Meetings began on the meeting between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates, the deployment of naval reconnaissance, and so on.

After the meeting was dissolved, it immediately began to let the navy prepare the materials and warships for navigation.

The arrest began.


New world.

Looking down on the entire sea from above, the whole sea is turquoise, and in this endless sea.

A huge ship resembling a whale sails slowly on the sea.

The pirate flag at the top of the mast flutters with the sea breeze.

The skull beard bearded with the emblem.

One of the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates.

At this time.

The atmosphere on deck is slightly heavy.

Captain Marko leaned on the side of the ship, and looked at the white-bearded man sitting with half-pulled eyelids, “Daddy, the redhead is here.” ”

Kula la… It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that red-haired imp. Whitebeard let out a hearty laugh, with a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

A pirate ship also appeared on the side of the Moby Dick.

On the deck stood a group of members of the red-haired pirate group, all of whom were world-famous pirates, deputy captain Ben Beckman.

Sniper Jesus Bu, Raki Lu who still bites pieces of meat, Dege and so on.

The aura is amazing!

One of the four emperors, the red-haired Shanks, was also listed, refusing the request of his companions to follow, and the red-haired Shanks dragged a huge wine gourd onto the Moby Dick alone.

A terrifying overlord-colored domineering aura escaped from the redhead’s body, and the members of the surrounding white-bearded pirate group ships fell to the ground one after another.

The members of the Whitebeard ship are all battle-hardened elites.

But in front of this domineering force, like dominoes, they fell on the deck one after another.

It caused a riot among the Whitebeard Pirates.

The terrifying domineering spirit seems to carry a violent wind, which makes the incomparably strong Moby Dick constantly crack.


This is one of the Four Emperors, known as the most domineering man in the world, red-haired Shanks.

Even Whitebeard’s face became solemn, and he let out a warning laugh: “Kula la… The red-haired imp is really an extraordinary manhood. ”

At this time.

Shanks walked up to Whitebeard and sat down cross-legged.

Just as he was about to speak, the news bird that originally delivered the newspaper in the sky was affected by the domineering behavior of the red-haired Shanks, and one by one the bird lost its instinctive ability to fly.

Fall from the sky.

Newspapers were scattered in the bag that I carried at any time, like a graduation banquet.

Newspapers fell from the sky and scattered throughout the deck of the Moby Dick.

Marko, the captain of the team, also reached out and picked up a newspaper, and a surprise flashed in his eyes, “There are amazing new people on the sea…”

“I didn’t expect that in this world, besides me Marko, there is also a phantom beast species devil fruit that is also a bird.”

in the newspapers.

It is the intelligence that the demon pirate group Will defeated the “Seven Warrior Sea” Klockdar, and also has the latest bounty.

A series of zeros is not to be underestimated.

Red Spirit Bird Will, Bounty: 600,000,000.

The bounty is a full 600 million Bailey!!

Diamond Joz, the captain of the three-way team beside Marko, also exclaimed: “I can’t believe it, this is a reward for a pirate newcomer, and this bounty is higher than many pirates in the New World.” ”

Although the bounty cannot fully reflect the strength of a pirate, it also reflects the strength of this pirate to a certain extent.

And the importance of the Navy.

The Navy will not eat too much, and casually raise the bounty of people.

“Klockdar… is the guy who challenged his father back then, this guy’s strength is not weak, it seems that this newcomer is extraordinary, I really want a guy like Will to come to the new world quickly. Foil Bista said with some expectation.

In recent years, except for Ace, Pirates have not appeared any new people who make people shine.

Their conversation naturally fell into the ears of the whitebeard and redhead, and there were many newspapers scattered on the floor in front of them.

With just a few glances, I learned about the news in the newspaper.

Whitebeard reached out and picked up the big wine jug beside him, poured it into his mouth, and said with a smile: “That guy from Klockdar actually lost in the hands of a newcomer…” Then

he changed his tone and said domineeringly: “But before my whitebeard fell, this era still belonged to my whitebeard!” The

light in his eyes flashed, as if he recalled the time of the year.

He had also sent a “son” invitation to the guy in Klockdal, but the guy refused, saying that he would beat himself one day in the future.

The strength of that guy in Klockdar is not bad, and he lost in the hands of newcomers.

Let Whitebeard couldn’t help but look at Will’s reward order in the newspaper twice, and remembered Will’s appearance in his heart.

The redhead is also slightly distracted, the newcomer pirate group that came out of the East China Sea, I don’t know if the noisy little guy who was noisy and shouting to become One Piece went to sea?

Shaking off the thoughts in his mind, he looked at Whitebeard with domineering eyes.

Be blunt about the purpose of your trip.

I want Whitebeard to send someone to recall Fire Fist Ace to prevent Fire Fist Ace from being defeated by Blackbeard and losing his life.

But the talks between the two sides.

In the end, they broke up.

The turmoil in the world gradually began to intensify, a new storm was brewing across the world.



Will recovered his physical abilities and woke up the same day, and after a cheerful banquet, he arrived in the cabin where Klockdar was being held.

When Will appeared in the room.

Klockdar’s face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and said: “The victory and defeat have been divided, there is nothing to say, either kill me, or release me, let me join your pirate group, I will never agree!”

Looking at Klockdar, who only had one head exposed in the rubber bucket, Will smiled, “Who said they wanted you to join my pirate group?!” ”

You’re probably too self-conscious, aren’t you?!”

The words made Klockdar’s face completely darken, his face turned blue and purple, his eyes were angry, and he glared at Will fiercely.

“Then kill me!!”

“Otherwise, when I escape, I will definitely kill you!!”

“Kill me?!”

Will smiled confidently, “If you lose this time, you will never have a chance to kill me.”

“My growth rate…”

“You can’t understand it.”

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