The old man was very surprised.

"What a strange guy. I heard from Marco that his name seems to be very special, Marshall D. Teach," Shanks pondered for a while, and seemed to remember the perception of Teach by other members of the Whitebeard Pirates.


Strange?! Does it have any special meaning? I remember that Captain Roger also seems to have a D in his name," Buggy touched his chin and whispered.

"Well, ask Captain Roger when I have time," Shanks nodded and kept this matter in mind.

On the other side, it seemed that Buggy was staring at Marshall Teach too blatantly. The aggressive gaze made Marshall Teach, who was eating, look gloomy. He had been staring at him since the banquet began. Did this guy find something? !

Marshall Teach was tangled at the moment, and then he exhaled a long breath. In an instant, all the anger, resentment and other negative emotions disappeared.

As if nothing had happened.


Looking at Marshall Teach's dark and fierce eyes, Buggy shook his arm with disdain, and didn't take him to heart at all. Now Buggy has a new goal for the development of devil fruit abilities under Xia Hao's guidance, and his character of not being afraid of anyone now makes Buggy's courage soar.

"Marshall Teach, Buggy, you really stared at him for three days and three nights, hahahaha".

Five minutes later, Xia Hao heard Buggy excitedly telling the secret he had discovered, and shrugged helplessly. Sure enough, Buggy is still the same Buggy.

"Shanks, Buggy, there are many strange races in this world with special abilities. People who don't sleep are not uncommon. I heard that people in the Snow Country never sleep, because once they fall asleep, they will die. There are also some races that can survive in any environment and almost have the ability to be immortal... Aba Aba", taking this opportunity, Xia Hao began to narrate the stories he knew, including many speculations about Blackbeard Teach's life experience that he saw in his previous life, in a storytelling way.

"Really? Impossible, can't people only get one devil fruit ability? Those who greedily got two devil fruit abilities died, even Captain Roger said so", Buggy was stunned and looked unbelieving when he heard Xia Hao's idea of ​​getting multiple devil fruits, and then Buggy seemed to think of something.

"Wait, you, you, you can't be, Xia Hao, I remember you said before that you have the ability of controlling plants with the devil fruit, but the flames used in the battle a few days ago were even more amazing. You can't be the one who eats multiple devil fruits, right? ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!", Buggy pointed at Xia Hao, with a look of shock and excitement, as if he had discovered some earth-shattering secret.

"No, the ability of fire is just the energy generated by rapid friction, and Buggy, you can also use the power of fire. As long as you are proficient in controlling the ability of the Devil Fruit of Splitting, you can also easily create fire in the future", Xia Hao curled his lips and denied directly.

It's just a flame, do you still need the ability of the devil fruit? You know, the rumor has it: the Flame-Flame Fruit, even dogs won't eat it!

Who can't create some fire among the famous strong men in the New World? Sanji's later Demonic Wind Kick can even reach a temperature of thousands of degrees.

"Really? ⚆_⚆?"

"Of course, we are good brothers, how could I lie to you", Xia Hao patted his chest and promised with a serious face, thinking in his heart: It is indeed not the power of the devil fruit, but just a way of using cheats.

"Okay, I believe you!"


On the other side, Roger, the two captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Kozuki Oden sat on a small hill, happily drinking and singing, not like enemies at all.

Years of fighting have made Roger and Whitebeard Newgate both enemies and friends. Compared with Golden Lion Shiki who wants to rule the world and become the next Rocks Pirates all day long, it is obvious that Whitebeard Newgate, who has become extremely powerful to protect his family, is more in line with Roger's values.

You know, Roger is not only a willful and arbitrary captain, but also a captain with a bad temper who can't bear to see his crew members get hurt. There are countless things that have directly wiped out other pirate groups because of the injuries of his companions.

Even if it is the navy, Roger is not afraid.

"Really? Oden, can you understand the text above?"

Roger slapped his hands on the historical text rubbing cloth and stared at Oden with wide eyes.

At this moment,

Kozuki Oden's heart was filled with endless waves. He had never expected that the secret code passed down from generation to generation by the Kozuki family in Wano Country would appear here.

"Well, of course I can understand it!" Hearing Roger's question, Oden nodded subconsciously.

"Hahahaha!" Roger laughed happily, looking at Kozuki Oden, and a bold idea emerged in his heart.

"Newgate, do you know? Once our pirate group followed the position of the record pointer and sailed through the wind and waves all the way to the last island indicated by the record pointer. When I thought we had accomplished the great adventure that no one had completed, we found after landing on the island that the record pointer was still turning. So, I concluded that there was another island after Narcissus Star Island!

Only when we reach there can we truly go around the world and complete the unprecedented great adventure, and the key information that prompts the last island is this", Roger was very excited to talk about his major discovery, and his description was very vivid with his hands and feet.

Then, Roger picked up the historical text printed on the ground and continued:

"It is this text engraved on the red stone, and this text is the historical text that the World Government ordered to prohibit everyone from learning many years ago. I originally thought it was just a historical heritage, but I didn't expect it to become the key information to reach the last island.

It is rumored that the final island with endless treasures is hidden. The World Government has also ordered everyone not to go there. The credibility of the treasure is increased. As long as we can get there, we will be the world's number one pirate group."

Roger waved his hands happily, and his ambitious look made Whitebeard Newgate helpless. He picked up the bottle and took a sip of wine. Whitebeard didn't care about Roger's dream at all.

As for becoming the world's number one pirate group, Whitebeard Newgate didn't care either, and he wouldn't fight for it.

However, Kozuki Oden, who was standing next to Whitebeard Newgate, was indeed a restless hot-blooded person. Hearing Roger's vivid description, Kozuki Oden stared at Roger with excitement and shaking hands.

"If I reach the final island and find the great secret treasure, then I will..."

For several hours, Roger happily talked about his thoughts after becoming the world's number one pirate group. As Roger's thoughts unfolded, even Whitebeard Newgate, who had not paid attention before, was stunned. He looked at Roger with wide eyes and drank bottle after bottle of wine in his hand unconsciously.

On the side, Kozuki Oden was so excited that his whole body trembled, muttering to himself: "The world's number one..."

This was the second time Kozuki Oden was shocked by Roger in one day, and he couldn't help thinking: "Who is this guy?! ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!"


"Gulala!" Seeing Roger laughing, Whitebeard also laughed heartily.

"What are you talking about, Roger? You are not a child anymore," Whitebeard said, looking at Roger indifferently.

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