The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Navy Headquarters, Marinford

Garp and Sengoku stood in the dilapidated ruins, looking at everything in front of them with complicated eyes. Next to them, hundreds of navy soldiers were busy with reconstruction work.

At the same time, most of the navy began to retreat, and the navy elites originally recruited from all over the world also sailed towards their original bases.

After all, the navy did not take advantage of this war, and even the pirates who were originally executed escaped. It is conceivable that the pirates would react wildly after receiving this news that shocked the world.

The righteous navy also needs to maintain stability around the world, and they cannot retreat with justice on their shoulders.

"Garp, I didn't expect that there would be so many unexpected variables at the end of this war. It's really unpredictable. A plan before retirement turned out to be the biggest failure of my life."

Zhan Guo smiled bitterly and looked at everything in front of him with a complicated expression. He seemed to have aged a lot after the war. The once wise general Zhan Guo, who had planned everything, no longer had the original confident look and state.

"Zhan Guo, who would have thought that Roger would come back from the dead? The biggest variable in this war is the Fifth Emperor Xia Hao. I think Roger's matter has the most to do with him. Even the recovery of Whitebeard Newgate to his peak state is the work of Xia Hao, the bastard." Garp heard the slightly depressed voice of his old comrade Zhan Guo beside him and analyzed.

Since more than 20 years ago, Garp has been very concerned about Xia Hao's actions. Unfortunately, Xia Hao has grown too fast, so fast that he has no confidence in hitting the target. Now he has become the pirate emperor who rules the new world.

"Well, I think so too, so I will write a detailed war report and submit it to the five elders, the highest authority of the World Government, and submit my resignation.

Let the young people take care of the future. I plan to let Aokiji take over." Sengoku sighed slightly and said his plan.

"I think so too. It's time to retire. The future belongs to the young people of the new era. I recommend my two apprentices to join the special forces..."


In the center of the Red Earth Continent, the holy land of Marijoa, the highest authority hall of the World Government, the five elders looked at the report and retirement application in their hands, and the atmosphere was very serious and heavy.

"Sengoku and Garp want to retire to the second line?"

"These two old guys are really going to cause problems. Have you considered who will take over as the Navy Admiral?"

"Sengoku recommends Aokiji as the next Marshal."

"Aokiji? I think Akainu is more suitable. After all, the World Government needs a Navy Admiral who absolutely obeys orders. In this regard, Akainu is more suitable than Aokiji."

"Akainu? I agree too."

The Five Elders began to express their opinions, and all thought that Akainu was more suitable.

"Let's talk about Xia Hao. According to the intelligence collected by the CP organization, Whitebeard Newgate was able to exert his peak combat power in this war because of Xia Hao. Moreover, I suspect that Roger's resurrection from the dead is also due to Xia Hao's power." Satan, one of the Five Elders, expressed his opinion.

"Impossible. Even if the Operation Fruit is awakened, it may only make people immortal, but resurrection from the dead? I have never heard of such an ability."

"But it is a fact that Roger is still alive. When Roger was executed, his body was stolen. I think it should be Xia Hao who did it. However, the power of resurrecting people is too incredible."

"It's getting more and more troublesome. The impact of this war is bound to reduce the prestige of the navy. This sea is going to be in chaos. I think I need to report to that adult!"

"I agree!"



Most of the navy headquarters was destroyed, and Fire Fist Ace was rescued. Under the work of the great journalist Morgans, this war was called the Top War. As newspapers were spread all over the world, it set off a huge wave.

Many people's first reaction was unbelievable. After all, as the embodiment of justice and the maintenance of world peace, the navy's strength is obvious to all, and the people don't believe it is true at all.

However, the information in the newspaper has never been wrong, until the navy participating in the Top War returned to the bases around the world. After a little investigation, everyone had to accept this reality.

Although, they were unwilling to accept it.

Similarly, the navy's defeat made the pirates on the Grand Line excited, and they rushed into the New World to join the Whitebeard Pirates. After all, this was the existence that could win after fighting with the top combat power of the navy.


For a time, the Whitebeard Pirates' reputation reached the top, and they were even called the head of the Five Emperors by the pirates on the Grand Line.

In the New World, on Murphy Island, looking at the latest newspaper, Xia Hao's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing an intriguing smile, because the crazy rise of the second dimension points allowed Xia Hao to improve the strength of the Haotian Pirates to a higher level. This time, Xia Hao felt that he was right to go to the top war.


"Boss, I'm here", Axing heard Xia Hao's call, ran over, and waited quietly for orders.

"In two years, I will double my power. During this period, the captains of the major squads are free to act, but don't bully civilians."

"Hehe, don't worry, boss, I know!" Axing patted his strong chest and promised seriously.

"Go ahead," Xia Hao waved his hand, and then continued to read the newspaper, thinking about having a good talk with the big news Morgans next. After all, newspapers control the direction of public opinion to a large extent in this world. If you can completely grasp it in your hands, it will be of great use in the future.


At the same time, on an island full of beasts near the Whitebeard Pirates in the New World, Luffy and Ace's special training also began, with the hell domineering training of Pirate King Roger and the world's strongest man.

From the first day, Luffy was beaten with lumps all over his head, holding his head and screaming, and at the same time, his desire for domineering became deeper and deeper.

Time passed day by day. During this period, Pluto Rayleigh, who was originally Luffy's domineering "mediocre teacher", also came. After all, he still had a very deep affection for Roger Rayleigh.

When the three of them were drinking and talking happily, Ace and Luffy not far away were being beaten by hundreds of beasts. The monsters like a hill knocked the two brothers down again and again.

"Qikexiu, I don't believe it. Come on, I will definitely master the power of Haki!" Luffy said with his mouth puffed up like a sausage, with a face full of dissatisfaction.

"Huh, we have to work harder, Luffy, you are still far from being the Pirate King with your current strength!" Ace also took a deep breath, wiped the blood off his face, and began to try to use physical skills and Haki to attack the beast in front of him.

"Hahaha, young people are full of energy!"

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