The subsidence of the sandstorm tornado.

Klockdar’s face was gloomy, “This kind of monster came out of a place like the East China Sea again?!” ”


In the East China Sea, the four seas are recognized as the weakest seas, and the bounty of pirates is generally extremely low, and the tall one among the short people is only a bounty of more than 10 million.

Now a whale has swam out of the East China Sea.

Not to mention the bounty of 180 million, this strength is really terrifying.

The unhappy emotions in his heart were completely written on his face, and the feedback on his face seemed to have a sense of pride that no one could see.


Because his expression always seemed to be haughty.

He used to be a “Tianjiao”!

When he was young, he fought a draw with Barrett, a monster known as the heir of the devil, and dared to challenge the white-bearded man.

“Erode reincarnation!!”

Klockdar was half-crouched on the ground, his palms pressed to the ground, and the black fur coat behind him was attached to the ground, although the place was a hot desert area.

But still can’t organize Klockdar’s “pressing”, cigars with fur coats, plus fingers and ears are full of accessories.

A proper black boss, the style of a big brother of the mafia.

The earth under Klockdar’s feet suddenly cracked, and sand and dust rose one after another, not only the ground, but all the surrounding buildings began to collapse at a few speeds.

Everything centered on him began to dust and form grit.

The large-scale attacks possessed by the Nature Department were used by him.

“Little ghost, you are strong, your future should be a vast sky and a boundless sea… It’s been a long time since I met an opponent who would give me all my might.

“Let’s warm up before challenging Whitebeard!” Klockdar maintained a haughty posture and tone at all times.

He is a lonely hero!

Nothing but the purpose was important in his eyes.

This moment.

The Seven Warriors Sea Sand Crocodile Klockdar has no reservations and is ready to fight with all his might.

The long-lost blood filled his body, and there seemed to be a mentality of returning to his youth as “invincible”.

“What does this guy want to do?!” Will’s figure flew in the sky, “Is it ready to transform all the surroundings into an environment conducive to his battle?!”

Will knew that he could no longer allow Klockdar to assimilate everything around him into gravel, and with his wings spread, sparkling flames splattered from his wings.

The figure was like a shooting star and rushed towards Klockdar.

The sharp claws instantly hardened their weapons and kicked towards Klockdar.

But suddenly.

The desert below formed a large sword that rose up and pointed directly at Will’s body from the bottom up.

“Desert Great Sword~!”

Under the control of Klockdar, the gravel turned into a sword several meters in size.

Will’s figure suddenly stopped in the air, and the long sword of the gravel execution field stopped less than a few feet in front of him, and if he reacted a little slower.

You will be hit by Klockdar’s desert greatsword.

Klockdar’s Devil Fruit had been developed to a rather terrifying point, and all the grit was under his control.

Will carried raging flames on his wings and shattered the desert sword in front of him.

“My armed color domineering quantity and quality are not enough… The opportunity must be seized in order to defeat Klockdar. “Thinking about it.

Klockdar rose from the ground, and there was enough area around him to turn into gravel, and all the gravel was his weapon.

“Desert Great Sword X6 !!”


Six huge sand dunes bulged out of the ground, and six desert greatswords formed in the dunes, encircling Will from six different directions.

In the next instant, the gravel giant sword moved, like a “flying sword” controlled by an immortal cultivator, galloping towards Will.

Will opened his mouth to inhale, and the light in his mouth converged, forming a huge ball of flame light.

“Jinwu Nissei Fire!!”

Turning into a golden crow, a laser-like flame erupted from his mouth, his head turned, and the direction of the red flame pillar changed.

The six desert greatswords were drowned in flames.


The flames did not disappear completely, and the blazing flames formed a magnificent spectacle in the sky, like the dragon breath of a fire dragon.

Burned to Klockdar.

Klockdar’s reaction was not slow in the slightest, and the surrounding gravel surged upwards instantly, forming a huge grit cover that completely wrapped Klockdar’s figure in it.

The blazing flames collided with the gravel wall-like cover, and the flames scattered, and the billowing flames drowned the entire sand cover.

It lasted more than ten seconds.

The flames dispersed.

Klockdar’s figure emerged, unaffected.

“Not enough,” Klockdar said when he said the words with a cigar in his mouth.

It’s really underwhelming.

Then he smoked a cigar and said, “Fighting me in the desert dooms you to defeat.” ”

In the sky.

The sweat oozing from Will’s face was instantly evaporated by the flames and disappeared without a trace, despite his physical strength.

However, maintaining the orc state of the three-legged golden crow for a long time, coupled with the extra strength of repeated attacks, made his physical strength very serious.

Moreover, due to the lack of control of strength in the battle, he used more strength and consumed more physical strength in many attacks.

“If you go on like this, can’t you really do this guy?!” Will was in a heavy mood.

At the beginning, Luffy’s strength was definitely not as strong as his own, but he still defeated Klockdar, one of the Seven Martial Seas, the Natural System of Sand Fruit.

How did you get to yourself and it’s so hard?!

He was a little depressed.

At this time.

Nami on Rab shouted a little anxiously: “Will, do you want a heavy rain, the rain can restrain that guy!!”

Everyone next to Nami also looked at Will nervously.

From the earth-shattering battle just now, they naturally knew that Klockdar’s strength was extremely terrifying.

Akin, Chloe, Sanji and the others also all wanted to join the battlefield, looking like they would rush out to join the battle as long as Will gave an order.

“No need!!”

Will rebuffed.

He wasn’t stubborn, but he knew he had to get over it.

Obviously has great strength and incomparable self-confidence, but he touched a nose here in Klockdar.

If you fight with Klockdar in front of you and let your crew intervene, if you face a stronger enemy in the future, won’t you become dependent.

Even if you ask for help.

Now is not the time, not yet when you can’t cope with it.

And more importantly.

The battle grinds of a strong enemy… It’s rare for me now!

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