Bellamy has seen countless times the ships of the pirate group with dreams being carried into the sky by rising currents.

Then it fell violently from the sky.

The ship disintegrated.

Countless pirates died in the sea.

Without exception!!

Over the years, countless pirates have been buried in this sea.

Even if the recording pointer points to the sky, it is simply nonsense, maybe it is just the oddity of this sea.

Will, who has watched the anime, of course knows that “Empty Island” does exist, and his face shows a winning smile, “If you want to go, it is not impossible, not only must there be excellent navigators, but it is also a test for the ships of the pirate group.”

“You don’t understand!”

Will reached out to pat Bellamy’s shoulder, and the other party immediately curled up like a frightened chick.

I couldn’t help but shiver.

Will said confidently: “I am full of confidence in the navigators of our pirate group.

“If you know anything else, tell me.”

Seeing Will simply patting himself on the shoulder, Bellamy felt that his soul was frightened, and the man’s faint momentum was revealed.

It made him feel as if he had seen one of the seven martial seas, Tenyaksha Doflamingo.

It scared him, and he knew what kind of “gap” it was, and killing him was as simple as crushing an ant.

Bellamy’s voice trembled a little, “What if you… If you want to know more, go to a man named Mont Blanc Kulikai, who is a descendant of Mont Blanc Norland, and has always wanted to find the legendary land of gold.

“He knows more than I do.”

In his heart, he just wanted this guy in front of him to quickly disappear from his sight and leave quickly, and the sense of oppression was so heavy that it made people a little breathless.

The back of the body was all soaked with cold sweat.

Drops of cold sweat on his face left marks on his cheeks.

“I know, you can leave.” Will said lightly.

This sentence is simply heavenly for Bellamy now, and he immediately got up from his chair and ran out of the bar in a panic.

It wasn’t until I was far away that I felt relieved, and I suddenly breathed in a big gulp of air.

In the bar.

Will walked straight to his desk.

After sitting down, he asked, “Would you like to visit the empty island?!”

“Empty Island?! Legend has it that it exists at a height of 10,000 meters above. Robin was slightly surprised, “Could it be that the captain has already found out something?”


Will said: “There should be an empty island above this sea, otherwise the recording pointer would not point to the sky, only the magnetic force of the island can interfere with the recording pointer.”

“There is no problem with recording pointers, now there is only one problem to solve, and that is the way to go to the empty island.”

Will who has watched the anime knows that there are probably two ways to go to the empty island, one is the updraft in the Gaya Sea, and the other is not yet known.

Kaido went to the empty island and didn’t know whether to use the second way or his fruit ability.

There is not just one empty island on this sea, but many empty islands, and you have to find out how to get to the empty island in the future.

“I also checked, it’s no problem to record the pointer, but the empty island is at an altitude of 10,000 meters, how do we go up.” Nami asked, looking at the record pointer on her wrist.

The pointer that was originally horizontal has now become a somewhat oblique vertical.

“I don’t know the exact location yet, but someone should know, after inquiring about that guy, let’s go find that guy.” Will said.

The Mont Blanc Kulikai in Bellamy’s mouth just now, Will no longer has many impressions in his mind, only remembering a little.

However, this guy should be more famous in this sea area, and the descendants of Mont Blanc Noland, it is not difficult to find him.

Later, everyone asked the owner of the bar at the checkout and learned something about Mont Blanc Kulikai.

Montblanc Kulikai is the commander of the Ape Mountain United Army, with a group of apes under him, and the two most powerful subordinates are called apes, with a bounty of 23 million Baileys.

There is also a one called Orangutan with a bounty of 36 million Baileys.

Will also specially asked the boss for a bounty order for the two big guys, as well as a map, and returned to the Spartan with everyone.

Yamaji was already waiting for everyone on the ship.

Seeing Will and the others returning, he quickly walked to Kosha and asked with some expectation: “Kousha, how is it, what is my bounty?!”



Sanji’s face was stunned, a little lost, he still didn’t have a bounty, which made his mood instantly low.

Akin dragged the anchor up, fixed it on the boat, and said to everyone: “Okay, you can set sail.” By

this time, Chloe had also lowered the sails and tied them with ropes.

Everything is ready.

“Set sail, go!!”

The Spartan turned its bow and sailed towards the position given by the bar owner.

Soon after.

From a distance, everyone saw a huge ship appear in sight, and Will took the telescope out of his pocket and looked at it.

It was a large ship with many humans in black tights, which looked like orangutans from a distance.

“That’s right, that’s them!” The corners of Will’s mouth raised, and it seemed that he had found his target.

He put down his binoculars and commanded: “Full speed!” ”

The Spartan accelerates quickly, and this ship is a complete one-to-one copy of One Piece Roger’s pirate ship.

Superb in terms of speed.

At this time.

On the extremely huge pirate ship, Xiao Miao reported to a huge, funny-looking man with two huge nostrils similar to orangutans: “Lord Orangutan, a pirate ship has been found in the sea ahead.

“The other side… The pirate flag of the other party seems to be in the limelight recently… Demon Pirates.

The orangutan who was originally lying on his back on the huge seat immediately sat upright, “The

guy who defeated Nanabu Haik Lockdar? ”

In terms of strength, I am on a par with Nanabu Haiklockdar, and if I don’t know if I meet that guy one day, I will take that guy’s place.”

“Since you can defeat Klockdar, you must be stronger than me, little ones, withdraw !!”

At the sound of an order, the pirates in tight suits on the ship shouted one after another, quickly controlled the ship to immediately turn around and began to escape.

At this time.

The orangutan on the deck said to himself: “My strength is comparable to Klockdar, and the Demon Pirates can defeat Klockdal, it’s better to avoid it.” ”

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