last without the support of the crystal dew of the inheritance tree.

"Alas, it's a pity that a group of doctors with a heritage of hundreds of years can't even go to sea together."

"Do you need a doctor, my friend? "Mo Xuan, who had been silent all the time, looked up at Xia Hao, then looked at his granddaughter Klee who looked eager next to him, his eyes suddenly became firm, and he asked.

"Yes, although I have never been sick, a pirate group is too big, not everyone will not get sick, so a qualified ship doctor is very important, especially in a long adventure", Xia Hao nodded and said seriously.

"In that case, let Klee go to sea with you!"

"Huh? She goes to sea with us? !"

"Huh, I am Grandpa Mo Xuan's best student, and my medical skills are unmatched among my peers. You actually despise me? !ヽ(‘⌒´メ)ノ”, hearing Xia Hao’s questioning voice, Keli’s chest trembled with anger, and a white patch almost blinded Xia Hao’s eyes.

“Uh, I’m not questioning your medical skills, but I’m just saying that without the crystal dew of the inheritance tree, you shouldn’t be able to go out sailing for a long time.”

“Haha, don’t worry, Xia Hao, Keli is the only accident on this island. Three years ago, because of playfulness, she secretly went to the coast alone and accidentally discovered a strange-shaped fruit, which is what you call the devil fruit. After eating it, she gained the power to control the virus, and the genetic disease that had been bothering her disappeared completely because of the magical power of the devil fruit!

So, Keli will not be affected.”

“I see, such a beautiful lady, are you willing to take my ship to adventure on the Grand Line together?” Xia Hao immediately made an invitation.

“Well, seeing that Grandpa Mo Xuan and you have a good attitude, I agree!” Keli raised her white and tender swan-like neck and said proudly.

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