The sound of the gunfire continued.



The sound of the gunfire continued. After the five elder stars, the highest authority in the world government, ordered the annihilation of Ohara Island, the navy warships led by five lieutenant generals fired at the same time. Countless shells attacked crazily as if they were free. All positions on the entire island were attacked by shells.

"Has it started?" Xia Hao sighed as he looked at the dense shells flying in the sky. What a group of stubborn scholars.

The Demon Killing Order has begun to be implemented. Stubbornness may only lead to the loss of life in vain!

"Boss, the navy has discovered us and is now attacking us crazily. Do you want to leave?!" Ah Xing's anxious voice came from the Den Den Mushi in his pocket.

"Are there any scholars willing to leave?"

"Uh, no one, but the little girl we met when we landed on the island was handed over to us by her mother. She is now in the cabin, ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!! Where are the people? Mengshan, where did the little girl go just now?!"

"I don't know, you were watching her ⊙ω⊙"

A Xing's excited voice came from the Den Den Mushi. It seemed that Nico Robin had secretly escaped.

"Forget it, I'll go look for her", Xia Hao pinched his forehead and ran quickly on the street. At this moment, the roots of the Tree of All-Knowing had been damaged by the bombs. The whole tree was burning with flames, and its upright body began to tilt and fall. Smoke and dust rolled, and all the scholars in the library had already felt the breath of death.

But no one cared. Instead, they threw all the books into the big puddle in the middle more eagerly, hoping to use the puddle to extinguish the flames and let the research books continue to exist.

"Ming, Ming, we just met, why, why do we have to separate again, wuwuwu!"

On the west coast, Robin was crying with tears streaming down her face, and her white and tender little hands kept slapping Sauro who was holding her in his hands. Just now, when Robin secretly escaped from the Haotian and came to the library to pull Olivia away with her, she was seriously rejected by Olivia. Although she was very reluctant and felt very guilty about Nico Robin, as a researcher, she left her life in the outside sea six years ago, and her mission was to study the history of this world.

So, Olivia directly asked Sauro to take Robin away by force, hoping that she could live happily and happily. Unfortunately, the sky did not go as she wished. Opposite Sauro, a tall man stood lazily and looked at the two of them.

"Sauro, it would be ridiculous if the Demon Slayer Order was stopped by the former navy." The lazy man was the current vice admiral Aokiji, the future admiral of the navy.

"Kuzan!" Sauro's face darkened, he glanced at Robin in his hand, and chose to turn around and run away. He knew very well that he was no match for Aokiji. The man in front of him was a monster of the new generation of the navy, a natural ice fruit ability user.

"Frozen time capsule!"

Aokiji looked at Sauro who was running away, feeling helpless, but everyone had the right to choose. Aokiji jumped high, and the terrifying cold air came out of Aokiji's arm and rushed towards Sauro quickly. In an instant, Sauro was directly frozen by Aokiji's ice, and fell heavily to the ground, unable to continue running.

"Kuzan, don't you even let a child go?" Sauro roared loudly, looking at the familiar man in front of him.

"Ah, justice changes depending on your position! So I don't intend to blame you for choosing justice, but, Sauro, O'Hara scholar did commit a crime, so he must bear all the consequences. This is also for the stable development of the world.

As for the little girl in front of you? Sauro, don't you know? She is also a scholar," Aokiji said calmly.



Before Aokiji finished speaking, a huge explosion came from the direction of the refugee ship. Aokiji, Sauro and Robin turned their heads in disbelief, as if they thought of something terrible, but the ship did not seem to be destroyed, because Xia Hao arrived!

"What a domineering justice, they are just a group of ordinary people, is it necessary to kill them all? Navy!" Xia Hao landed on the refugee ship, looking at the navy warship not far away, frowning.

In front of the refugee ship, a huge wooden ingot wall blocked the shells.

"Humph, no one can guarantee that there is no scholar in this refugee ship, so we must kill him thoroughly even if it means killing him by mistake.

In addition,

Who are you? ! "Sakaski looked at Xia Hao with a terrifying murderous intent in his eyes. Sakaski felt the terrifying aura hidden in Xia Hao's body. He was not an ordinary person at all.

"Me? Just an ordinary passerby! ┐(´-`)┌"

"Lieutenant General Sakaski, the information is out. This person is Xia Hao, a former trainee of the Pirate King Roger Pirates. Three years ago, there was only one bounty, and the bounty was 150 million berries! "At this time, a naval lieutenant behind Sakaski ran over and reported the information he had just retrieved from Den Den Mushi.

"╰_╯╬, humph, just a bunch of pirate remnants", Sakaski's face was gloomy, and he looked at Xia Hao with more murderous intent. Since Roger's words before his execution a year and a half ago opened the era of great pirates, countless people around the world have flocked to join the ranks of pirates, which has increased the pressure on the righteous navy several times.

"Hehe, so what if you are a pirate? Compared to you, a cold-blooded and righteous navy who has killed all civilians, I feel more like a person with feelings", Xia Hao curled his lips and looked at Sakaski with disdain.

Absolute justice! Is it really right?!

"Hey, why don't you leave quickly? Next time, no one can save you!" Xia Hao turned his head and looked at the people on the refugee ship who were trembling with fear, and said coldly.

"Thank you, thank you! ꒦ິ^꒦ິ"

"Let's run away, leave here quickly, this island is about to be wiped out."

"Captain, start the boat quickly"

Hearing Xia Hao's cold voice, everyone on the refugee ship immediately clamored for the captain of the ship to leave. If it weren't for Xia Hao, everyone would have died in that shot just now.

"Humph, do you really think you can escape like this? !" Sakaski looked at the refugee ship that was beginning to flee, his arms quickly emitting boiling magma, and the terrifying high temperature instantly raised the temperature of the navy warship space by dozens of degrees.

"Big fire! "

Sakaski's arm quickly turned into magma, turning into a huge fist, and then the next second, as if a volcano erupted, a terrifying hot magma was released by Sakaski, and then after reaching the sky, it quickly dispersed into dense small flame magma, covering the entire area of ​​the refuge ship within a radius of several kilometers, and then fell from the sky like a savior.

"What a terrible ability," Xia Tian looked at the rain of fire, with a slight smile on his face, and the Fang Tian Hua Ji appeared in his hand. A green energy rushed into it crazily, and a dragon roar resounded throughout the sea. A huge green dragon appeared above Xia Hao's head with its fangs and claws bared.

"Blue Dragon Breaks the Sky!"

The giant dragon took off, and before the magma was about to fall on the refuge ship, a blue dragon flashed by, and all the magma was instantly destroyed by the shock wave, and then fell on both sides of the ship.

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