When the two were fighting, the navy or the people of Roger’s pirate group who noticed the situation were shocked.

“I knew that Brother Hogg was powerful, but I didn’t expect him to be able to fight fiercely with former Admiral Zefa!”

“Damn, that guy from Roger’s Pirates can actually fight like that with Chief Zefa!”

And Karp, who was fighting Roger on the side, was also surprised: “That kid can actually fight Zefa to this extent.” ”

“Hahaha~ Although Hogg is not Zefa’s opponent at present, it is still no problem to involve Zefa. Karp, it seems that you still can’t successfully capture us this time,” Roger looked at Karp and laughed.

Listening to Roger’s words, Karp suddenly said angrily, “Bastard Roger, I’ll beat you down now!” ”

After speaking, Karp agitated the muscles in his arms, raised his pitch-black fist, and broke the air towards Roger.

“Iron Fist – Meteorite Meteor!”

Seeing that Karp attacked seriously again, Roger’s eyes suddenly became serious, and he slashed at Karp’s fist with a sword covered with armed color domineering.

“Karp, try it if you can!”

The crackling sound kept coming, and Roger and Karp gradually hit the real fire.

And Kuzan, who was fighting fiercely with Renly, sensed the situation on Zefa’s side, and his already serious expression became even more serious.

“Mr. Reilly, it seems that I have to work harder, otherwise this operation of the Navy will end in failure!”

Hearing Kuzan’s words, Reilly immediately laughed and said, “Then just let the horse come, young navy, I don’t know how much strength you can force me.” ”

“Ice cube – violent pheasant beak!”

“Frozen Time Capsule!”

In an instant, Kuzan launched two attacks, feeling the attack coming, Renly was not afraid at all, and swung his sword unhurriedly and slashed up.

For a time, five battlefields were divided on the ice, namely Roger and Karp, Hogg and Zefa, Reilly and Kuzan, the people of Roger’s Pirate Regiment and the navy, and Rear Admiral Dahir and others who arrived together with Karp’s adjutant to surround and suppress Jabba.

After punching Zefa’s waist, with a bang, Hogg was knocked into the sea again before he had time to react.

In more than an hour, such a scene has appeared dozens of times, basically Hogg will be shot by Zefa every once in a while, but Zefa has also been hit by Hogg many times.

The icy sea water once again stimulated Hogg’s aching muscles all over his body, but it could not cool his boiling blood.

In addition to the fact that Hogg is fighting more and more bravely, it is also caused by the accelerated flow of blood qi, and this state can be maintained by him as long as the blood qi remains.

Seeing Hogg rushing out of the sea again and attacking his Hogg, Zefa suddenly felt a headache. Although this kid can’t beat himself, his physique is really strong like a monster, it is estimated that it is not much compared with Kaido that guy, the same strong defense, strong resilience, no absolute strength can not be defeated.

Thinking of this, Zefa kind of wanted to persuade him to surrender to the navy, but his sense of responsibility as a navy still drove him to continue to attack Hogg.

Fist and fist collided again, and the resulting shock wave once again destroyed the ice.

The two instantly changed positions and continued to rush towards each other.

In the hour that followed, Hogg was still shot off from time to time, but the number of times had decreased, and he had begun to adapt to this intensity of fighting.

Hogg’s strength is gradually getting stronger, and he senses that his armed color domineering and seeing color domineering have gone one step further. Sure enough, fighting someone who is stronger than yourself is easy to improve.

It is a guy like Hogg who has this idea, who let his body after the strengthening and transformation of the dragon soul, but also after years of tempering, now stronger than Zefa these generals. This gave him the capital to challenge, and if someone else came, it is estimated that he would have been beaten down a long time ago.

However, Hogg is only physically strong at present, and his comprehensive strength is still not comparable to that of the general, and he has to constantly consume blood qi to maintain his state and repair his injuries.

After repelling Hogg again, Zefa froze, looked at the guy in front of him who was still fanatical and tireless, and asked, “Boy, tell me your name, Roger Pirates didn’t have you before?!” ”

Hearing Zefa’s question, Hog paused for a moment, stopped the figure rushing up, and looked at Zefa with heavy eyes full of majesty and said seriously, “My name is Ned Hogg!” ”

“As for your question, it’s because I have been staying on an unknown island in the New World before, and it was not until Roger’s unexpected arrival some time ago that I decided to temporarily join the Roger Pirates and hone myself.”

“Huh? Join temporarily, hone yourself? Was that able to persuade him to join the Navy? Thinking of this, Zefa suddenly felt a sense of intimacy.

“Hogg boy, do you want to join our navy, after you join the navy, you will definitely get more training, and our navy has a lot of strong people, you can let them guide you when the time comes.”

After speaking, Zefa looked at Hogg with an expectant face, he really wanted the person in front of him to join the navy and become a member of the navy.

Hearing Zefa’s words, Hogg’s heart fluctuated, but when he thought about his past life experience and the situation of the navy, he decided to refuse Zefa’s invitation.

He didn’t want to spend his energy dealing with various conspiracies because he joined other forces, he just wanted to cultivate hard and strive to reach the top of the world as soon as possible and surpass.

Temporarily joining Roger’s Pirate Group, it is also because Roger’s temperament is more compatible with himself, even if he wants to join the force in the future, it can only be a force formed by himself.

Thinking of this, Hogg shook his head at Zefa with an expectant look and said, “Just join the navy, and I went to sea to become a pirate more than eight years ago.” ”

Hearing Hogg’s answer, Zefa was both shocked and disappointed, but Hogg’s answer was also expected by him.

“Hogg boy, although I don’t know why you went to sea to become a pirate at such a young age, but the navy can completely eliminate it…” Seeing Hogg’s firm eyes, Zefa, who had wanted to persuade again, suddenly changed his tone and said, “Forget it, a man like you will not change once a decision is made.” ”

Finally, Zefa looked at Hogg and asked loudly, “So, Ned Hogg, tell me the purpose of your going to sea?” ”

Seeing that Zefa was not persuading him, and asking himself, Hogg’s majestic heavy eyes stared at Zefa, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and while hammering his chest with his fist, he said word by word: “World-world-strongest!” ”

The voice is not very loud, but it is both firm and powerful.

Hearing Hogg’s firm and powerful answer, although Zefa felt surprised and shocked, he somehow felt that the man in front of him would definitely be able to do it.

After calming his mind, Zefa shouted, “Boy, stop dreaming, your journey will end here!” ”

At the same time as shouting, Zefa’s muscles bulged and slammed towards Hogg.

“It’s not up to you!”

Seeing Zefa attack, Hogg responded instantly, and then raised his fist to meet it.

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