The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

In the Grand Line, over the Jackson, a seagull flew by at high speed, and several bounty notices and newspapers fell from the sky, landing right on Buggy's face.

Ten seconds later,

"Hey, is this true? Tens of millions ... "Hey, what are you doing, Buggy? What's wrong with you so early in the morning?"

Shanks was awakened by Buggy's startled voice. He put on his clothes and came behind Buggy, looking at the bounty order.

"One hundred million berries?! How is that possible? This is Xia Hao's first bounty", Shanks couldn't believe it, and opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say. As an intern, he didn't even have a bounty at the moment.

Who would have thought that this was the famous Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks who stopped the war at the top with only the 'Face Fruit'? !

"One hundred million berries? Not bad, hahaha", Xia Hao also leaned his head over at this time, and the three little guys looked at a bounty order.

"Tsk, Xia Hao, don't be too happy, being bountied by the World Government means that you will be targeted in the future", Buggy pouted, stuffed the bounty order into Xia Hao's arms, and turned his head into the training room alone.

"Xia Hao, I'm going to train too!" Shanks saw this and walked into the training room. Unknowingly, the trainees of Roger's pirate group were rolled up invisibly because of Xia Hao's arrival!

"One hundred million berries? It seems that the World Government attaches great importance to you, Xia Hao", Rayleigh and Roger appeared behind Xia Hao, looking at the bounty and sighing, recalling that Roger's first bounty seemed to be only 50 million berries,

Of course, the difference is that Roger and Rayleigh pushed forward step by step from the primary battlefield, while Xia Hao started directly at the high-end game.

"Samurai? I really want to meet him. What does the samurai of the blockade country look like?

In just one year, he not only became the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, but the bounty reached 500 million berries". Compared with Rayleigh's attention on Xia Hao, Roger is more interested in the samurai of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Because, more than ten years ago, Roger's pirate group had reached the end of the record pointer, Shuixianxing Island, but when the pirate group landed, Roger did not find the treasure, and the record pointer in his hand kept spinning. At that time, Roger realized that this was not the last island. There should be another island after Shuixianxing Island.

There is the real end. Only by reaching the last island can Roger's pirate group become the real world's first pirate group and complete the great cause that no pirate has done.

After so many years of exploration and searching, Roger finally understood that the ancient characters strictly prohibited by the world government and the historical texts engraved on the red stone are the most critical step. Only by collecting all four historical texts can you reach the last island.

And Kozuki Oden, who can decipher the text, is the key.

Xia Hao, who was on the side, heard Roger muttering to himself, and recalled the known historical process in his mind.

"Kozuki Oden? Speaking of which, the kid who is the source of all evil has also been born," Xia Hao curled his lips, thinking of the hopeless Adou in the pirate world, the perverted kid who was completely different from his father, Kozuki Momonosuke.

"I'll have to teach you a lesson if I meet you in the future, Momonosuke^_^"


Somewhere in the New World, the Whitebeard Pirates are resting. The Whitebeard Pirates, who had just fought a battle with the pirate fleet, are counting their gains. Looking at the boatloads of treasures, Whitebeard Newgate smiled happily. Although he himself did not need so many treasures, some people did.

For them, Whitebeard has been extremely stingy over the years, and even often robbed his sons of their wine to drink.

However, the Whitebeard Pirates who are familiar with the inside story did not say anything. It is precisely because of the emphasis on family affection that these homeless sea garbage can live freely under the banner of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"What's going on? Why do I feel like I'm being watched?"

Kozuki Oden, who was searching for treasure, suddenly trembled and looked up at the sky, a little confused, but his manly instinct told him that something big was going to happen.

At the same time, Momonosuke, who was drinking milk, seemed to be watched by a great terror, his face turned pale, and his teeth bared.

The claws kicked wildly, and the cry resounded through the world. The sudden cry made Tianyue Shi look flustered. What happened to the thief who was fine just now?

"Be good, be good, don't cry!"

Tianyue Shi hugged Kozuki Momonosuke and shook him. His little head was directly buried in the huge soft mountain. His delicate hands stroked Momonosuke's little head. After all, it was the first time for her to be a mother, and many things were unfamiliar to her.

"Captain Oden, you are so awesome. This guy is the famous pirate villain Spartacus. The bounty is 350 million berries, but you killed him easily." A pirate member of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates came behind Oden, waving his arms excitedly and said.

"Hahaha, this guy is far worse than Baiji. I didn't expect him to be so weak." Kozuki Oden smiled and touched his head and said.

Kozuki Oden has always been fighting with Whitebeard, but who would have thought that this time the great pirate known as the devil would be so weak, and he was easily defeated by the two-sword style.

"Hey, the bounty has increased again? Oden, the speed of the World Government is really fast", a pineapple head appeared in front of Kozuki Oden, holding a bounty order in his hand, shrugging his shoulders.

The person who came was the future captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Phoenix Marco who only played high-end games. At this moment, he was still a teenager and looked very immature. As an intern of the Whitebeard Pirates, his strong talent had been noticed by Whitebeard Newgate.

"Is that so? Five hundred million Baileys?! ୧⍢⃝୨ is not bad", Kozuki Oden pulled the bounty order over and looked at it carefully, then remembered Whitebeard Newgate's bounty in his heart, and the gap narrowed again.

Compared to the happy and excited expressions of the Whitebeard Pirates who were robbing treasures, in the corner of the Moby Dick, a dark-skinned guy looked extremely calm, slowly collecting treasures, as if he didn't care about anything.

No one expected that this inconspicuous man would cause such a bloody storm more than 20 years later. Now, the extremely powerful and cheerful Whitebeard Pirates would also fall apart and suffer heavy casualties because of him.

That's right, this guy in the corner who was neither happy nor sad and did not fight or compete was the future Four Emperors Blackbeard Teach.

A guy who was extremely good at hiding himself, an ambitious guy, and a person who wanted to destroy and rule the entire world.

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