Hogg had no idea about the actions of the navy and the world government, and Hogg was still wandering the streets at this time.

“Captain, I finally found you!”

“The Roger Pirates also came here, and it is estimated that they are also heading for the treasure!”

“What! The Roger Pirates also came here to look for treasure? ”

“Yes, Captain, let’s go back quickly!”

“Little ones, hurry up, we have to find the treasure before Roger’s pirates!”

Then a group of people rushed away and ran towards the port.


Hogg had already experienced such scenes and conversations several times while wandering the streets, but some were preparing to escape from here, while others were going to find treasure in advance.

Hogg can’t deny this, as for whether there is really a treasure, it has never been known, if they really find it, their side can completely take it.

After wandering around for a while, Hogg was already starting to get bored, this country and the great powers of the previous life were completely incomparable, saying that the country was exaggerated, at best, it was just a city with a large population.

He let go of his domineering appearance and began to look for Roger and them in the city.

Ten minutes later, Hogg came to a bar called “Big Wine Man”, which looked quite large from the outside, and he sensed the smell of Roger and Reilly in this bar.

Hogg pushed open the door of the bar and walked in, seeing Roger and them in a more remote part of the bar, while everyone around them sat far away, looking down and discussing from time to time.

“Roger, you can be considered easy for me to find!” Hogg said as he walked towards Roger and them.

“Hahaha ~ Hogg, you are also here, come and drink!” Roger smiled when he saw Hogg coming.

“That’s right, let’s have a drink, the wine here is still good, compared to the fruit wine you made!” Reilly also raised a glass of wine and smiled.

“Is it? Then I’m going to have a good taste! ”

Hogg raised an eyebrow and said, then came to Roger and sat down next to them, picked up a glass of freshly filled wine and began to taste.

And the people in the bar saw that the young man who came in, actually walked towards Roger and them, seeing that the posture was still ready to drink with them, they all looked down and discussed, and glanced at Roger from time to time in their direction.

“A group of people have come to Roger before, but it seems to be the King’s Guard, but who is this guy?”

“I don’t know, but that guy looks so young!”

“yes! However, he looks like a big man at first glance! ”

“It’s amazing, to be a big man who can talk to Roger and them at such a young age!”


“Ha, this wine tastes okay, but it’s still a little worse than what I brewed!” Hogg wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand and said expressionlessly.

“Renly, I’ll just say Hogg would say that! Hahaha~” Suddenly Roger looked at Reilly and laughed.

“Alright! It seems that Brother Hogg really said the same as the captain. Renly shrugged, looking helpless.

Listening to their conversation, Hogg instantly guessed what was going on, but still asked with a puzzled look, “What do you call me the same as Roger?” ”

“Haha nothing. However, Hogg, you look more domineering after changing your outfit! Roger looked at Hogg and said.

“It seems that your vision is not bad, Roger!” Hogg narrowed his glasses, the corners of his mouth turned up, and after saying that, he drank again.

“By the way, Hogg, the king of this country sent someone to invite a few of us to the dinner party before, and Rayleigh and Jabba and I have already agreed to go to the appointment, and I am worried about how to inform you, now that you are here, do you want to come with us?”

Hearing Roger’s words, Hogg suddenly put down his wine glass and thought for a while——

“The king’s dinner? I haven’t eaten with the king yet, maybe there will be a lot of food and wine at the banquet, so this time I will be dipped in your light~hahaha”

As he spoke, Hogg laughed.

“Hahaha~ I’m sure you’ll be famous soon, Hogg!” Jaba on the side looked at Hogg and said with a smile.

“I guess nine times out of ten that king wants to understand the purpose of our visit.” Renly, who was drinking, smiled and said the king’s true purpose.

“It doesn’t matter! No one can stop us anyway, right? Riley. Roger looked casual, with a hint of domineering air in his tone.

To Roger’s words, Renly didn’t answer, he just smiled, then picked up the wine glass and drank it.

In this way, several people chatted and drank.


As it was getting dark, a group of soldiers walked into the bar and walked straight towards Roger and them.

“Lord Roger, His Majesty has prepared a dinner for you,” the leading soldier commander said, looking at Roger.

“Hahaha~ After waiting for so long, I can finally participate in the banquet. Renly, Jabba, Hogg, let’s go! Roger suddenly laughed lightly.

“Soldier, lead the way ahead.”

“Sorry, let a few adults wait, please follow me now.”

When the soldier commander heard that Roger was not angry, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and immediately led the way in front. And the bar owner saw Roger leave without giving them money, and he just had an expression that dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, but fortunately the soldiers behind paid the money, and his mood was better.

Ten minutes later, led by soldiers, Roger and they arrived at a splendid palace.

“Your Majesty, Captain Roger, they are here!” The soldier gave a briefing.

Suddenly, the king went out to greet them, after all, he did not want to make Roger angry because of poor hospitality, and then make a big fuss in this country, which would be really a disaster, and it also went against his original intention of setting up a banquet.

“Captain Roger, welcome to your arrival, I specially set up a banquet to prepare for you.”

“Hahaha~ Thank you to His Majesty for the invitation.”

“Please come with me, the banquet has been set.”

Inside the palace is a large long table with a wide variety of dishes, and each seat is equipped with silver cutlery and a few bottles of wine.

After a while, everyone was seated.

At the banquet, Hogg drank wine and tasted food while listening to Roger and the king have a word, but not a word. His impression of Roger has changed greatly, although he is usually a little bold and rough, and occasionally funny, but now he actually looks so serious and talkative, although he only says some non-nutritious words.

Seeing that everyone was eating and drinking, the king immediately said the true purpose of the banquet: “Roger, can you tell me the purpose of your coming here?” ”

Hearing the king’s inquiry, Roger put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at the king and said casually: “As for the purpose, I was originally going to come here for supplies, but after hearing interesting rumors, I plan to find out about it!” ”

Although there was still a trace of luck in his heart, after hearing Roger’s answer with his own ears, the king still felt helpless.

He thought for a moment and said, “I won’t stop you, and I can’t stop you.” As a king, I don’t know much about that treasure, but I hope you can get out of here as soon as possible. ”

“Hahaha~ Is it? Then thank His Majesty for the banquet, we are going to visit it tonight. ”

After that, Roger got up and prepared to return to the ship, and when he saw that Hogg also got up one after another and walked out after Roger.

Looking at the few people who walked out directly, the soldier commander beside the king suddenly said angrily, “Your Majesty, how many of them——”

“Forget it, let them go, I just hope that tonight’s battle will not affect this country!” The king interrupted the soldier commander with a wave of his hand.

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