The food was delicious, but the taste was delicious.

"Good, good, really good!" On the table, looking at the delicious food in front of them with charming aroma, Ace and Sabo could no longer hold back, touched their flat stomachs, and ate crazily, making unclear sounds while eating with their bulging mouths.

"Ah, ah, it smells so good. When I go out to sea, I will definitely find a chef who can cook all kinds of delicious food like Sister Mina," Sabo said with satisfaction as he bit off a big chicken leg.

"Hahaha, Sabo, I agree with what you said. The most important thing for a pirate is to be happy, and food is an indispensable part.

Mina is the chef I spent a lot of effort to invite here," Xia Hao said with a proud smile.

Ace on the side did not speak, but it can be seen from his slow eating movements that Ace is eavesdropping at this moment.

Half an hour later, Ace and Sabo lay on the recliner with a satisfied look on their faces, patting their bellies and feeling very comfortable. This is the best meal they have ever had, even for Sabo, who is a noble.

For more than ten days in a row, after each training session, Ace and Sabo would come to the Haotian to eat and drink. From the beginning, they were led by Xia Hao by the neck, and now the two of them are competing in speed and rushing to come. After the hard training, Ace and Sabo vaguely felt the trick of the moon step. After continuing to train for a month, Ace and Sabo are confident that they can master this skill.

At Mount Gorpo, Ace and Sabo were sparring as usual. As the training continued, the speed of the two people was much different from before. The prototype of the Navy's Six Styles of Razor gradually took shape. The small figure kept flashing between the trees, and the sound of collisions continued.

As the battle became more and more intense, the two fought from one end of the mountain to the other side of the mountain as usual.

However, what Ace and Sabo didn't know was that danger was coming quietly. A pirate ship happened to pass by and docked at the coast. Thirty or forty fierce men rushed down from the pirate ship. The leading pirate captain, Tomahawk Vadis, showed a cruel smile on his rough face covered with scars.

"Hey guys, take a rest quickly. Set off at dark and plunder all the food and treasures on this island!" Vadis said in a gloomy tone.

"Hoho, long live the captain"

"Lord Vadis is awesome"

"Hehehe, I can't wait to rob everything on the island"

A group of pirates unscrupulously discussed the issue of robbing treasures. Obviously, this was not the first time they had done it. The skilled operation process was very smooth.

However, just as many pirates were waiting for the night to come, a series of childish shouts attracted everyone's attention. Vadis's cold and emotionless eyes instantly looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Ace and Sabo rolling down the hillside in the battle and heading straight towards the pirate group.


With a loud noise, Ace and Sabo stopped, and their dark eyes looked at the group of ferocious pirates around them.

"Ahem, ahem, Ace, it seems that we have encountered something bad this time!" Sabo looked at Ace and said in a low voice.

"Well, I didn't expect that there would be pirates in such a place." Ace tightly grasped the water pipe in his hand, looking a little nervous, because there were too many enemies in front of him.

"What should I do?" Sabo asked.

"Go all out, just in time to test the latest moves I learned." Ace calmed down and looked at the pirates in front of him. A glimmer of brilliance flashed in his black eyes. The water pipe in his hand kept spinning, and he was immediately ready for battle.

"Hey, I'll accompany you!" Sabo shook his head. Although he was a little scared, as a brother, he certainly couldn't let Ace face the danger alone. He slowly took a step forward and looked at the pirates in front of him seriously.

"Hehehe, where did this little brat come from? You want to die? Get out of here!"

"It looks like they are the original inhabitants of the island. Otherwise, let's capture them and exchange them for money!"

"Hey, this is a good suggestion, hehe~"

"Little brats, don't resist, it will be over soon"


Looking at the small figures of Ace and Sabo, the pirates showed a cruel smile. A burly man clenched his fist and walked towards Ace, as if he wanted to teach the arrogant Ace a lesson.

Just when his big hand was about to grab Ace,

Ace, who was standing in place, disappeared in front of everyone. When he appeared again, he was already behind the rough man. The water pipe in his hand was spinning rapidly, and then he smashed it towards the head of the rough pirate man. The powerful force caused a whirring sound in the air. The next second, the water pipe hit the pirate man's head.


A loud voice sounded, and the pirate man who was still very majestic in the previous second directly hit his head on the ground in the next second, his eyes turned white and lost his expression, and he fell straight to the ground.

"Tsk, that's all, too weak", Ace licked his lips and said with unsatisfied feeling.

"Damn kid, let's go together and catch him. We must teach him a lesson today!" Captain Vadis looked at the arrogant Ace, and a surge of anger surged in his heart. With a wave of his hand, all the pirate members rushed towards Xia Hao with ill intentions.

Seeing thirty or forty enemies attacking together, Ace and Sabo looked at each other and wanted to run towards the mountain, because, where is Xia Hao.

"Hmph, you want to run? It's not that easy!" A pirate looked at Sabo and Ace who wanted to retreat, raised his gun decisively, and prepared to shoot.

At this moment, an inexplicable and terrifying pressure came from not far away, and the domineering aura like a sea of ​​blood and corpses blew in the face. The pirate who had just raised his gun was blown by the shock wave, and his eyes turned white and he fainted.

One after another, under the impact of the terrifying domineering aura, the originally ferocious pirates left only Captain Vadis looking at the front with horror and fear on his face.

"My apprentice doesn't need you rubbish education", Xia Hao's figure flashed several times, and appeared in front of Vadis, and said in an extremely cold tone.


Xia Hao raised his right foot, looked at Vadis lying on the ground, and kicked him heavily, and then Vadis flew backwards like a cannonball.

Two hours later, Xia Hao held a short meeting on the Haotian. A day later, the Haotian Pirates led by Axing began a large-scale sweep. All the pirate groups within a radius of hundreds of kilometers were frightened and rushed to flee the area.

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