The boat was still floating, but the boat was still floating.

The Haotian continued to sail in the direction of the record pointer. It was calm all the way, and no accidents occurred. Soon, Xia Hao and his party arrived at the next island.

After docking and stopping the ship, Xia Hao and his party officially landed on the new island.

"It's so quiet"

"Really, is this an uninhabited island?"

"No, no, I smell the smell of bombs, and it's a very low-level bomb art! Give me two points at most!" Didati frowned and sniffed hard. The smell of explosives in the air filled his nasal cavity, and he quickly determined that there were people on the island.

"People haven't left yet! The explosion time is no more than half an hour." After thinking for a while, Didati gave his own judgment answer.

"Let's go and see what happened!" Xia Hao took the lead and walked forward. Since there was an explosion, there must have been a battle on this island. However, judging from the mess around, it seemed to be a one-sided suppression.

One day, a group of vicious villains suddenly broke into the originally peaceful village? !

Xia Hao couldn't help but think in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed.


Ten minutes later, a huge artillery roar resounded throughout the island, and the powerful impact wave made it spread outward in a ring shape.

The strong wind pressure blew everything around unscrupulously. The sudden explosion made Xia Hao and others notice the source of the sound. Xia Hao looked at A Xing, who instantly knew what he meant, and directly transformed into a half-beast and flew into the sky, flying quickly towards the source of the sound. A burst of wind sounded, and A Xing instantly disappeared in front of everyone.

"Is this the ability of Ah Xing's devil fruit? He can actually fly" (•‾̑⌣‾̑•)✧˖

Mina looked at Ah Xing's half-beast form, her eyes sparkling with stars, she clenched her fists tightly, and her desire for the devil fruit deepened a little.

Five minutes later, Ah Xing fell from the sky, with a look of disbelief, but still began to narrate everything she had just seen.

"The soldiers of this kingdom are slaughtering civilians!" Ah Xing's short words shocked everyone. It was hard for anyone to believe that the soldiers of this kingdom slaughtered civilians.

But Ah Xing witnessed it with her own eyes, and this was the truth.

"Boss, us?" Ah Xing cast a questioning look at Xia Hao.

"We? Just do it if you want to, Ah Xing. You should know that we are pirates pursuing freedom. There are no rules or regulations at all. Just act according to your heart!"

Xia Hao looked at Ah Xing's hesitation and said that since Ah Xing wanted to save the people on the island, Xia Hao agreed with both hands. After all, saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda.

"Hehe, then I'm relieved, boss, I'm going!" Ah Xing heard Xia Hao's words, and his black eyes released amazing light. The whole person disappeared in an instant like a meteor, and the speed was so fast that it was astonishing.

"Let's go too!" Xia Hao's voice fell, and his figure flashed, and he quickly rushed towards Ah Xing. The extreme speed made Xia Hao look like he was flying, and his feet didn't even touch the ground.

In the southwest corner of the island, the originally peaceful and peaceful village has now become a ruin. At the head of the village, hundreds of ordinary villagers are all kneeling on the ground, constantly begging the soldiers in front of them to spare their lives!

"Let us go, sir, we are all innocent"

"Yes, yes, yes, what rebels? There are no such people in our village"

"Really, sir, we don't know what happened, but it is impossible for our village to betray the country"

"General, this...?" Together

"Kill them all!"

" (⊙o⊙)!!"

"Execute, it is better to kill by mistake than to let a person go, dare to assassinate His Majesty the King, as long as the people involved must die!" The general of the kingdom spoke in a cold tone, his face full of flesh, revealing his violent character all the time, with a long knife in his hand, a strong killing intent enveloped everyone.

Seeing their own general's order, the soldiers were unwilling, but they did not refuse, because obeying orders is their duty.

"Raise the gun!"

A loud shout scared the originally trembling villagers. Looking at the still indifferent and ruthless general of the kingdom and the cold muzzle of the gun, the rebels hidden among the villagers stood up.

"Don't shoot, I have something to say"

"Go ahead!"

"I am a rebel, let them all go, I will go with you!"

"Catch them!" Hearing someone confess voluntarily, Wang Guo

The general's expressionless face finally showed a hint of expression. With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen soldiers walked towards the rebels.

Soon, a total of five rebels hiding among the civilians were arrested, put on extremely heavy shackles, and knelt on the ground.


A cold voice sounded. The rebels thought that sacrificing themselves could exchange for the lives of others, but unfortunately, all this was wishful thinking.

"No, no, no, you can't kill them. You promised us to let ordinary people go," a rebel said anxiously.

"Hahahaha, let them go? When did I say this? This group of stupid civilians dared to hide criminals today, and they dared to assassinate the king tomorrow.

This general just strangled all troubles in the cradle."

As the third general of the Kingdom of Phyllis Yad and the direct descendant of King Phyllis, General Mo Feila knew his position very well.

Completely eliminate all voices in the kingdom that oppose King Phyllis.

This time, the large-scale rebellion in the kingdom was also because King Phyllis was usually cruel and inhumane. He often levied taxes crazily without regard for the lives of the people because of his own preferences, leaving nearly 98% of the civilians in the country hungry and cold.

Therefore, under the leadership of people with lofty ideals, a war of resistance was launched.

"Fire!" General Mo Feila glanced at the soldiers who did not take action, kicked the nearest soldier away with a flying kick, and shouted loudly.

"What a brutal country!" Xia Hao looked at the soldiers who raised their guns to massacre innocent and powerless civilians, shook his head, and the moment the soldiers raised their guns,

The domineering aura of the overlord was instantly released, and the terrifying aura swept across the entire island in an instant. The domineering pressure made many soldiers who had pulled the trigger roll their eyes, fainted together, and fell heavily to the ground.

"What's going on?! (⊙o⊙)" General Mo Feila was horrified. Seeing the soldiers who lost their fighting power in the blink of an eye, an inexplicable fear emerged from the bottom of his heart. His small eyes kept looking around, looking for the source of the pressure.


At this moment, A Xing fell from the sky. The powerful impact stirred up a cloud of dust. Looking at the panicked civilians and the overly frightened General Mo Feila, A Xing strode forward and grabbed General Mo Feila's collar.

Then, he punched him in the cheek.

"What I despise most is trash like you!"

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