The old man was very happy, but he was very happy.

"Hey guys, it's time to have a party!"

It's a tradition of pirates to have a party when a new partner joins. Roger's pirates used to do this.

Hold a party when you are happy; hold a party when a partner joins; hold a party when you defeat the enemy and survive; hold a party when you have a good time fighting with the pirates who are both enemies and friends...

You can hold a party anytime and anywhere as long as you want!

The loud pirate song resounded throughout the sea. Xia Hao and his companions laughed happily on the Haotian. Axing and Mengshan also began to introduce their dreams. A simple banquet quickly deepened the feelings of the entire Haotian Pirates. Then, after drinking a bowl of wine, Axing and Didati, two rookies, instantly became ruddy like monkey butts. Then they fell on the deck in a daze, and soon there was a loud snoring.

"You are really rookie and love to play! ┐(´-`)┌" Xia Hao shook his head and said speechlessly.

"Hehe, you are really rookie", Mengshan scratched the back of his head, picked up a barrel of wine and drank it in big gulps, as if drinking water.

"You don't have to do this (ー_ー)!!", Xia Hao felt helpless when he saw Mengshan drinking fiercely in front of him.


Five days later, the Haotian stopped at the coast of Moses Island in the New World, intending to replenish food and water.

But, unexpectedly, there were no civilians on the island, all of them were pirates. Because Mengshan was guarding the ship, only Xia Hao and three others landed on the island to purchase, but they didn't expect to be targeted by this group of pirates.

Just three people, not afraid at all.

So, the war was about to break out. Xia Hao and A Xing took more than ten minutes to make all the pirates on the island lie on the ground honestly. Looking at Xia Hao and A Xing who easily defeated more than 300 pirates, Didati secretly vowed to become stronger and not to drag his feet.

"Hey, I can't finish it, I can't finish it at all!" A Xing looked at the warehouse in front of him that stored the pirates' food for the entire island, smiled and shook his head, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose wildly.

"Move it away!" Xia Hao began to instruct Ah Xing and Didati to move the food, and by the way, take away all the treasures that the pirates had robbed on the island. After the system calculated, the value was a full 150 million berries.

Xia Hao: Tsk, what a bunch of poor bastards! ╮(﹀_﹀”)╭

Looking at Ah Xing and Didati walking in front of him talking and laughing, Xia Hao waved his hand and put all the food in the warehouse into the system backpack. Looking at the food that was enough for a thousand people to eat for a year, Xia Hao felt inexplicably at ease. With food in hand, he was not in a hurry.

On the Haotian, Ah Xing was very excited to see the treasure and food in front of him. This was the first time he got food so easily, as if he had opened the door to a new world.

"Boss, I heard that these pirates said that they are all affiliated pirates called the Devil Pirates. They have nearly 100 nautical miles of territory, occupying five islands, and this group of pirates is the weakest island. As for the leader of the Devil Pirates, it seems that the bounty is 456.8 million berries!

"It is also very famous in this sea area, and almost no one dares to mess with it." Ah Xing said with a smile on his face.

Seeing Ah Xing's eyes rolling around, Xia Hao knew what he wanted to do.

"Let's go, fire the first shot of our new world! In the name of the Haotian Pirates," Xia Hao looked at the endless sea in front of him and said in a very serious tone. Now he also has his own pirate group, and it's time to show his face in front of the whole world.

He used to be an intern in Roger's Pirates, and now it's natural for the world to get to know him again as the captain of the Haotian Pirates.

"Hehe, great!" Ah Xing jumped happily.

"Well, I also want to try the power of the new bomb I just studied," Didati took out a handful of small balls from his arms, and a hint of excitement appeared in his black eyes.

"I have no problem! "Mengshan smiled innocently. Ever since Xia Hao taught him to practice Haki and the Six Styles of the Navy, Mengshan has been practicing every moment. He can now beat up three of his former selves.

Clenching his powerful fist, Mengshan was confident that he could destroy a small hill with one punch. Moreover, Mengshan heard from Xia Hao about a new method of identifying a strong man: using a human body to stop a warship with one hand!

Mengshan has been eager to try, but he has never had the chance. He doesn't know if he can try this time to defeat the Devil Pirates.

With a goal, the Haotian decisively rushed to the next island and took the Haotian

After the ship docked, Ah Xing led Meng Shan and Didati to the center of the island, pushing forward all the way, and no one could match them.

Twenty minutes later, with the earth-shaking explosion in the center of the island, the pirate group on this island was completely eliminated, and then Meng Shan dragged a huge raft alone, which was piled with treasures and food, and walked from the center of the island to the Haotian.

Looking at Meng Shan who was becoming more and more like a "beast", Ah Xing sometimes felt that the endurance of his animal-type devil fruit seemed to be just so-so.

Looking at the increasing amount of treasure in the cabin, Xia Hao and others laughed happily. It felt so good to have money.

"Hehehe, the next island!" Ah Xing stretched out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, looking like a big villain.

Three hours later, the Haotian arrived at the third island, and after another thirty minutes, all the pirates on the island were wiped out.

Four hours later, the Haotian reached the fourth island. This time, it took an hour to wipe out all the pirates on the island. This time, the power of the bomb made by Didati was upgraded to a higher level. Within a kilometer radius, no grass grew.

The violent bomb explosion shock wave spread in a circle recklessly. Everything around was hit by the air wave. The trees bent down, and large and small stones flew around like bullets.

"The last island!" Ah Xing looked at the huge island in the distance and said excitedly.

"Be careful. In the New World, the bounty of more than 400 million berries is definitely outstanding. It is possible to use domineering or devil fruit abilities well." Xia Hao glanced at Ah Xing and the other two and reminded them.

"Hehe, don't worry, boss! We will definitely win!૧(●´৺`●)૭", Ah Xing replied confidently, and Mengshan and Didati beside him also nodded seriously.

"The bounty is so high, it's just right to test my current strength!"

"I have studied a new type of air bomb, and I just plan to let the Devil Pirates be the test subjects." Didati raised his hand slightly, and a small air bubble appeared in his hand. Indistinctly, he felt a strong unstable energy rushing through it.

"In that case, let's go!" Xia Hao waved his hand, and A Xing and the other two immediately walked towards the center of the island. Xia Hao walked slowly behind the three people to protect them.

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