“I choose the white one!” Nami said.

“Then I’ll choose the purple one!” Chloe said.

Both of them breathe a little basically, the Devil Fruit is a legendary thing, and after taking it, it can make people have a variety of magical abilities.

This thing is full of mystery.

It is also an existence that can not be encountered.

Chloe didn’t expect that Captain Will would take out two at once and give one to himself, and his heart was extremely moved.

The legend of the Devil Fruit, Nami has experienced a lot, of course, she knows how precious this thing is, and there is no problem with Will saying that it is more precious than gold.

Holding the white devil fruit, Nami was a little reluctant, “Will, can this fruit be sold?” I heard that this thing is worth

100 million Baileys…” ”

Let me eat 100 million Baileys…”

Will smiled and said: “Eat it, we will have gold jewelry in the future, if the strength is not enough, the gold is robbed by someone, but there will be nothing.”

“That’s right, no one wants to snatch a penny from me!” Nami opened her mouth and bit down.

The next moment.

Her face instantly turned pig’s liver color, “It’s so unpalatable!” ”

Croco on the side, whether it is difficult to eat or not, something that can increase strength, he bites down on the devil fruit and follows in Nami’s footsteps.

The two of them suddenly had a strong feeling of vomiting, but they couldn’t vomit anything.

It took a while to slow down.

Will asked, “What abilities do you all have?”

“Mine is the Nature Cloud Fruit!” Nami declared happily.

Chloe also excitedly replied loudly, “I… Mine is the Snake Fruit Magic Beast Species Nine Babies Form! He

didn’t know the rarity of the Demon Fruit of the Phantom Beast Species, but Chloe understood that he seemed to have acquired an incredible ability.

Ecstatic to the point of uncontrollability, excitedly shouting on the deck: “This feels amazing!!”

He understood that as long as his mind moved, he would be able to transform into the Nine Babies and gain great power!

Chloe also wanted to see how powerful he would be after his transformation.

The mind moved.

The body swelled rapidly, and 8 hideous snake-like heads suddenly popped out from the neck, with teeth that were different from snakes, but they were rows of sharp and sharp teeth.

Once bitten, the terrifying bite force and sharp teeth are enough to tear everything apart, even hard steel can easily destroy.

The figure suddenly became more than ten meters.

It can be called a giant beast, occupying most of the deck, majestic!

The blue scales glowed with a dazzling cold light in the moonlight, as if the armor of strong defense was all over the body.

“Is this the Illusory Beast Demon Fruit?! Too powerful… It turns out that my previous self was so weak! Chloe was excited and sighed at the same time.

At the same time, he also understood the special ability he had mastered and was able to spit water and fire in his mouth.

Nami looked at Chloe after the transformation, and she was also shocked, “The devil fruit is also too amazing, this terrible monster is scary to look at.” ”

The size is incomparably huge, and the savage power alone is terrifying.

“But my ability is not bad, Yunyun Fruit is really suitable for me!” Nami said happily, then summoning a cloud floating in front of her.

She landed on the white cloud with a slight jump, controlling the white cloud to fly.

“A natural fruit ability, a phantom beast species devil fruit, sure enough, the ability of the demon fruit produced by the system will not be too bad, cow!” Will is also sincerely happy for Nami and Chloe.

They are their own crew, they can become stronger, and the safety factor is much higher.

Nami, who stepped on the white clouds and flew back and forth in the sky, floated in front of Will with the white clouds, and Nami happily invited: ‘Will, do you want to try the feeling of swimming in the sky together, this feeling is so free, I used to envy the birds in the sky to fly freely, but now I can do it.

Will accepted Nami’s invitation and stepped on the white cloud, although it seemed to be a soft white cloud, stepping on it was like stepping on the ground.

“Stand firm!”

Nami reminded her, and manipulated the white clouds to fly in the sky with Will at great speed, and the fierce wind rushed to her face, causing Nami’s hair to flutter messily in the wind.

Nami is enjoying it all.

The exhaustion of the previous training seemed to have completely disappeared.

Cheerful laughter like wind chimes resounded in the sky from Nami’s mouth, accompanied by Chloe’s loud laughter on the deck.

Na Mei seemed to fly tirelessly with joy, “Will, thank you, since I met you, life has become full of joy!” ”

This moment.

A smile also appeared on Will’s face, “Our journey has just begun, I believe that the next voyage will not be boring, and I hope you can continue to be happy like this.” ”


“Always be happy and happy!” Nami looked up at the shining night stars in the sky, and it seemed that because of the distance, the night was even more beautiful.

The moon is large and round, like a jade disk, and even the stars in the sky have become brighter.

The stars were arranged into a portrait, and Nami vaguely seemed to see her mother, Bermel, and seemed to be whispering to her, “I love you.” The

white clouds suddenly stopped in mid-air, and Nami stared at the night sky with a happy smile on her face, receiving Belmel’s blessing.

Until Belmer’s portrait disappears and returns to the deck with Will.

Chloe rubbed his stomach, “Captain, I’m going to prepare food.” The

housekeeper’s life also allowed him to master some simple cooking skills, although Nami can also cook, which is not bad, but every time he has to “pay”, Chloe can only take this task.

Everyone returned to the cabin.

There was only one “Demon One” left on the deck, standing motionless on the deck.

The next day.

The sun is shining and cloudless.

On the deck, Chloe and Will both practiced, and Nami joined the cultivation team after taking care of the orange tree.

He also began to develop his own Devil Fruit abilities.

Will knew that he had to seize every minute and second to strengthen himself, master strength, master combat methods, and also train against Chloe from time to time to adapt to the power skills in the six styles.

It has to be said that each move of the Six Styles has only one characteristic, but it can evolve different offensive methods from it.

Nami, who was riding the white clouds, suddenly saw that something seemed to exist on the sea in the distance, “Will!! There is something on the surface of the sea … It seems to be a person!! ”

There was a plank floating on the sea, and on top of the plank was a man holding the plank below him.

It is following the flow, and the body has been swollen by the sea blister.

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