The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

"The secret of the Eight-punch: No-cone dragon, no-cone nail!"

Qingjiao shouted angrily, and the armed color domineering quickly wrapped around the flat forehead, and then the whole body sank slightly. The next second, with the strength and weight of the whole body, he rushed to the cloud. When he reached the top, Qingjiao decisively used the Eight-punch to cover the shock wave on his forehead. At this moment, all the power was concentrated at one point.


As Qingjiao fell from the sky, an inexplicably strong wind pressure appeared from above. Xia Hao looked up and saw a shining light ball (head) falling at a high speed, and took a deep breath.

First Opening Gate - Open

Second Resting Gate - Open

Third Life Gate - Open

Seventh Shocking Gate - Open!

Xia Hao's mouth corners slightly raised, and the Eight Gates of Dunjia was quickly opened. Xia Hao, who had the Wood Release, was not worried about the consumption of vitality at all. The whole person seemed to be lying in the fountain of life, and endless vitality emanated from every cell. As the gate of shock opened, Xia Hao's body surged with majestic and surging power, the sweat on the surface of the body evaporated, and blue steam kept coming out, like a beast, the terrifying breath burst out unscrupulously,

"What's going on? Is this power really something that humans can have?!"

"Hey, hey, hey (⊙o⊙), no way, will the old man be okay?!"

"Too scaryヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!, this is simply a peerless beast, and the pressure it exudes alone makes me breathless. Can the leader of the green pepper really win?!"

"It's over, it's overꈨຶꎁꈨຶ, this town will not be directly destroyed by pirates."

"Hehe, you are worthy of being the boss, so awesome, you knocked this old man away, boss!૧(●´৺`●)૭", seeing that everyone stopped attacking because of the momentum emitted by Xia Hao, Ah Xing excitedly waved his arms and shouted, see, his boss is invincible, what leader Qingjiao, it doesn't matter at all.

"Yeah, the boss is the strongest!" Mengshan felt the terrifying pressure from the sky and was extremely shocked. Sure enough, the boss didn't use his full strength when he sparred with him that day. The tiger king of the Gascar Islands was just a kitten in front of the pressure emitted by Xia Hao now.

"Daytime tiger!"

With a loud shout, the surrounding air was quickly compressed infinitely in Xia Hao's hands. Looking at the aggressive Qingjiao, Xia Hao quickly threw a punch, and a tiger roar resounding through the sky shattered the void. The air cannon formed by compressed air was shaped like a tiger, flashing in the air and heading straight for Qingjiao.


The most powerful Eight-punch Secret hit the Day Tiger of the Eight Gates of Dunjia. The strong energy impact made the surrounding space seem to tremble. The violent shock wave spread out, with Xia Hao and Qingjiao as the center, setting off a fierce storm that swept everything. At this moment, everyone was pressed by the shock wave generated by the collision and couldn't open their eyes. Their bodies kept retreating, and a deep mark was scratched on the ground under their feet.

"Crack, crack~"

The ground under Xia Hao began to crack, and dense cracks were quickly generated. Countless small stones flew around, as fast as bullets, attacking randomly within a radius of several kilometers. Countless big trees were pierced by stones and even fell down in all directions.

The two sides fought, red and black lightning appeared in the void, crackling sounds rang out, and the collision of the domineering aura released invisibly changed the color of the sky and the earth. Looking at Xia Hao, whose expression did not change, Qingjiao's rough face became more ferocious, clenched his teeth, and exerted all his strength.

However, Xia Hao's strength was even better. Xia Hao, who was comparable to the strength of a giant, had blue veins all over his body. In the seventh state of shock, his strength reached an unprecedented state. His arms were slightly bent, and the terrifying power was quickly transmitted from his wrist.


Xia Hao's fist went further, and the day tiger formed by the shock wave opened its bloody mouth and bit down. Qingjiao, who was originally full of confidence, changed his face greatly. He wanted to withdraw but found that it was too late. Under the tiger's mouth, blood burst out from his body, and the ground was dyed blood red. The fierce fist hit Qingjiao's head fiercely, and the domineering force directly smashed his head down. The cone head that was originally bulging and flattened by Garp regained its glory and grew out under the horrified expressions of everyone.

A pillar supporting the sky? No, it's a pointed head!

"ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!! No way, the old man with the green pepper has a brain?!"

"It's amazing, is this a human head? What a strange shape."

"Ahem, the old man's cone head has grown again!"


Σ( ° △ °|||)︴, too scary, the captain of the Haotian Pirates, Xia Hao, doesn't it mean that his power far exceeds the strength of his bounty itself? ! ”

Trier: ∑(〟0О0) Really...really!? I don't believe it! The leader of the green peppers actually lost to a little kid? !


Qingjiao's eyes turned white after suffering a heavy blow. After rolling several times in the air, he fell straight down headfirst. The sharp cone head was extremely hard even without the domineering aura. Below, the moment the cone head of Qingjiao fell, the ground quickly cracked, and a deep gully stretched for thousands of meters, separating the two camps in an instant.

"Old man!"

Lao Cai and Abu shouted at the top of their throats, and ran towards the direction where Qingjiao fell. Qingjiao's defeat also meant the defeat of the Babao Navy. The Flower Country Violence Group without high-level combat power was not worth mentioning at all. At this time, Lao Cai's strength was far less powerful than that of more than ten years later.

"Let's go, Mengshan, capture a prisoner and go to the treasure house!" The blue steam emanating from Xia Hao's body slowly dissipated, and his figure flashed and appeared beside Axing and Mengshan, speaking softly.

"Yes, Boss!" Mengshan's tall figure lowered his head and looked around, and finally saw Trier who was still awake, grinning, and Trier's body trembled at the sight of such a smile.

"You, you don't come over! Don't, don't!" Trier turned his head and was about to escape, but how could he, who was injured, be a match for Mengshan? He took a few steps and covered Trier in the shadow like the Five Finger Mountain. When he raised his hand, Trier was caught in his hand like a chick.

"Let him lead the way!"

"Tell me! Where is the iceberg treasure!" Mengshan stared at him with eyes as big as fists, and said fiercely. The slightly forceful palm made Trier feel that his body was about to be crushed. It hurt, it hurt too much!

So, under Mengshan's "reasoning" argument, Trier was frank, pointed his finger in a direction quickly, and then lowered his head as if resigned to his fate.

Two hours later, Xia Hao and the other two, plus Trier, came to the treasure storage place of the Qingjiao family. Looking at the dense gold treasures under the ice, Ah Xing's eyes were full of stars!

"Ours, ours, all ours!" Ah Xing's excited mouth corners rose wildly, and saliva flowed down uncontrollably.

"Yours? Although you did defeat the leader of Qingjiao, this place has never been opened by outsiders except the leader of Qingjiao. You want treasure? Don't joke!" Trier rolled his eyes and said with disdain.

"Bang!" As soon as the voice fell, the whole person was thrown out by Mengshan, and fell heavily to the ground, with a big bump on his forehead.


Xia Hao did not reply, but held the Fang Tian Hua Ji tightly in his hand, and the domineering aura of the king surged wildly, quickly entwining the Fang Tian Hua Ji.

The moment the terrifying and domineering domineering aura appeared, Trier was completely confused, and a terrifying thought appeared in his heart: "Did Xia Hao not use his full strength just now?! ⊙▽⊙"


Xia Hao began to condense and compress all his strength on the tip of the Fang Tian Hua Ji. The entanglement of the domineering aura made the attack more powerful. A little cold light came, and the halberd came out like a dragon.

"Crack, crack~"

A small crack began to appear in the ice layer, and then it became bigger and bigger. In just ten seconds, a deep gully appeared under Xia Hao, and countless treasures were in front of him.

"Hehehe, Mengshan, load the treasure!" Ah Xing happily jumped down with a sack and madly loaded the treasure.

After ten hours, the treasure under the ice field was completely emptied. When Qing Jiao got the news, his face changed drastically, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell straight down.

"My treasure! ヾ(༎ຶД༎ຶ)ノ"

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